Israel's extremist problem



Steeped in Tradition, Israel?s Ultra-Orthodox Face Reform Drive - The Jakarta Globe

It seems Israel has a serious problem with about 10% of its population.

They follow an extremist path, abuse their women, refuse to work, claim benefits and refuse to do anything to help the state.
If anyone tries to stop them, they get violent and commonly stone the police.




What should Israel do with these extremists?
I dunno what they should do, but I hope they do something. The last thing Israel needs Jewish people in Israel fighting amongst each other.
However, I don't think it to be as grave as a problem as you are suggesting
We need to make the separation between the "exatremists" and the Hareidi Jews.

Most Hareidi Jews are considered "extremists" just because some believe their religious-lifestyle is far out there but that is not the case at all.

What we are calling the extremists among them are from the community of Satmar, mostly, who are in a very specific places, fighting sometimes with the Sikrikim.

The Sikrikim are what we call "the hooligans" of our people. They fight many times among themselves and don't consider any type of law enforcement acceptable.

There number in Israel are as far as I know less than 10%. Maybe 10% of the Hareidi community. Even normal Hareidi Jews are scared of them.

I don't know what is that we can possibly do with them, but I hope we could do more. Last time inner fighting almost got Hareidi children killed, that was awful.

Best for all Haredi people who are mind-healthy to stay away from the Sikrikim. They are up to no good.
Interesting...I never knew really how to refer to the extremists so I just called them settler extremists or "fundamentalists".

For such a small group, they have disproportionately loud voices.
Interesting article - it seems as the Haredim pose significant and growing demographic problem for Israel:

Demographics suggest their ranks will expand much faster in the decades to come, with an estimated 32 percent of all Jewish children who started school in Israel last year going to Haredi establishments — most of which barely teach subjects such as maths, concentrating instead on the Jewish scriptures.

“The fact they don’t serve and they don’t work is starting to be a real problem for the economy and for the unity of Israel,” said Ofer Shelach, another Yesh Atid lawmaker, whose secular background is more typical of the party’s electorate.

“If we don’t prepare them better, our workforce will be ruined,” he told Reuters, arguing that getting more Haredim to serve in the army was a good way to teach them new skills that would eventually help them find jobs.
Interesting...I never knew really how to refer to the extremists so I just called them settler extremists or "fundamentalists".

For such a small group, they have disproportionately loud voices.


But that is the same reason I believe that we should make the clear definition about what we mean when we say extremists.

There are extreme voices among the Zionist group and Haredi group or Zionist-religious group. not all are the same at all.

I believe the most disturbing are the Sikrikim.

I mean, those are....Locos! total nuts.

There was an article not long ago about land-struggle between Neturei Karta and the Sikrikim. it ended up with a 3 months old baby girl almost burned to death.

Her mom, I believe belonged to Neturei Karta, was in the house, which was stoned by Sikrikim, she couldn't get out, and then the stones changed to burning oil and then they tried to burn down the house. She cried from the inside that she has her baby in there but they didn't stop nor left.

They were forced out when the woman's screams reached Neturei Karta men.

That was NASTY!

Sikrikim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From the Wiki article:

"The Sikrikim or Sikarikim (Hebrew: סיקריקים) or Sicarii is a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews based mainly in the Israeli ultra-orthodox neighborhoods Meah Shearim in Jerusalem and in Ramat Beit Shemesh. The anti-Zionist group is thought to have roughly 100 activist members.[1] The Sikrikim gained international attention for acts of violence they committed against Orthodox Jewish institutions and individuals who would not comply with their demands.[2] The name "Sikrikim" comes from the Latin term Sicarii which was applied to a group of Jewish zealots who attacked Jews and Romans during the Roman conquest of Judea using concealed daggers, sicae in Latin.[3]"

The Sikrikim are, along with the Neturei Karta, anti-Zionist Jews. Perhaps this makes it clearer why most of us get angry with people pimping 'anti-Zionist' views as a role model?
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From the Wiki article:

