Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

It is amazing to me how anti-semitic the American Left has become. Israel is the only real ally we ave in the Middle East. Iran has threatened to wipe out Israel. Of course it is their issue and of course they are concerned. They would be foolish if they were not concerned.

Stop the hatred toward Jews. It is really disgusting.
This issue has nothing to do with jews.

It's about Israeli foreign policy.
What a vapid position to take.

When fucking Iran has condemned and threatened Israel, it is certainly Israel's business to take very careful note of Iran's potential development of nuclear weapons.

Thankfully, Israel is not bound by such narrow-minded partisan and mindless views.
Iran hasn't threatened Israel, but Israel has threatened Iran many times.
Let Iran get the bomb. The minute they threaten anyone with it turn the country into a glass parking lot. End of problem.
That's what I say!

Any country smart enough to build "the bomb", is also smart enough to know if they use that "bomb", their country will glow in the dark.
And that's just my humble opinion... the hell with Benjamin Netanyahu and what he thinks. If Israel doesn't like the agreement Obama stuck up with Iran than Israel can go on it's own and renounce America and all of it's billions of dollars in aid America provides in tax-payers hand-outs to prop up Israel. I'm not alone in feeling this way either.

Iran nuclear deal: Israel dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement - World News

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deplored the agreement reached Sunday in Geneva, saying the deal with Iran is a "historical mistake" to which Israel is not bound.

Israel has always sought peace.

When have their opponents?
Show me the rights they dont have, and you were talking about palestinians, some of whom are arab israeli citizens.
So you want to talk about two separate issues at the same time?

Re: the issue of arab-Israeli rights...

An editorial in Haaretz...observed that Israel was really “two separate states, one Arab and one Jewish. … This is the gap between the Jewish state of Israel, which is a developed Western nation, and the Arab state of Israel, which is no more than a Third World country.”

Segregation is enforced in all the main spheres of life: land allocation and housing, citizenship rights, education, and employment.

None of this is accidental. It was intended this way to guarantee Israel’s future as a Jewish state. Legal groups have identified 57 laws that overtly discriminate between Jewish and Palestinian citizens, with a dozen more heading towards the statute books.
Now, re: the issue of ethnic cleansing...

I'll say this one more time, I was talking about Palestinian's in the OPT. Got it? You don't tell me my point. I tell you!
Show me the rights they dont have, and you were talking about palestinians, some of whom are arab israeli citizens.
So you want to talk about two separate issues at the same time?

Re: the issue of arab-Israeli rights...

An editorial in Haaretz...observed that Israel was really “two separate states, one Arab and one Jewish. … This is the gap between the Jewish state of Israel, which is a developed Western nation, and the Arab state of Israel, which is no more than a Third World country.”

Segregation is enforced in all the main spheres of life: land allocation and housing, citizenship rights, education, and employment.

None of this is accidental. It was intended this way to guarantee Israel’s future as a Jewish state. Legal groups have identified 57 laws that overtly discriminate between Jewish and Palestinian citizens, with a dozen more heading towards the statute books.
Now, re: the issue of ethnic cleansing...

I'll say this one more time, I was talking about Palestinian's in the OPT. Got it? You don't tell me my point. I tell you!

You made a blank generic statement and I called you on it. Go crawl back under your rock.
You made a blank generic statement and I called you on it. Go crawl back under your rock.
I did nothing of the kind. I posted an article that said legal groups have identified 57 apartheid laws. That's not generic. One of them is the Nakba Law.

If you don't care for my answer, just remember this, at least I had the balls to answer your question. You're still too pussy to answer mine!
Their surrogates in the ME have been attacking Israel & others for decades....
No they haven't!

Israel has started the last 6 wars they've been in.

What's their record?

Oh, that's right....... 6 - 0


Sand Monkeys are like you, all talk, no fight. Unless it's against defenseless civilians. Especially women and children.

Then you're REAL tough.

Israel is 6 and 0?

Really asshole ?

And where would Israel be if they didn't rely heavily on American military and economic aid? They'd be up a shit creek without a paddle is where they would be. They would probably be 0 and 6.

Yes, Israel is really tough with the United States around to back them up aren't they? And that's why the ME hates us with a passion. Israel does a fine job of killing women and children themselves, backed by the US!
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You made a blank generic statement and I called you on it. Go crawl back under your rock.
I did nothing of the kind. I posted an article that said legal groups have identified 57 apartheid laws. That's not generic. One of them is the Nakba Law.

If you don't care for my answer, just remember this, at least I had the balls to answer your question. You're still too pussy to answer mine!

Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.
Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.
The Israeli's are taking more and more land in the OPT for their settler insurgents, they bulldoze down entire Palestinian neighborhoods, they uproot entire Bedoin communities, they constantly spew out propaganda that Palestinian's don't exist, there never was a Palestine, they're a made up people, etc.

They're trying to make life so hard for the Palestinian's, that they'll just get up and leave.

Now are you going to answer my question, or not?
Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.
The Israeli's are taking more and more land in the OPT for their settler insurgents, they bulldoze down entire Palestinian neighborhoods, they uproot entire Bedoin communities, they constantly spew out propaganda that Palestinian's don't exist, there never was a Palestine, they're a made up people, etc.

They're trying to make life so hard for the Palestinian's, that they'll just get up and leave.

Now are you going to answer my question, or not?

Still not genocide, considering they have the very ethnic group as members of its citizenry.

Keep trying there dippy.
Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.
The Israeli's are taking more and more land in the OPT for their settler insurgents, they bulldoze down entire Palestinian neighborhoods, they uproot entire Bedoin communities, they constantly spew out propaganda that Palestinian's don't exist, there never was a Palestine, they're a made up people, etc.

They're trying to make life so hard for the Palestinian's, that they'll just get up and leave.

Now are you going to answer my question, or not?

That isn't propaganda. It's historical fact. There never was any nation named "Palestine." The people who call themselves "Palestinians" are mostly Jordanians, some Egyptians and some Syrians.
Who doesn't approve of their neighbors having pesky bomb factories?
Who approves of a 47 year occupation that makes daily life a living hell and is in violation of all applicable international laws?

Only in bizarro world is Israel illegally occupying Judea and Samaria

Yeah, I thought when you win a war that you got to keep the territory you conquer, or are we giving back California and Arizona to Mexico?
Still not genocide, considering they have the very ethnic group as members of its citizenry.

Keep trying there dippy.
You keep trying to change the subject of my point, instead of addressing it.

Is that because you don't have a valid argument, or you don't have the balls to?

Because it's obvious you don't have the balls to answer a direct question.

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