Israeli stabbed a Russian Journalist


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A female Russian Journalist was stabbed by an Israeli citizen. You betcha the guy has nothing to fear because any police investigations against Israeli citizens could be treated as 'Nazism', 'racism', 'pogrom' and 'antisemitism'. In the worst case the assaulter will stay in psychiatry for a short time and then deported to Israel.

The man who committed the attack has been identified in local media as 49-year-old Boris Grits, and a citizen of Israel. It is not yet clear if the man had dual Russian citizenship, or ever had Russian citizenship, though he did communicate to investigators in Russian.

Questions emerge after lone attacker executes careful plan to attack independent journalist in Moscow
How the crime is covered by German Lugenpresse - Lying Press?

DDR 2.0 MSM lie 24/7, usually almost nothing is true, only Merkel's socialist lying propaganda.
Here MSM liars lie about an 'psycho' without mentioning of his Israeli citizenship.After reading the lying
'story' reader can conclude the female journalist was killed by Kremlin over her Putin critical reports.And Putin was the biggest journalit killer who already murdered 58 independent journalists.

German lying MSM are one of the biggest liars in the world!

Read here:

Ärzte holen russische Journalistin aus Koma

Never Trust German MSM!
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