"The Sikrikim or Sikarikim (Hebrew: סיקריקים) or Sicarii is a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews based mainly in the Israeli ultra-orthodox neighborhoods Meah Shearim in Jerusalem and in Ramat Beit Shemesh. The anti-Zionist group is thought to have roughly 100 activist members.[1] The Sikrikim gained international attention for acts of violence they committed against Orthodox Jewish institutions and individuals who would not comply with their demands.[2] The name "Sikrikim" comes from the Latin term Sicarii which was applied to a group of Jewish zealots who attacked Jews and Romans during the Roman conquest of Judea using concealed daggers, sicae in Latin.[3]"

The Sikrikim are, along with the Neturei Karta, anti-Zionist Jews. Perhaps this makes it clearer why most of us get angry with people pimping 'anti-Zionist' views as a role model?

I can understand that - and I think a lot of people are unfamiliar with the different groups within Israel. I think the same problem applies to Muslims where they all get lumped with violent extremists.
Coyote, the same also happens with Christians. My 'Vangie' friend is a staunch Democrat who finds the many Republicans claming to speak for 'Evangelicals' completely absurd. Most people are unaware that there are 'Evangelical' and 'Charismatic' groups within the Roman Catholic Church, too.

The 'mainstream' of Judaism has never included 'anti-Zionism': that is found almost exclusively at the extremes. Either they tend to be 'left-wing Socialist Reform' "activist" types - or the NK and Sikrikim sexts (which most Jews would characterize as 'cults' ad I think that's accurate.
Steeped in Tradition, Israel?s Ultra-Orthodox Face Reform Drive - The Jakarta Globe

It seems Israel has a serious problem with about 10% of its population.

They follow an extremist path, abuse their women, refuse to work, claim benefits and refuse to do anything to help the state.
If anyone tries to stop them, they get violent and commonly stone the police.




What should Israel do with these extremists?

Photoshopped. Jewish women, even the ultra-Orthodox ones, don't wear burkas.
FY, there is a group of women in Me'a Shearim called "The Taliban women". They go with Burkas, even though The Rabbanim speak highly against it.

Those women are numbered as few dozens, tops, but they exist, so it's possible the picture isn't fake.

However, we ignore this as long as they keep themselves out of our hair.

I don't get where did they get the Burkas idea from.

It's just weird.

And really disturbing.
Lipush, et al,

There are some things that I will probably never grasp.

FY, there is a group of women in Me'a Shearim called "The Taliban women". They go with Burkas, even though The Rabbanim speak highly against it.

Those women are numbered as few dozens, tops, but they exist, so it's possible the picture isn't fake.

However, we ignore this as long as they keep themselves out of our hair.

I don't get where did they get the Burkas idea from.

It's just weird.

And really disturbing.

This "ultra-Odox" is one of them.

Most Respectfully,
It is their lifestyle, we need to accept that.

By their views, we are the weirdos.

That's just how the world is.

As long as it's their choice who cares? Everyone has a right to their own beliefs :)
"Interesting...I never knew really how to refer to the extremists so I just called them settler extremists or fundamentalists."

"I never knew really how to refer to the extremists"

how can you forget ? one of your favorites: "Settler Animals..."

...and it's true, a little (the rebel graffiti vandals and rock throwers) ..........there are 'animals' all over the world. but we ALL KNOW who takes the "ANIMAL" cake...

"Interesting...I never knew really how to refer to the extremists so I just called them settler extremists or fundamentalists."

"I never knew really how to refer to the extremists"

how can you forget ? one of your favorites: "Settler Animals..."

...and it's true, a little (the rebel graffiti vandals and rock throwers) ..........there are 'animals' all over the world. but we ALL KNOW who takes the "ANIMAL" cake...


I wasn't thinking so much of grafitti vandals as I was those "settler animals" that beat innocent men half to death with pipes, throw rocks at school children, fire bomb houses and cars.
I think that many of us want to forget that the first Jewish Zionist settlers (pre-Mandate settlers) did NOT plan to establish a new nation, did not displace Arab families living on the land (not even off land they purchased) and most of them were also SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS, NOT religious zealots.

These European settler Jews were NOT hated by the Palestinians.

So much of the "all arabs are animals and there can be no peace" that is implied here by people calling themselves Zionists is nothing more than pathetic ethnocentric racism.

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