Israelis targeted UN peacekeepers in Lebanon: Spanish report


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
With all the controversy about Israel and its relationship with the US, the Iran deal, and the discussion of the Palestinian statehood, this ought to shake things up.

Madrid (AFP) - A confidential Spanish military report on the death of a Spanish UN peacekeeper in Israeli shelling in Lebanon said he was manning a post that appeared to have been targeted, a newspaper reported Sunday.

El Pais cited extracts from the report which drew on testimony from soldiers following the January 28 incident when the Israeli military shelled border areas following a Hezbollah attack that left two Israeli soldiers dead.

Corporal Ivan Lopez Sanchez, who was stationed nearby, told investigators that the UN position was clearly targeted.

"Every time, they corrected the trajectory from Majidiye to the 4-28" post, where the UNIFIL peacekeepers were stationed, he said.

Spain and Israel have agreed to carry out a joint probe into the death of 36-year-old corporal Javier Soria Toledo.

Another Spanish soldier, Sergeant Julio Xavier Garcia, echoed Sanchez, saying the shells initially fell about 500 metres (yards) north of the UN post and then they "corrected the trajectory towards the position."

A third soldier said fragmentation bombs were used in the attack and that the shelling finally appeared to target the main watch tower.

El Pais quoted a UN report which said that Israel had warned the UN peacekeepers at 11:40 am not to venture out, without giving any explanation.

Between 11:48 am and 1:43 pm, nearly 120 artillery shells, 90 mortar grenades and five projectiles were fired in the area, El Pais quoted the report as saying.

The 10,000-strong United Nations Interim Force Lebanon (UNIFIL) includes some 600 Spanish soldiers and troops from 35 other nations.

Link here: Israelis targeted UN peacekeepers in Lebanon Spanish report - Yahoo News
With all the controversy about Israel and its relationship with the US, the Iran deal, and the discussion of the Palestinian statehood, this ought to shake things up.

Madrid (AFP) - A confidential Spanish military report on the death of a Spanish UN peacekeeper in Israeli shelling in Lebanon said he was manning a post that appeared to have been targeted, a newspaper reported Sunday.

El Pais cited extracts from the report which drew on testimony from soldiers following the January 28 incident when the Israeli military shelled border areas following a Hezbollah attack that left two Israeli soldiers dead.

Corporal Ivan Lopez Sanchez, who was stationed nearby, told investigators that the UN position was clearly targeted.

"Every time, they corrected the trajectory from Majidiye to the 4-28" post, where the UNIFIL peacekeepers were stationed, he said.

Spain and Israel have agreed to carry out a joint probe into the death of 36-year-old corporal Javier Soria Toledo.

Another Spanish soldier, Sergeant Julio Xavier Garcia, echoed Sanchez, saying the shells initially fell about 500 metres (yards) north of the UN post and then they "corrected the trajectory towards the position."

A third soldier said fragmentation bombs were used in the attack and that the shelling finally appeared to target the main watch tower.

El Pais quoted a UN report which said that Israel had warned the UN peacekeepers at 11:40 am not to venture out, without giving any explanation.

Between 11:48 am and 1:43 pm, nearly 120 artillery shells, 90 mortar grenades and five projectiles were fired in the area, El Pais quoted the report as saying.

The 10,000-strong United Nations Interim Force Lebanon (UNIFIL) includes some 600 Spanish soldiers and troops from 35 other nations.

