Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

Only one person said that and he's dead.

Yes, the standard mistranslation excuse. The sentiment, however has been noted by many ME governments as well as individuals and organizations.

Do you see anywhere in Modern Israeli thought that other ME countries need to be exterminated?


Sewage flood pushes Gaza crisis to new heights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

And we have the obligatory anti-semites adding random things that do not apply to the topic at hand. Arab countries have said they want israel destroyed, repeatedly, Israel has said no such thing.

Go back in your hole.
Patriotic American are loyal to the USA, but Edge is loyal only to Bibi Netanyahu.

That's one serious mancrush Edge has going on there, if he's even willing to betray the USA over it. It's not that he loves Israel; he loves the Israeli Prime Minister.

I wonder how Bibi does it. Conservatives, which specific sweet nothings from Bibi caused you to fall so madly and hopelessly in love with him?
this agreement is based on a trustworthy Iran-------which is an oxymoron.

the ayatollahs are laughing at Kerry and obama as we speak.

“None of this is based on trust. It’s not a question of trust,” Kerry said.

“Verification is the key. And President Obama and I have said since the beginning, we’re not just going to verify, or trust and verify. We’re going to verify and verify and verify.”

Kerry: Iran deal not about trust | TheHill
I don't see how it's in anyone's benefit to give Iranians money and allow them to continue their nuclear program. You think this is going to create peace? just look at the reactions from Saudi Arabia and Israel. Tensions are going to be heightened.

I fail to see how it's wise to expect good results from working with a nation that wants to destroy us as religious doctrine. We are the Great Satan to them.

But I've long come to terms with the fact that events are in God's hands. If we want to foolishly help in what is likely to be lots of lives being lost, then we will be accountable to Him for that.
Yes, the standard mistranslation excuse. The sentiment, however has been noted by many ME governments as well as individuals and organizations.

Do you see anywhere in Modern Israeli thought that other ME countries need to be exterminated?


Sewage flood pushes Gaza crisis to new heights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

And we have the obligatory anti-semites adding random things that do not apply to the topic at hand. Arab countries have said they want israel destroyed, repeatedly, Israel has said no such thing.

Go back in your hole.


Part Jewish - so fail.

You miss the point that actions speak SO much louder than words. "Wipe off the map" means different things to different peoples; to most of those who said it, it simply means, quite literally, the MAP - not the globe. To ones like you, who wish to incite more hatred, it means what you SAY it means.

On the other hand, pushing generations of indigenous people out of their land and into a latter day version of the Warsaw Ghettos, fucking over what little gains are made towards peace by obnoxious and inciteful acts and attacks, cutting off clean water, power,


drowning GAZA in raw SEWAGE, kidnapping and torturing CHILDREN,


plowing under generations of olive trees, people's homes, expanding past the borders that are already in dispute the world over, blocking humanitarian relief, - those things speak volumes, and the whole WORLD is watching now.

And it does Bibi no favor that, ahem, GERMANY found the testicular fortitude to call that evil fuck the war criminal he is.

And we have the obligatory anti-semites adding random things that do not apply to the topic at hand. Arab countries have said they want israel destroyed, repeatedly, Israel has said no such thing.

Go back in your hole.


Part Jewish - so fail.

You miss the point that actions speak SO much louder than words. "Wipe off the map" means different things to different peoples; to most of those who said it, it simply means, quite literally, the MAP - not the globe. To ones like you, who wish to incite more hatred, it means what you SAY it means.

On the other hand, pushing generations of indigenous people out of their land and into a latter day version of the Warsaw Ghettos, fucking over what little gains are made towards peace by obnoxious and inciteful acts and attacks, cutting off clean water, power,


drowning GAZA in raw SEWAGE, kidnapping and torturing CHILDREN,


plowing under generations of olive trees, people's homes, expanding past the borders that are already in dispute the world over, blocking humanitarian relief, - those things speak volumes, and the whole WORLD is watching now.

