Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

Yeah, I thought when you win a war that you got to keep the territory you conquer, or are we giving back California and Arizona to Mexico?
Conquer by conquest has been illegal since the end of WWII.

Wrong. Invading a neighboring country is illegal, but if that country attacks you, then they deserve what they get. Loss of territory is one of those things.
That isn't propaganda. It's historical fact. There never was any nation named "Palestine." The people who call themselves "Palestinians" are mostly Jordanians, some Egyptians and some Syrians.
It doesn't matter what name you call them, there were indigenous arabs living in that area for generations. They have inalienable rights Israel is preventing them from enjoying.
Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.
The Israeli's are taking more and more land in the OPT for their settler insurgents, they bulldoze down entire Palestinian neighborhoods, they uproot entire Bedoin communities, they constantly spew out propaganda that Palestinian's don't exist, there never was a Palestine, they're a made up people, etc.

They're trying to make life so hard for the Palestinian's, that they'll just get up and leave.

Now are you going to answer my question, or not?

That isn't propaganda. It's historical fact. There never was any nation named "Palestine." The people who call themselves "Palestinians" are mostly Jordanians, some Egyptians and some Syrians.

Yep, that's why the League of Nations gave the British the "Mostly Jordanians, Some Egyptians and Some Syrians" Mandate!
Israel has always sought peace.

When have their opponents?
If Israel sought peace, they wouldn't constantly break the ceasefires.

Nope. They don't break the ceasefires. They RETALIATE against the Palestinian violations of the ceasefires.

And the Israelis also act to prevent rocket attacks or some other kind of attack by striking the installations or the organizers of the intended attack.

THAT is when the media loudly proclaims the latest IDF attack. But in my experience you hear very little from the media when the ceasefires are actually first broken.

By the Palestinians.

I believe this is because the media has yielded to an unending lobbying effort, by Muslims around the world,* to demonize Israel and Jews. This has helped to produce a very biased media. Biased against Jews and Israel.

Much as you are.

* - From the Hamas Covenant...

'Palestine is an Islamic land... Since this is the case, the

Liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Moslem

wherever he may be.'
(Article 13)

The Call to Jihad:


'The day the enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the

individual duty of every Moslem. In the face of the Jews' usurpation,

it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.'
(Article 15)
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U.N. resolutions are not International law. They are mostly propaganda issued by the dictators debating club.
Resolutions by the UNSC are binding and very much international law.

You really are stupid, aren't you?

I mean, honest-to-God mentally defective.

No, it is you who are stupid.

Nations are bound by UN Resolutions by their Treaty obligations they incur by being member states in the UN.
Only in bizarro world is Israel illegally occupying Judea and Samaria
Actually, that's the official position of every country on the planet.

About 30 countries do not recognize the State of Israel.

Most of these are Muslim states.

Why the bigotry, Muslims?

Do you guys also wear white hoods and burn crosses on Jews front lawns?

Is your hatred toward Jews commanded by the Koran?
Actually, that's the official position of every country on the planet.

So you're not only stupid beyond belief, you're a liar.

Figures. In dimocrap circles, that's about par for the course

Wasn't Gaza part of the territory the U.N. 'deeded' them in 1948?

Or was it part of the territory acquired as captured land after all five of her neighbors launched a combined first strike on Israel but Israel prevailed and kept the land to deny it to her enemies?
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Actually, that's the official position of every country on the planet.

So you're not only stupid beyond belief, you're a liar.

Figures. In dimocrap circles, that's about par for the course

I suggest you do something for a living that doesn't put you, or anyone else, in danger.

You are seriously far too stupid to handle anything more dangerous that a soup ladle.

1. There are no enforcement provisions in UNSC rulings. Without them, nothing is enforceable. Nothing.

2. The United States disagrees with the UN on Israel and Palestine.

Maybe the UN should enforce their decree by invading us.

That would be funny. Wonder who they'd pick to do it?

The French? :lmao:

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U.N. resolutions are not International law. They are mostly propaganda issued by the dictators debating club.
Resolutions by the UNSC are binding and very much international law.

I'm glad to see both you and SherriMunnerlyn both agree that "Resolutions by the UNSC are binding and very much international law."

This is part of the foundation for the Bush Administration's legal justification for invading Iraq.

Administration Makes Case Against Iraq
Sept. 12

For weeks, the Bush administration has promised to make the case for waging war against Iraq and removing its president, Saddam Hussein, from power. The campaign reached a new peak today with President Bush's appearance before the United Nations.

Ahead of the president's speech, the White House released this document. It was assembled by the National Security Council, and served as the basis and background for the president's speech. The text of the document follows:

A Decade of Deception and Defiance serves as a background paper for President George Bush's Sept. 12 speech to the United Nations General Assembly. This document provides specific examples of how Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has systematically and continually violated 16 United Nations Security Council resolutions over the past decade. This document is not designed to catalog all of the violations of U.N. resolutions or other abuses of Saddam Hussein's regime over the years.

For more than a decade, Saddam Hussein has deceived and defied the will and resolutions of the United Nations Security Council by, among other things: continuing to seek and develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and prohibited long-range missiles; brutalizing the Iraqi people, including committing gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity; supporting international terrorism; refusing to release or account for prisoners of war and other missing individuals from the Gulf War era; refusing to return stolen Kuwaiti property; and working to circumvent the United Nation's economic sanctions.

The administration will periodically provide information on these and other aspects of the threat posed to the international community by Saddam Hussein.


Saddam Hussein's Defiance of United Nations Resolutions

Saddam Hussein has repeatedly violated 16 United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) designed to ensure that Iraq does not pose a threat to international peace and security. In addition to these repeated violations, he has tried, over the past decade, to circumvent U.N. economic sanctions against Iraq, which are reflected in a number of other resolutions. As noted in the resolutions, Saddam Hussein was required to fulfill many obligations beyond the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

Specifically, Saddam Hussein was required to, among other things: allow international weapons inspectors to oversee the destruction of his weapons of mass destruction; not develop new weapons of mass destruction; destroy all of his ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometers; stop support for terrorism and prevent terrorist organizations from operating within Iraq; help account for missing Kuwaitis and other individuals; return stolen Kuwaiti property and bear financial liability for damage from the Gulf War; and he was required to end his repression of the Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein has repeatedly violated each of the following resolutions:

Administration Makes Case Against Iraq - ABC News
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So you're not only stupid beyond belief, you're a liar.

Figures. In dimocrap circles, that's about par for the course

I suggest you do something for a living that doesn't put you, or anyone else, in danger.

You are seriously far too stupid to handle anything more dangerous that a soup ladle.

1. There are no enforcement provisions in UNSC rulings. Without them, nothing is enforceable. Nothing.

2. The United States disagrees with the UN on Israel and Palestine.

Maybe the UN should enforce their decree by invading us.

That would be funny. Wonder who they'd pick to do it?

The French? :lmao:


The French have a military reputation which doesn't do justice to their level of fighting competence.

I'm just sayin, don't take them lightly.
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UN resolution 242.

That is one of over a hundred Israel is in violation of.

U.N. resolutions are not International law. They are mostly propaganda issued by the dictators debating club.

So they were only momentarily important when Bush was using them to justify his Iraq disaster.

What made it a disaster?

The fact that he was fooled by Saddam's boasts?

Here's a CBS 60 Minutes segment interview with Saddam's interrogator, FBI Agent George Piro.

This will rock your little world view.

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