Israel's Legal Right To Exist

P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, this is your standard response.

On May 14th, 1948, the boundaries (as agreed upon with the UNPC) was that stipulated in the Resolution 181 (II) and Annex A. After the pre-planned invasion by Arab League forces; effective control for Israel expanded. The Armistice Lines were not drawn until the early month of 1949. Israels control expanded from 55% to ≈77%. However, No group representing the Arab Palestinians as a whole existed. By 1979 and again in 1994, the situation evolved with treaties.
See one of my previous positing #3201.
You keep forgetting that resolution 181 never happened.

Indeed, all taken by military force. And most of that before the 1948 war along with about 300,00 refugees. Israel blames that on the war but that is a lie.

You always say that, when I mention General Assembly Resolution 181(II) Future Government of Palestine --- "that resolution 181 never happened." It is interesting to note that when the UN recognized and acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 --- and --- the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, they each included:

• General Assembly Resolution 67/19 Status of Palestine in the United Nations (2012)
Recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947,
• General Assembly Resolution 43/177 Question of Palestine (1988)
Recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947,

Most Respectfully,
First of all the Arab armies intervened in an attempt to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. This was recently confirmed by recently released British intelligence reports the links to which have been posted before. Secondly, the Arab states were very secular at the time, and one of the Arab armies was Christian, not Islamist at all.
First of all the Arab armies intervened in an attempt to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. This was recently confirmed by recently released British intelligence reports the links to which have been posted before. Secondly, the Arab states were very secular at the time, and one of the Arab armies was Christian, not Islamist at all.
First of all, your pointless "because I say so" comments are hardly worth anyone's time.

Uncovered: U.K. intel encouraged Arab armies to invade Israel in 1948 - Features
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, you are making two mistakes here.

Indeed, all taken by military force. And most of that before the 1948 war along with about 300,00 refugees. Israel blames that on the war but that is a lie.

"Indeed, all taken by military force."

Indeed, taken as a defensive response to acts of war by Islamist armies.[/QUOTE]

First, does it say "military force?"

What it saysis: "from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state,"

When you disassemble that it is:
§ "any kind of force"
§ Specifically used against the "territorial integrity."
§ Specifically against the "political independence"
Second, does it say "taken by."

When you disassemble that it is:

§ "threat or use of force against."


The timeline starts when the British terminate the Mandate, AND (simultaneously) the UNPC coordinated Declaration of Independence that was issued by the Provisional Government.

All the Arab League nations that participated in the attack against the "political independence of" Israel are the actual violators of the intent of the treaty obligation. NOT Israel.

There is NO LAW (treaty obligation) that requires the return of territory that the defender of "political independence" overruns in the wake of hostile forces under pursuit. That territory was not acquired for the purpose of expanding sovereignty or threatening the independence of the hostile nations. That expansion was an adverse consequence of the violation of the treaty obligation.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

It makes absolute prefect sense. You just don't like the answer.

Why was 1948 too late and 1988 not.
You make no sense.

In September 1948 the All Palestine Government (APG) declared Independence over the entirety of the former Mandate of Palestine on the West side of the Jordan. But that encompassed the State of Israel declared in May 1988.

The territory cannot be sovereign to --- two different governments.

APG was a unique government in that it had no territory.

The APG was dissolved by its creator; the Egyptians in 1959. The Arab Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO as the “sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.” The PLO declared independence (November 1988) over territory that had been abandon by the Jordanians in July 1988 --- and left in the hands of the Israelis.

Similarly, the Gaza Strip, formerly a Non-Self-Governing Territory (NSGT) under a Egyptian Military Governorship vacated the territory in 1967, leaving it in the hands of the Israelis.

Unbelievably, the Arab Palestinians made the same mistake a second time; being late again in Declaring Independence in November 1988.

It could have face a serious challenge, except for the fact that Israel simply did not want to assimilate the West Bank and Gaza Strip into the sovereignty of the nations. There were several reasons way the Israelis allowed the establishment of the Palestinian Declared State; least of all was that it was not economically feasible to incorporate a totally unproductive people into the Israeli society. And --- these two areas contained a unusually large number of security threats including the elements that attempted to overthrow the Jordanian Kingdom and the Islamic Jihadist that attacked the Olympic Team in Munich. No one in the Arab World wanted to assimilate them, and Israeli did not either.

Most Respectfully.
But that encompassed the State of Israel declared in May 1988.​

OK, but what was Israel's defined territory in 1948. Do you have a map or some documented description? Where did Palestine's international borders encroach on Israel's territory?

Do they need one, what INTERNATIONAL LAW states that Israel needs a map to declare as a sovereign state. The declaration accepted by the U.N in may 1948 was sufficient for them so it should be more than sufficient for you. At every point apart from where they touched Jordan and Egypt. Under INTERNATIONAL LAW of 1922 and 1925 the LoN delineated the borders of the Jewish national home and the arab muslim national home. Those are the borders referered to in the Declaration of independence and the UN had no authority to take any part of those lands away from the Jews. So the arab muslims that are not prepared to live in peace should be forcibly returned to their lands of origin or their designated home with the remuneration agreed at the time.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, --- excellent question.