And it does Bibi no favor that, ahem, GERMANY found the testicular fortitude to call that evil fuck the war criminal he is.

Keep justifying a desire to kill as many israelis as possible while driving them into the sea as "linguistic differences" you self hating bitch.

Also, next time you try to neg someone, actually hit the "deduct rep" button, not the give rep button.

Self hating and stupid, you must be a real fucking catch.
this agreement is based on a trustworthy Iran-------which is an oxymoron.

the ayatollahs are laughing at Kerry and obama as we speak.

“None of this is based on trust. It’s not a question of trust,” Kerry said.

“Verification is the key. And President Obama and I have said since the beginning, we’re not just going to verify, or trust and verify. We’re going to verify and verify and verify.”

Kerry: Iran deal not about trust | TheHill

right, and you think the iranians are going to give our inspectors full access???????? If you do, you are hopelessly naive.
this agreement is based on a trustworthy Iran-------which is an oxymoron.

the ayatollahs are laughing at Kerry and obama as we speak.

“None of this is based on trust. It’s not a question of trust,” Kerry said.

“Verification is the key. And President Obama and I have said since the beginning, we’re not just going to verify, or trust and verify. We’re going to verify and verify and verify.”

Kerry: Iran deal not about trust | TheHill

right, and you think the iranians are going to give our inspectors full access???????? If you do, you are hopelessly naive.

Look at that agreement again. The inspectors will be provided video tapes of inspection site daily, but not allowed to enter.
And we have the obligatory anti-semites adding random things that do not apply to the topic at hand. Arab countries have said they want israel destroyed, repeatedly, Israel has said no such thing.

Go back in your hole.


Part Jewish - so fail.

You miss the point that actions speak SO much louder than words. "Wipe off the map" means different things to different peoples; to most of those who said it, it simply means, quite literally, the MAP - not the globe. To ones like you, who wish to incite more hatred, it means what you SAY it means.

On the other hand, pushing generations of indigenous people out of their land and into a latter day version of the Warsaw Ghettos, fucking over what little gains are made towards peace by obnoxious and inciteful acts and attacks, cutting off clean water, power,


drowning GAZA in raw SEWAGE, kidnapping and torturing CHILDREN,


plowing under generations of olive trees, people's homes, expanding past the borders that are already in dispute the world over, blocking humanitarian relief, - those things speak volumes, and the whole WORLD is watching now.

And it does Bibi no favor that, ahem, GERMANY found the testicular fortitude to call that evil fuck the war criminal he is.

Keep justifying a desire to kill as many israelis as possible while driving them into the sea as "linguistic differences" you self hating bitch.

Also, next time you try to neg someone, actually hit the "deduct rep" button, not the give rep button.

Self hating and stupid, you must be a real fucking catch.

Perhaps the Arab terrorists should stop attacking Israel, you know, like 24/7....
And we have the obligatory anti-semites adding random things that do not apply to the topic at hand. Arab countries have said they want israel destroyed, repeatedly, Israel has said no such thing.

Go back in your hole.


Part Jewish - so fail.

You miss the point that actions speak SO much louder than words. "Wipe off the map" means different things to different peoples; to most of those who said it, it simply means, quite literally, the MAP - not the globe. To ones like you, who wish to incite more hatred, it means what you SAY it means.

On the other hand, pushing generations of indigenous people out of their land and into a latter day version of the Warsaw Ghettos, fucking over what little gains are made towards peace by obnoxious and inciteful acts and attacks, cutting off clean water, power,


drowning GAZA in raw SEWAGE, kidnapping and torturing CHILDREN,


plowing under generations of olive trees, people's homes, expanding past the borders that are already in dispute the world over, blocking humanitarian relief, - those things speak volumes, and the whole WORLD is watching now.

And it does Bibi no favor that, ahem, GERMANY found the testicular fortitude to call that evil fuck the war criminal he is.

Keep justifying a desire to kill as many israelis as possible while driving them into the sea as "linguistic differences" you self hating bitch.

