Israeli's Helping Palestinians

Trolling posts have been removed - if you find yourself absolutely incapabable of "holding it" - take it to the Flame Zone and quit crapping here.
"According to a senior Israeli officia1, US President Barack Obama will postpone his planned visit to Israel until after Passover on 2 April if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not be able to form a coalition by 16 March. (Haaretz)

"Settlement construction would be suspended until after President Obama’s visit to Israel. According to instructions provided by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office to the Ministries of Defense and Housing, no new tenders for housing would be issued in the coming weeks.

"Similarly, projects whose planning had been completed would not be carried out, and all other bureaucratic steps involved in the public tenders would be postponed. (Ma’ariv)

"Settlers threw rocks and damaged a number of Palestinian cars along a street near the 'Yizhar' settlement south of Nablus, a Palestinian official said. (Ma’an News Agency)"

With help like this, can "humanitarian transfer" be far behind?

Chronological Review of Events/March 2013 - DPR review (unedited version) (31 March 2013)

So why don't you start a new thread on this rather than crapping up a positive thread...?
Hoss, thanks for mentioning Project Hope! One of my dear friends in high school was the daughter of one of the doctors on that ship. It's a wonderful project!
Palestinian, Jew give both sides on joint Jerusalem tours

(CNN) -- As a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces, Kobi Skolnick once fired shots at Aziz Abu Sarah's aunt's house in the West Bank town of Hebron.

Ten years later, Skolnick, a former Israeli settler, who grew up in an ultra-orthodox household, and Abu Sarah, once a Palestinian militant, work together explaining both sides of the Middle East conflict to tourists.

They discovered the uncomfortable coincidence during a tour in Hebron for Mejdi, a "dual-narrative" tour company co-owned by Abu Sarah, where every tour is jointly led by Jewish and Palestinian guides.

Abu Sarah, 30, said: "He (Skolnick) was talking about which houses he shot at, and one of the houses was my aunt's."

Skolnick said of the revelation: "I had shot at her house, and there had been shots fired from the house, but we were so glad we could share that with no judgment.

"We have profound moments like that all the time on our tours because I used to fight Palestinians and some of them used to fight Israelis. Now we come together and try to find a solution."

Such a cool article - worth the read :)

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