Israel's Legal Right To Exist

The UN was not a party to the conflict, and therefore had no real objective other than security the peace.
Indeed, they botched that too. The UN was just one flop after another.

Yet still you want them to exceed their authority and impose unfair borders on Israel
I have never said that.

LIAR you accepted the latest UN resolution that says just this, but it means that the arab muslims will also have to be told what their lands are
Which one was that and what did I say about it?

The one that has its own thread on here from December 23rd
The Jews came from Europe and elsewhere to steal the land from the native people of Palestine and are now squatting. Do you really believe the Zionists were living in the Middle East? Are you that stupid, oh wait.
The Jews came from Europe and elsewhere to steal the land from the native people of Palestine and are now squatting. Do you really believe the Zionists were living in the Middle East? Are you that stupid, oh wait.

How do ya like that? And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine. Very cleaver those Zionists stealing their own land, eh Monte?
After the 1949 Armistice, the Gaza Strip was, blah, blah, blah...
The Armistice Agreements cut Palestine into three areas of occupation.

How when they dont have the power to do this ?
That has been my question too.

Proving that you are a consummate LIAR every time you say this same thing. There were not 3 areas of occupation as the arab muslims only ever occupied 1, ISRAEL
Look in the Armistice Agreements and point out where I am wrong.

I just did as the arab muslims occupy Israeli lands illegally. As much as you would like the land to be palestine it never has been and never will be
Hawaii, for example, were originally a series of settlements, annexed in 1900. I think the monarchy was overthrown twice. The President interceded and reinstalled the Queen and Hawaii Sovereignty. The Queen was once arrested for treason and in order to gain her freedom Queen Lili'uokalani had to abdicate the throne to the Americans.

Hawaii was taken from the Hawaiians and the Monarchy.

Hawaii was an independant internationally recognised state that was "colonised" by American settlers, much like the Zionist colonial enterprise in Palestine. When the settlers grew strong enough in mumbers they tried to sieze the islands overthrowing the legitimate native government. Had a "League of Nations" or a "UN" organisation existed in those days, the settler and subsequent American actions would have been condemned as illegal. It's interesting to note that Britain, France and Japan almost went to war against America to prevent this cynical American land grab.

The US won and signed the protocol that provided for Cuban independence and the cession of Puerto Rico and the Marianis Island Group; to include Guam. As one of the outcomes of the Spanish-American War.

Exactly, sovereignty was transferred by treaty, which is nothing to do with the point you were trying to make, as far as I can tell.

Whether or not the International Community recognizes, or not, the changes of the Golan Heights, the West Bank, Jerusalem or the Gaza Strip, the changes are in place and and being enforced.

Illegally. Syria disputes sovereignty and the UN agrees with Syria.

In June 1988 Jordan cuts all ties with the West Bank, abandoning the territory (Terra Nullis) to the hands of the Israelis.

Rubbish. The west bank was handed over to the PLO as sole legitimate representatives of the Palestinian people so that they could pursue their right of self determination. At no point was the West Bank ever considered Terra Nullius (it's spelt "Nullius" not "Nullis", BTW) by anyone except the Zionist regime.

In 1967, Israel established effective control over the Gaza Strip, filling-in Government as the Egyptian forces were being pursued.

It's called invasion or belligerent occupation.

No, for sure not joking. The Crimea will never be released by the Russians, China will never release Tibet, and US will never give Hawaii back the the Hawaiian Monarchy, and it is highly unlikely that Puerto Rico will ever revert back to Spain.

Anyone ever tell you it's stupid to say "never" when talking about sovereignty?

The Jews came from Europe and elsewhere to steal the land from the native people of Palestine and are now squatting. Do you really believe the Zionists were living in the Middle East? Are you that stupid, oh wait.

And the native people just so happen to be the Jews, it cant be the arabs as they come from arabia to the south
And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine.

Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.
And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine.

Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.

The Zionists exterminated the Jews??? I didn't know that.
The Jews came from Europe and elsewhere to steal the land from the native people of Palestine and are now squatting. Do you really believe the Zionists were living in the Middle East? Are you that stupid, oh wait.

How do ya like that? And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine. Very cleaver those Zionists stealing their own land, eh Monte?

The Hebrews came from elsewhere and conquered Canaan according to the old testament, so they technically cannot be indigenous. The descendants of the Jews and those of other faiths in Palestine began converting to Christianity after the cruxifiction of Jesus Christ and ultimately all non-Christians in Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of Rome around 300 AD. As we know, most converted to Islam after the Arab conquest of Christian Palestine.

The Zionists were European, they are indigenous to Europe, not the Middle East.
And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine.

Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.

The Zionists exterminated the Jews??? I didn't know that.

You don't know very much at all, that's obvious from your posts.
The Jews came from Europe and elsewhere to steal the land from the native people of Palestine and are now squatting. Do you really believe the Zionists were living in the Middle East? Are you that stupid, oh wait.

How do ya like that? And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine. Very cleaver those Zionists stealing their own land, eh Monte?

The Hebrews came from elsewhere and conquered Canaan according to the old testament, so they technically cannot be indigenous. The descendants of the Jews and those of other faiths in Palestine began converting to Christianity after the cruxifiction of Jesus Christ and ultimately all non-Christians in Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of Rome around 300 AD. As we know, most converted to Islam after the Arab conquest of Christian Palestine.

The Zionists were European, they are indigenous to Europe, not the Middle East.

