Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

And you notice they have never been used? Despite other countries regularly saying Israel should be "wiped off the map."
Only one person said that and he's dead.

Yes, the standard mistranslation excuse. The sentiment, however has been noted by many ME governments as well as individuals and organizations.

Do you see anywhere in Modern Israeli thought that other ME countries need to be exterminated?
What proof is there that Iran has not already enriched all the uranium they need for bomb(s)?

What proof is there they have?

All countries start from zero, so you must show they have more than zero.
Yes, the standard mistranslation excuse. The sentiment, however has been noted by many ME governments as well as individuals and organizations.

Do you see anywhere in Modern Israeli thought that other ME countries need to be exterminated?
Say what? Israel is actively trying to ethnically cleanse that entire area of all Palestinian existence.

They go beyond just saying it, they're actually doing it.
Yes, the standard mistranslation excuse. The sentiment, however has been noted by many ME governments as well as individuals and organizations.

Do you see anywhere in Modern Israeli thought that other ME countries need to be exterminated?
Say what? Israel is actively trying to ethnically cleanse that entire area of all Palestinian existence.

They go beyond just saying it, they're actually doing it.

The 1.5 million plus Israeli Arabs given full rights in Israel give lie to that statement....
Which one? Both were started by militants using the border as a refuge after and during attacks on Israel proper. Or if Mexico decided to start lobbing mortar rounds over the Rio Grande, the US should just ignore it?
The two IDF soldiers were captured on Lebonese soil.
What proof is there that Iran has not already enriched all the uranium they need for bomb(s)?

What proof is there they have?

All countries start from zero, so you must show they have more than zero.

It's up to Obabble to prove they have not....he is the president...he made the agreement...

And that is where inspections come in. There is no evidence Iran has achieved the enrichment of uranium to 90 percent which is necessary for the production of nuclear weapons. Inspections will verify this.

Iran must also eliminate its 20 percent enriched uranium as part of the agreement.

Are you babbling about the agreement without understanding the nature of a nuclear weapons program or the agreement itself?
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The 1.5 million plus Israeli Arabs given full rights in Israel give lie to that statement....
They don't have full rights. They live under a different set of laws that don't apply to jewish-Israeli's.

Nice work moving the goalposts, so you admit there is no genocidal plan, and now complain the rights are not "full rights". Please elaborate, considering they can vote, and can actually refuse military service 100% legally, unlike other groups.

Keep trying you jew hating hack.
Peres said "This is an interim deal. The success or failure of the deal will be judged by results, not by words. Israel like others in the international community prefers a diplomatic solution."

But, he continued, "I want to remind everyone of what President Obama said, and what I have personally heard from other leaders. The international community will not tolerate a nuclear Iran. And if the diplomatic path fails, the nuclear option will be prevented by other means. The alternative is far worse."
Which one? Both were started by militants using the border as a refuge after and during attacks on Israel proper. Or if Mexico decided to start lobbing mortar rounds over the Rio Grande, the US should just ignore it?
The two IDF soldiers were captured on Lebonese soil.

So ONE incident after thousands of palistinian militants crossing and firing over the border???

Eat a neg you jewbashing hack.
Know the difference between a Nazi and a dimocrap?

Yep. Who doesn't?

Neither do I

Ah! That explains a lot!

Your pals....

All race, all the time. All racism, all the time. It is so deeply ingrained in the dimocrap brain (or what passes for one) that it precludes you from being part of society.


November 18, 2013


By Ivan Fernando

Progressive Professor Urges White Male Students to Commit Suicide During Class | Diversity Chronicle

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!” Professor Noel Ignatiev, a tenured professor at Massachusetts College loudly proclaimed to his class last Monday, his final teaching day before retirement.

The good Professor’s sound and reasonable words resonate with every enlightened and progressive mind. They are indisputable and no one can debate them. They should not be controversial in the slightest, yet remarkably a few far-right extremists object to the Prof. Ignatiev’s advice. The Professor however, reported receiving “a standing ovation” from his “largely white and middle class students.” Prof. Ignatiev’s critics say that openly calling for students, even if they are white males, to kill themselves was inappropriate and perhaps excessive. In this article, we will look at the other side of the issue.

Fortunately, I was able to arrange a telephone interview with the professor. I felt he deserved a chance to tell his side of the story. A side that our radical and racist far-right media refuse to report. The transcript of our dialogue follows below:

Ivan Fernando: I want to thank you for agreeing to this interview. It’s a pleasure to be able to talk to an esteemed academic of your calibre and impressive credentials.

Prof. Ignatiev: Thank you. I am happy to talk with you today.

Ivan Fernando: I understand that a few people objected to your advice to your white male students on your last day of teaching. Why do you think that is?

Prof. Ignatiev: I chalk it all up to white supremacist attitudes. The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it. Those who object to my advice, knowingly or perhaps unknowingly, are themselves white supremacists. They wish to go on oppressing and exploiting other races and maintaining their own privileged positions of power. That is the conscious and sometimes subconscious motivation of all of my critics. That is why they object to destroying the cancer of humanity known as the white race. That ugly disease, which dares to call itself a people and a culture.

Ivan Fernando: All whites, or just white males should commit suicide?.... <snip>

Way past time to start playing Cowboys and dimocraps.

THIS is what passes for education in this Country
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