Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

Nice work moving the goalposts, so you admit there is no genocidal plan, and now complain the rights are not "full rights". Please elaborate, considering they can vote, and can actually refuse military service 100% legally, unlike other groups.
I was referring to the Palestinian's in the OPT's, not Israeli citizens.

Keep trying you jew hating hack.
And why is that? Why would I hate jews?

Since you just said I did, you must have a reason to think that. Well, what's that reason?
Nice work moving the goalposts, so you admit there is no genocidal plan, and now complain the rights are not "full rights". Please elaborate, considering they can vote, and can actually refuse military service 100% legally, unlike other groups.
I was referring to the Palestinian's in the OPT's, not Israeli citizens.

Keep trying you jew hating hack.
And why is that? Why would I hate jews?

Since you just said I did, you must have a reason to think that. Well, what's that reason?

Israeli arabs are for the most part palestinians. and you didnt answer my question, because you know you can't.
So ONE incident after thousands of palistinian militants crossing and firing over the border???

Eat a neg you jewbashing hack.
Where's your proof and why do you keep bringing up jews?

because despite your false attempt to seperate the two, we know you really mean jews when you bring up Israel.

Stop hiding your inner anti-semetic bigot and embrace it.
What's their record?

Oh, that's right....... 6 - 0


Sand Monkeys are like you, all talk, no fight. Unless it's against defenseless civilians. Especially women and children.

Then you're REAL tough.
Sand Monkeys are white, Irish Catholics?
Which one? Both were started by militants using the border as a refuge after and during attacks on Israel proper. Or if Mexico decided to start lobbing mortar rounds over the Rio Grande, the US should just ignore it?
The two IDF soldiers were captured on Lebonese soil.

So ONE incident after thousands of palistinian militants crossing and firing over the border???

Eat a neg you jewbashing hack.

And one from me, too?

I hate racist scumbags. Which ALL dimocraps are.
this agreement is based on a trustworthy Iran-------which is an oxymoron.

the ayatollahs are laughing at Kerry and obama as we speak.
because despite your false attempt to seperate the two, we know you really mean jews when you bring up Israel.

Stop hiding your inner anti-semetic bigot and embrace it.
When I say Israeli's, I mean Israeli's.

I asked you why would I hate jews? Do you have the balls to answer that question?
What proof is there they have?

All countries start from zero, so you must show they have more than zero.

It's up to Obabble to prove they have not....he is the president...he made the agreement...

And that is where inspections come in. There is no evidence Iran has achieved the enrichment of uranium to 90 percent which is necessary for the production of nuclear weapons. Inspections will verify this.

Iran must also eliminate its 20 percent enriched uranium as part of the agreement.

Are you babbling about the agreement without understanding the nature of a nuclear weapons program or the agreement itself?

Are you babbling about the history of success of inspectors relative to Iraq, Iran and Korea?
And you notice they have never been used? Despite other countries regularly saying Israel should be "wiped off the map."
Only one person said that and he's dead.

Yes, the standard mistranslation excuse. The sentiment, however has been noted by many ME governments as well as individuals and organizations.

Do you see anywhere in Modern Israeli thought that other ME countries need to be exterminated?


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