Israel's Capital

My my my. Those poor Arabs never did any act of aggression towards Israel at all, is that about right abi?
And the Jews never did anything against the Germans, right? Your point now?
And they did against the Germans, the Austrians, the British, the Irish, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the Hungarians, the Romanians, the Dutch, the Italians.....

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty.

No wonder the Jews suffer from guilt :)
My my my. Those poor Arabs never did any act of aggression towards Israel at all, is that about right abi?
And the Jews never did anything against the Germans, right? Your point now?

Gee whiz, Louie, but your Joooo hatreds with reference to "Jews never did anything against the Germans..." is getting even more strident. Hitler used Jews as a scapegoat to justify his own fears and prejudices just as people like you do.

First, we need to understand the social and political dynamics which caused Hitler’s rise to power. Following Germany’s humiliation at the end of WWI, caused in part by Allied insistence that a percentage of the land area of the German empire be annexed to various countries, and its humiliating concessions to the Allies, Germany was on the verge of collapse. It’s not difficult to envision an outspoken individual garnering recognition. It was certainly easier to blame the "verming Juden" for Germany's problems than it is the overall failed political maneuvering of a lame duck Republic that is chastised by having lost a war of imperialism, isn't it? We’re basically examining an eccentric use of power and greed under the veil of both Democracy and religion. A hapless nation had suffered 10 years of runaway inflation and political isolation. A charismatic leader told the people what they wanted to hear, ie: the glory of the Fatherland, Arian supremacy, etc., etc.

And BTW, it shouldn’t be missed by anyone that there are several striking parallels between Germany during the 1930’s and the politico-religious maneuvering of fascist ideologues (of the islamist kind), currently which we should take notice of.
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Looks like Alexa was the first to get it right.

Here's Greco-Roman historian Cassius Dio (164-c.235) on the matter: "At Jerusalem, Hadrian founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the TEMPLE ... he raised a new temple to Jupiter.
This brought on a war of no slight importance nor of brief duration, for the JEWS deemed it intolerable that foreign races should be settled in THEIR city and foreign religious rites planted there." [All emphases mine] (From Cassius Dio, Roman history 69.12.1-14.3)

G-d bless the city of David.
Bye bye any hope for East Jerusalem for Palestinians. And if the Palestinians continue acting like Palestinians they will find that "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."
The recognition is approved by every civilized nation

Well, that is the biggest joke in the Jerusalem debate!

Not a single civilized nation recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Then they ain't civilized and anyway Israel has the deciding vote and it looks like the polls are closed.

More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!
Actually, it does. You just don’t like it.
The recognition is approved by every civilized nation

Well, that is the biggest joke in the Jerusalem debate!

Not a single civilized nation recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Then they ain't civilized and anyway Israel has the deciding vote and it looks like the polls are closed.

More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!
Actually, it does. You just don’t like it.
The recognition is approved by every civilized nation

Well, that is the biggest joke in the Jerusalem debate!

Not a single civilized nation recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Then they ain't civilized and anyway Israel has the deciding vote and it looks like the polls are closed.

More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!

Oh? How so?
Actually, it does. You just don’t like it.
The recognition is approved by every civilized nation

Well, that is the biggest joke in the Jerusalem debate!

Not a single civilized nation recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Then they ain't civilized and anyway Israel has the deciding vote and it looks like the polls are closed.

More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!

Oh? How so?
Voting is over, polls are closed and the U.S. Embassy is moving to the Capital. That's how so.
Actually, it does. You just don’t like it.
Well, that is the biggest joke in the Jerusalem debate!

Not a single civilized nation recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Then they ain't civilized and anyway Israel has the deciding vote and it looks like the polls are closed.

More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!

Oh? How so?
Voting is over, polls are closed and the U.S. Embassy is moving to the Capital. That's how so.

To be quite honest, I give a flying F*&^ where the US embassy is... Using the Trump 'declaration' as some kind of justification for considering that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is foolhardy. It will all end in tears, and it won;t be Palestinian tears.

Nutandyahoo's expectations that the EU would some how follow the fool president in the US just about sums up how dumbass he also is!
It is not right. Jerusalem is not even part of Israel. It never was. It was land stolen in war (two wars of aggression to be precise) which are war crimes.
It was stolen, that is true. The Muslims should give it back to Israel...Oh, wait. They don't have to. It is theirs already.
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