Link here: Israelis targeted UN peacekeepers in Lebanon Spanish report - Yahoo News
One dead UN soldier? They need to work on their aim.
There's no such thing as a UN peacekeeper. All blue helmets are legitimate targets.
Notice that "after shelling by hezbollah" was overlooked.
Well we wouldn't want the whole story out there.They certainly aren't there for peacekeeping for Israel. If a blue helmet shows up in your town kill him. He's not there for any good to be done.
I agree, I supported Saddam giving the finger to UN resolutions. Shouldn't have invaded him for that.
There's no such thing as a UN peacekeeper. All blue helmets are legitimate targets.
Notice that "after shelling by hezbollah" was overlooked.
Last I checked, the UN and Hezbollah were separate entities. Were these UN soldiers fighting with Hezbollah? If Hezbollah attacks Israel, why should UN peacekeepers be killed for it?
This BS has been hashed out in other threads. It all boils down to the fact that Hezbollah was shelling the Israelis from positions right beside the UN compound. The UN knew it , said nothing and did nothing. The UN commander was just as complicit as Hezbollah. Screw 'em all.
The term "U.N. peacekeepers" is misleading, given that the U.N. is little more than a mouthpiece for tyrants and mass murderers.
There's no such thing as a UN peacekeeper. All blue helmets are legitimate targets.
Notice that "after shelling by hezbollah" was overlooked.
Last I checked, the UN and Hezbollah were separate entities. Were these UN soldiers fighting with Hezbollah? If Hezbollah attacks Israel, why should UN peacekeepers be killed for it?
What makes you think they are separate? When the UN actually has representatives who's countries kill women and gays and has a vote to call Israel a human rights violator...are you kidding me? The UN is a fucking joke. And if they send their people into your country you should kill them. They aren't there to help you. We should defund the UN immediately. It's a fucking joke looking at who the countries are on the human rights commission. This is not a serious organization that needs our tax dollars supporting them. Get rid of it and that will keep the blue helmet's home so we won't have to kill them.
There's no such thing as a UN peacekeeper. All blue helmets are legitimate targets.
Notice that "after shelling by hezbollah" was overlooked.
Last I checked, the UN and Hezbollah were separate entities. Were these UN soldiers fighting with Hezbollah? If Hezbollah attacks Israel, why should UN peacekeepers be killed for it?
What makes you think they are separate? When the UN actually has representatives who's countries kill women and gays and has a vote to call Israel a human rights violator...are you kidding me? The UN is a fucking joke. And if they send their people into your country you should kill them. They aren't there to help you. We should defund the UN immediately. It's a fucking joke looking at who the countries are on the human rights commission. This is not a serious organization that needs our tax dollars supporting them. Get rid of it and that will keep the blue helmet's home so we won't have to kill them.
If you oppose the UN, than you opposed invading Iraq to enforce UN resolutions, and supported Saddam Hussein, right?
There's no such thing as a UN peacekeeper. All blue helmets are legitimate targets.
Notice that "after shelling by hezbollah" was overlooked.
Last I checked, the UN and Hezbollah were separate entities. Were these UN soldiers fighting with Hezbollah? If Hezbollah attacks Israel, why should UN peacekeepers be killed for it?
What makes you think they are separate? When the UN actually has representatives who's countries kill women and gays and has a vote to call Israel a human rights violator...are you kidding me? The UN is a fucking joke. And if they send their people into your country you should kill them. They aren't there to help you. We should defund the UN immediately. It's a fucking joke looking at who the countries are on the human rights commission. This is not a serious organization that needs our tax dollars supporting them. Get rid of it and that will keep the blue helmet's home so we won't have to kill them.
If you oppose the UN, than you opposed invading Iraq to enforce UN resolutions, and supported Saddam Hussein, right?
Umm, no. I did believe Bill Clinton calling for regime change though because they had WMD's so that was probably my fault.
There's no such thing as a UN peacekeeper. All blue helmets are legitimate targets.
Notice that "after shelling by hezbollah" was overlooked.
Last I checked, the UN and Hezbollah were separate entities. Were these UN soldiers fighting with Hezbollah? If Hezbollah attacks Israel, why should UN peacekeepers be killed for it?
What makes you think they are separate? When the UN actually has representatives who's countries kill women and gays and has a vote to call Israel a human rights violator...are you kidding me? The UN is a fucking joke. And if they send their people into your country you should kill them. They aren't there to help you. We should defund the UN immediately. It's a fucking joke looking at who the countries are on the human rights commission. This is not a serious organization that needs our tax dollars supporting them. Get rid of it and that will keep the blue helmet's home so we won't have to kill them.
If you oppose the UN, than you opposed invading Iraq to enforce UN resolutions, and supported Saddam Hussein, right?
Umm, no. I did believe Bill Clinton calling for regime change though because they had WMD's so that was probably my fault.
So Saddam should have been able to violate UN resolutions because they are a fucking joke?

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