P F Tinmore, et al,

It makes absolute prefect sense. You just don't like the answer.

Why was 1948 too late and 1988 not.
You make no sense.

In September 1948 the All Palestine Government (APG) declared Independence over the entirety of the former Mandate of Palestine on the West side of the Jordan. But that encompassed the State of Israel declared in May 1988.

The territory cannot be sovereign to --- two different governments.

APG was a unique government in that it had no territory.

The APG was dissolved by its creator; the Egyptians in 1959. The Arab Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO as the “sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.” The PLO declared independence (November 1988) over territory that had been abandon by the Jordanians in July 1988 --- and left in the hands of the Israelis.

Similarly, the Gaza Strip, formerly a Non-Self-Governing Territory (NSGT) under a Egyptian Military Governorship vacated the territory in 1967, leaving it in the hands of the Israelis.

Unbelievably, the Arab Palestinians made the same mistake a second time; being late again in Declaring Independence in November 1988.

It could have face a serious challenge, except for the fact that Israel simply did not want to assimilate the West Bank and Gaza Strip into the sovereignty of the nations. There were several reasons way the Israelis allowed the establishment of the Palestinian Declared State; least of all was that it was not economically feasible to incorporate a totally unproductive people into the Israeli society. And --- these two areas contained a unusually large number of security threats including the elements that attempted to overthrow the Jordanian Kingdom and the Islamic Jihadist that attacked the Olympic Team in Munich. No one in the Arab World wanted to assimilate them, and Israeli did not either.

Most Respectfully.
But that encompassed the State of Israel declared in May 1988.​

OK, but what was Israel's defined territory in 1948. Do you have a map or some documented description? Where did Palestine's international borders encroach on Israel's territory?

On May 14th, 1948, the boundaries (as agreed upon with the UNPC) was that stipulated in the Resolution 181 (II) and Annex A. After the pre-planned invasion by Arab League forces; effective control for Israel expanded. The Armistice Lines were not drawn until the early month of 1949. Israels control expanded from 55% to ≈77%. However, No group representing the Arab Palestinians as a whole existed. By 1979 and again in 1994, the situation evolved with treaties.

See one of my previous positing #3201.

Most Respectfully,
You keep forgetting that resolution 181 never happened.

Israels control expanded from 55% to ≈77%.​

Indeed, all taken by military force. And most of that before the 1948 war along with about 300,00 refugees. Israel blames that on the war but that is a lie.

And how many times have you been shown that 181 did happen despite the best that the arab muslims could do to stop it. You refuse to accept any evidence that proves you wrong without providing any links that show you are right
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, --- excellent question.

P F Tinmore, et al,

It makes absolute prefect sense. You just don't like the answer.

Why was 1948 too late and 1988 not.
You make no sense.

In September 1948 the All Palestine Government (APG) declared Independence over the entirety of the former Mandate of Palestine on the West side of the Jordan. But that encompassed the State of Israel declared in May 1988.

The territory cannot be sovereign to --- two different governments.

APG was a unique government in that it had no territory.

The APG was dissolved by its creator; the Egyptians in 1959. The Arab Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO as the “sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.” The PLO declared independence (November 1988) over territory that had been abandon by the Jordanians in July 1988 --- and left in the hands of the Israelis.

Similarly, the Gaza Strip, formerly a Non-Self-Governing Territory (NSGT) under a Egyptian Military Governorship vacated the territory in 1967, leaving it in the hands of the Israelis.

Unbelievably, the Arab Palestinians made the same mistake a second time; being late again in Declaring Independence in November 1988.

It could have face a serious challenge, except for the fact that Israel simply did not want to assimilate the West Bank and Gaza Strip into the sovereignty of the nations. There were several reasons way the Israelis allowed the establishment of the Palestinian Declared State; least of all was that it was not economically feasible to incorporate a totally unproductive people into the Israeli society. And --- these two areas contained a unusually large number of security threats including the elements that attempted to overthrow the Jordanian Kingdom and the Islamic Jihadist that attacked the Olympic Team in Munich. No one in the Arab World wanted to assimilate them, and Israeli did not either.

Most Respectfully.
But that encompassed the State of Israel declared in May 1988.​

OK, but what was Israel's defined territory in 1948. Do you have a map or some documented description? Where did Palestine's international borders encroach on Israel's territory?

On May 14th, 1948, the boundaries (as agreed upon with the UNPC) was that stipulated in the Resolution 181 (II) and Annex A. After the pre-planned invasion by Arab League forces; effective control for Israel expanded. The Armistice Lines were not drawn until the early month of 1949. Israels control expanded from 55% to ≈77%. However, No group representing the Arab Palestinians as a whole existed. By 1979 and again in 1994, the situation evolved with treaties.

See one of my previous positing #3201.

Most Respectfully,
You keep forgetting that resolution 181 never happened.

Israels control expanded from 55% to ≈77%.​

Indeed, all taken by military force. And most of that before the 1948 war along with about 300,00 refugees. Israel blames that on the war but that is a lie.

"Indeed, all taken by military force."

Indeed, taken as a defensive response to acts of war by Islamist armies.

