Israelis in Gaza vicinity: We're still in the line of fire


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
"When Qassam rockets are fired you hear a siren, but when tunnels are being dug under your feet you never know when a terrorist might come out and enter a village." This is how the residents of the Israeli territory surrounding Gaza responded to the exposure of a terror tunnel near Kibbutz Ein HaShalosha.

While linking the event to the defense establishment's decision to halt IDF security arrangements near Gaza vicinity communities, the residents stressed that "there are still threats" that require reliable and professional forces.

"There has been no improvement when it comes to the threats from Gaza," said Head of Shaar Hanegev Regional Council Alon Shuster. "The presence of the soldiers and security forces is meant to address ground threats, and today it was proven to us they still exist, therefore the decision to cancel the security of the communities is wrong. In emergency situations, such as the penetration of a terrorist into a village, the first and most useful response is that of the soldiers securing the area, and with the absence of that, the villages are at risk."

Israelis in Gaza vicinity: We're still in the line of fire - Israel News, Ynetnews


May God protect and bless the south from all harms and sorrows!:eusa_pray:
Every time Israel gets Rocket Fire from Gaza they should retaliate.

Exactly, and do what they've always done...steal more land.

Southern never rebelled or asked for anything but protection.

The answer should be. They throw a rocket, they get a rocket back.

It's time for the people of the south to start creating rockets and send back their uninvited "gifts"

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