Also, next time you try to neg someone, actually hit the "deduct rep" button, not the give rep button.

Self hating and stupid, you must be a real fucking catch.

I saw that green there, I'll make up for it. And I don't hate myself, I simply don't identify with Zionism, OR American imperialism, for that matter. You must be very frustrated to resort to the foaming at the mouth bit. I think they make plastic keyboard protectors for that now.


Part Jewish - so fail.

You miss the point that actions speak SO much louder than words. "Wipe off the map" means different things to different peoples; to most of those who said it, it simply means, quite literally, the MAP - not the globe. To ones like you, who wish to incite more hatred, it means what you SAY it means.

On the other hand, pushing generations of indigenous people out of their land and into a latter day version of the Warsaw Ghettos, fucking over what little gains are made towards peace by obnoxious and inciteful acts and attacks, cutting off clean water, power,


drowning GAZA in raw SEWAGE, kidnapping and torturing CHILDREN,


plowing under generations of olive trees, people's homes, expanding past the borders that are already in dispute the world over, blocking humanitarian relief, - those things speak volumes, and the whole WORLD is watching now.

And it does Bibi no favor that, ahem, GERMANY found the testicular fortitude to call that evil fuck the war criminal he is.

Keep justifying a desire to kill as many israelis as possible while driving them into the sea as "linguistic differences" you self hating bitch.

Also, next time you try to neg someone, actually hit the "deduct rep" button, not the give rep button.

Self hating and stupid, you must be a real fucking catch.

I saw that green there, I'll make up for it. And I don't hate myself, I simply don't identify with Zionism, OR American imperialism, for that matter. You must be very frustrated to resort to the foaming at the mouth bit. I think they make plastic keyboard protectors for that now.


Ah, one of THOSE annoying people.

and its not frustration, is an inability to abide by stupid twats such as yourself.
He thinks the agreement is wishful thinking that will be ignored by Iran, with the end result of Israel having to deal with them.
What's to deal with?

It's none of Israel's god-damn business!

Israel is one of the countries threatened by a nuclear Iran. Its alot of thier business, and if we dont want them taking matters into thier own hands, then its our problem.

Yup and Isreal is more than capable of blowing Iran off the map right now. Now wouldn't that create a firestorm in the ME??

All any American POTUS has ever done about Iran is a fat lot of nothing. As for the UN? Lot useless nothing there as well. Any agreements made with them are never followed by Iran. Hell. They are as bad as NK. I wonder why anyone even bothers with them.

Let Iran get the bomb. The minute they threaten anyone with it turn the country into a glass parking lot. End of problem.
Netanyahu repeated a reference to his own red line by stating, “Israel will not allow Iran to develop a military nuclear capability.”
It's not Israel's decision to make.

What a vapid position to take.

When fucking Iran has condemned and threatened Israel, it is certainly Israel's business to take very careful note of Iran's potential development of nuclear weapons.

Thankfully, Israel is not bound by such narrow-minded partisan and mindless views.
The least surprising aspect of this is that as soon as this made the news the mainstream media went out and found every politician in the pocket of the Israel lobby they could to put on the air to trash it.
this agreement is based on a trustworthy Iran-------which is an oxymoron.

the ayatollahs are laughing at Kerry and obama as we speak.

“None of this is based on trust. It’s not a question of trust,” Kerry said.

“Verification is the key. And President Obama and I have said since the beginning, we’re not just going to verify, or trust and verify. We’re going to verify and verify and verify.”

Kerry: Iran deal not about trust | TheHill

right, and you think the iranians are going to give our inspectors full access???????? If you do, you are hopelessly naive.

To some people the glass is half full of water, to others it is half empty, still to others it is full of air and water.
It is amazing to me how anti-semitic the American Left has become. Israel is the only real ally we ave in the Middle East. Iran has threatened to wipe out Israel. Of course it is their issue and of course they are concerned. They would be foolish if they were not concerned.

Stop the hatred toward Jews. It is really disgusting.

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