"Israel's current strategy is the same as ISIS and Al Qaeda." Ex-director of Shin Bet, Israel's secret service

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
"Israel's current strategy is the same as ISIS and Al Qaeda." Ex-director of Shin Bet, Israel's secret service

Such a confession is enough to inform you that Israelis have no shame to tell you the sorts of terrors they create amid their ongoing war crimes, massacres of 25,000 civilians, starvation, dehydration, forcing 1.2 millions to flee home in open air. State of terrors, literally.

As we know that USLess created both ISIS and alQaeda , we can take that as official confirmation that USLess is pulling Israeli strings .
Not that anybody with half a brain thought otherwise .

Or getting to brass tacks -- the International Banking community is telling USless how to twiddle the knobs .

Step by step replay of the 9/11 False Flag .
As we know that USLess created both ISIS and alQaeda , we can take that as official confirmation that USLess is pulling Israeli strings .
Not that anybody with half a brain thought otherwise .

Or getting to brass tacks -- the International Banking community is telling USless how to twiddle the knobs .

Step by step replay of the 9/11 False Flag .
The current situation:

As we know that USLess created both ISIS and alQaeda , we can take that as official confirmation that USLess is pulling Israeli strings .
Not that anybody with half a brain thought otherwise .

Or getting to brass tacks -- the International Banking community is telling USless how to twiddle the knobs .

Step by step replay of the 9/11 False Flag .

Your ex left you for a Jew as well?
"Israel's current strategy is the same as ISIS and Al Qaeda." Ex-director of Shin Bet, Israel's secret service

Such a confession is enough to inform you that Israelis have no shame to tell you the sorts of terrors they create amid their ongoing war crimes, massacres of 25,000 civilians, starvation, dehydration, forcing 1.2 millions to flee home in open air. State of terrors, literally.

You would prefer they fled in closed air?
What an angry, frustrated, terrorist lover you are, Loser from Loser Towers.
When you have completed adult education classes in Reading and General Comprehension you can chat to me , having realised what I have actually said as distinct from what you have guessed and imagined I said .
Now be a good chap and nurse you embarrassment silently and aim to do better .You surely do not want to be known as Toddles the Parrot forever .
When you have completed adult education classes in Reading and General Comprehension you can chat to me , having realised what I have actually said as distinct from what you have guessed and imagined I said .
Now be a good chap and nurse you embarrassment silently and aim to do better .You surely do not want to be known as Toddles the Parrot forever .

Poor Loser.
"Israel's current strategy is the same as ISIS and Al Qaeda." Ex-director of Shin Bet, Israel's secret service

Such a confession is enough to inform you that Israelis have no shame to tell you the sorts of terrors they create amid their ongoing war crimes, massacres of 25,000 civilians, starvation, dehydration, forcing 1.2 millions to flee home in open air. State of terrors, literally.

Then why do you have a problem with it?
"Israel's current strategy is the same as ISIS and Al Qaeda." Ex-director of Shin Bet, Israel's secret service

Such a confession is enough to inform you that Israelis have no shame to tell you the sorts of terrors they create amid their ongoing war crimes, massacres of 25,000 civilians, starvation, dehydration, forcing 1.2 millions to flee home in open air. State of terrors, literally.

Just as we suspected.
"Free Palestine" opposes ISIS?

It is interesting, though, to see how Islamism,
became the worst smear projected by "Free Palestine" on Israel.
What Islamists fear the most is Jewish prayer,
and Israeli forces getting into "glorious bastards' mode".

Now, if that's the will of Allah,
a very likely scenario, is a rocket passing the Iron Dome,
destroying the Golden Dome - the symbol of Arab imperialism.
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This is the extent of Jewish territorial ambition...


Once they have safely attained that promise and have consolidated their hold on it things will quiet down.

With regard to the West Bank, and, nowadays, especially with respect to Gaza...

Any Arab-Muslim Palestinian with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together needs to get his family out of there.

Arab-Muslim leaders told their Palestinian brethren to remain in-place in 1948-1949 with the promise of Return by Force.

Never gonna happen.

These Palestinian idiots have been lazily rotting-away in refugee towns and camps for 75 years now, with zero benefit.

At some point, one-by-one, they'll stop hitting themselves in the head with that 1948 hammer and walk away...

Finding peace and promising new lives and a future for themselves and their families elsewhere...

Assuming that they can find any other Arab-Muslim country willing to take a chance on their craziness and take them in...

There is no future for them in Gaza, nor even the West Bank... it's a Dead-End... they need to concede the loss and move on...


Much of the Muslim world uses Hamas and Hezbollah as proxy warriors against the (to Muslims) hated Jew...

Allowing them to ostensibly remain at-peace with Israel while cheering-on and funding and arming their savage proxies...

And it's never going to stop - never - until there is a profound and game-changing Israeli victory...

A victory that involves a punishment of their proxies AND their supportive electorate that will last for generations...

Such as the one that Israel now seeks (and is well on its way) to supply...

Israel must now teach a lesson to the supporters of Hamas (and, perhaps, Hezbollah) in retaliation for October 7th...

They'll never do that if they let American politics and politicians snatch Israeli Defeat from the jaws of Victory...

When Israeli leadership stops kowtowing to American leadership and acts in the best interests of Israeli victory, instead...

Like they are now....

Israel gains life and security for their own people and they move closer to that old dream and promise of 1922...

I am an American Christian and my first and controlling loyalty lies with my God and our Republic...

But insofar as is compatible with American interests, I am a fervent supporter of the State of Israel, and the Jews...

Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.
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In a BBC interview, the inhumane acts carried out by Israeli forces on civilians taken from Gaza were revealed. They were later released after Israeli forces allegedly claimed they were fighters.


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