Arguing who is & who is not indigenous to the land has gotten nobody anywhere. Here we are now with Israeli's & Palestinians living on the same land in endless conflict. So how do we solve it when the Palestinians refuse to even recognize Israel's existence & the Israeli's keep agitating the Palestinians with Zionist peace offerings, security fence & land concessions?
The Jews came from Europe and elsewhere to steal the land from the native people of Palestine and are now squatting. Do you really believe the Zionists were living in the Middle East? Are you that stupid, oh wait.
The Jews came to the geographic area under the control of the Mandatory to re-establish their National Home. You continue your silly fraud of claiming some "native people" had something stolen.
As we know, the Ottoman's relinquished all rights and title to the geographic area you ignorantly believe to be some mythical "country of Pal'istan". We also know from the official Ottoman land records that large swaths of the territory were held as an islamist waqf and that absentee landowners in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon also held large tracts of land sold to Jewish buyers.

Your ignorant propaganda and invented versions of history (your hysterical versions of history) are easily refuted.
And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine.

Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.

The Zionists exterminated the Jews??? I didn't know that.

The native inhabitants had long since stopped practicing Judaism, so they were no longer Jews. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity you idiot.
And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine.

Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.

The Zionists exterminated the Jews??? I didn't know that.

The native inhabitants had long since stopped practicing Judaism, so they were no longer Jews. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity you idiot.

So now I said Judaism is an ethnicity??? Where do you come up with this stuff boy?
The Jews came from Europe and elsewhere to steal the land from the native people of Palestine and are now squatting. Do you really believe the Zionists were living in the Middle East? Are you that stupid, oh wait.

How do ya like that? And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine. Very cleaver those Zionists stealing their own land, eh Monte?

The Hebrews came from elsewhere and conquered Canaan according to the old testament, so they technically cannot be indigenous. The descendants of the Jews and those of other faiths in Palestine began converting to Christianity after the cruxifiction of Jesus Christ and ultimately all non-Christians in Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of Rome around 300 AD. As we know, most converted to Islam after the Arab conquest of Christian Palestine.

The Zionists were European, they are indigenous to Europe, not the Middle East.

Considering that the Mongols, xtian Crusaders, Arab invaders and others invaded and colonized the geographic area of your invented, mythical "country of Pal'istan', it's obvious your invented Pal'istanians came from elsewhere.

The Jewish people were successful in achieving self-determination and a successful, first world society / economy.

The slovenly Moslems succeeded only in retrogression and failure such as those attributes define the majority of the Middle East under the bootheel of Islamism.
I mostly blame the Zionists in Israel for this endless conflict. Why can't they just treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers treat the Palestinians with in the surrounding Arab countries. Has anyone heard any Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaints about that? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
I mostly blame the Zionists in Israel for this endless conflict. Why can't they just treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers treat the Palestinians with in the surrounding Arab countries. Has anyone heard any Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaints about that? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

"I mostly blame the Zionists in Israel for this endless conflict."

Very good, you are absolutely right. If the European Zionists had not invaded Palestine, we would not be having this discussion.
And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine.

Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.

The Zionists exterminated the Jews??? I didn't know that.

The native inhabitants had long since stopped practicing Judaism, so they were no longer Jews. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity you idiot.

So now I said Judaism is an ethnicity??? Where do you come up with this stuff boy?

Then how can ethnic Europeans whose ancestors converted to Judaism have any right, as you claim, to expel the native and indigenous inhabitants of Palestine? The native and indigenous Inhabitants whose ancestors converted, for convenience, by force and/or by law, to Christianity (and subsequently Islam).
And here I actually believed the Jews were the native people of Palestine.

Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.

The Zionists exterminated the Jews??? I didn't know that.

The native inhabitants had long since stopped practicing Judaism, so they were no longer Jews. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity you idiot.

So now I said Judaism is an ethnicity??? Where do you come up with this stuff boy?

Then how can ethnic Europeans whose ancestors converted to Judaism have any right, as you claim, to expel the native and indigenous inhabitants of Palestine? The native and indigenous Inhabitants whose ancestors converted, for convenience, by force and/or by law, to Christianity (and subsequently Islam).
That's so silly. Your version of the hysterical, not historical record has it that invasions by the Mongols, foreign Arabs, invasions by Romans and the Crusaders are somehow native and indigenous inhabitants ™ ?

Such a silly boy.
Judeans were native to the region, certainly, whatever religion they followed, be it Paganism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The Zionist colonists were descendants of European religious converts with no real link to Palestine who pursued their twisted and perverted idiology to disposess or exterminate the native inhabitants and steal their lands.

The Zionists exterminated the Jews??? I didn't know that.

The native inhabitants had long since stopped practicing Judaism, so they were no longer Jews. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity you idiot.

So now I said Judaism is an ethnicity??? Where do you come up with this stuff boy?

Then how can ethnic Europeans whose ancestors converted to Judaism have any right, as you claim, to expel the native and indigenous inhabitants of Palestine? The native and indigenous Inhabitants whose ancestors converted, for convenience, by force and/or by law, to Christianity (and subsequently Islam).
That's so silly. Your version of the hysterical, not historical record has it that invasions by the Mongols, foreign Arabs, invasions by Romans and the Crusaders are somehow native and indigenous inhabitants ™ ?

Such a silly boy.

He is truly a whacko! The indigenous Jews & Christians converted to Islam, thus the Muslim Palestinians are natives of the land. Heh Heh!

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