And before doing so was seen as illegal under international laws, I believe that it is still legal as islam has taken much land by force over the last 20 years
First of all the Arab armies intervened in an attempt to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. This was recently confirmed by recently released British intelligence reports the links to which have been posted before. Secondly, the Arab states were very secular at the time, and one of the Arab armies was Christian, not Islamist at all.

And contempraneous reports from 1947 show that the intent was the genocide of the Jews and the taking of the land as part of the arab nationalist movement. A pity the Jews destroyed the arab muslim forces twice and so created Israel out of whole cloth
OK, let's add some clarity about Israel. Or confusion depending on which side of the isle you are on.

If what the man in the video says is true well it's pretty shocking. I didn't know Israeli nationality doesn't exist.
So in Israel you have full political and civil rights only if you're Jew? Am I right? o_O
I hope I misunderstood...

Yes, that is true. We hear all the time that all Israeli citizens have equal rights. Except for some cultural racism that is true. (?)

However, there are two sets of rights. Citizen's rights (as above) and nationality rights. Nationality rights only apply to Jewish nationality. These rights do not apply to Arab (Palestinian) nationality. These include things like immigration, citizenship, land, marriage and others.

BTW, I used to teach school in Vietnam. I had many friends. Good people.

Hey! I'm glad to know you did teach here! :razz::smiliehug:
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, --- It actually makes no difference.

Mandates were trustees. They only administered other people's countries.

The current world is not going to turn the 18th most humanly developed country in the world upside-down; in favor of a leadership and a people that has --- for nearly a century --- been unable to take one peaceful step forward for the improvement of their people and the economy.

The Arab Palestinians cannot refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts,

The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.

Like much of the international donor community has discovered since the beginning of the 21st Century, the Arab Palestinians are unable to accept what is an move forward towards a productive and profitable future.

Most Respectfully,
First of all the Arab armies intervened in an attempt to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. This was recently confirmed by recently released British intelligence reports the links to which have been posted before. Secondly, the Arab states were very secular at the time, and one of the Arab armies was Christian, not Islamist at all.
LMAO! Godd one Monte. Oh yes how the Arab countries love Christians. Heh Heh! Please post here more often.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, --- It actually makes no difference.

Mandates were trustees. They only administered other people's countries.

The current world is not going to turn the 18th most humanly developed country in the world upside-down; in favor of a leadership and a people that has --- for nearly a century --- been unable to take one peaceful step forward for the improvement of their people and the economy.

The Arab Palestinians cannot refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts,

The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.

Like much of the international donor community has discovered since the beginning of the 21st Century, the Arab Palestinians are unable to accept what is an move forward towards a productive and profitable future.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.​

Indeed, the international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass while piles of UN resolutions collect dust.

The Palestinians are no longer waiting and have created many activities and organizations to promote justice. Many of these are now flying the banner of BDS. Perhaps they can kick something loose that has been tied down by politics for way too long.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, --- It actually makes no difference.

Mandates were trustees. They only administered other people's countries.

The current world is not going to turn the 18th most humanly developed country in the world upside-down; in favor of a leadership and a people that has --- for nearly a century --- been unable to take one peaceful step forward for the improvement of their people and the economy.

The Arab Palestinians cannot refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts,

The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.

Like much of the international donor community has discovered since the beginning of the 21st Century, the Arab Palestinians are unable to accept what is an move forward towards a productive and profitable future.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.​

Indeed, the international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass while piles of UN resolutions collect dust.

The Palestinians are no longer waiting and have created many activities and organizations to promote justice. Many of these are now flying the banner of BDS. Perhaps they can kick something loose that has been tied down by politics for way too long.
Indeed, the international community is growing weary of the endless whining, moaning and demands for "more" by the Islamic terrorist franchises occupying Gaza and the West Bank. The "banner of BDS" is simply a means to an end for a collection of people who are incapable of taking the steps necessary to develop a functioning society.
P F Tinmore, et al,

AGAIN, this is an example of how the Arab Palestinians think: "international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass"

The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.

Indeed, the international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass while piles of UN resolutions collect dust.

The Palestinians are no longer waiting and have created many activities and organizations to promote justice. Many of these are now flying the banner of BDS. Perhaps they can kick something loose that has been tied down by politics for way too long.

Under consensus, IT IS NOT the duty of the International Community to take action on behalf of the Hostile Arab Palestinian. BUT rather IT IS THE DUTY of Hostile Arab Palestinians to refrain in their international relations from military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State, including Israel. (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

Yes, we hear all the time about how the world is so unjust with the Arab Palestinian. BUT under the consensus that the Arab Palestinians attempt to raise as justification for their actions, IT IS THE DUTY of the Arab Palestinian to observe the principle of sovereign equality of States (including the Jewish State of Israel), and THE DUTY to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries (so-called Resistance Movement), for incursion into the territory of another State, (including the Jewish State of Israel). (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

To be a nation, it is not about what you can squeeze out of the International Community and Donor Nations, but about:

•• Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations irrespective of their political, economic and social systems or the levels of their development,

•• Considering that the faithful observance of the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States and the fulfillment in good faith of the obligations assumed by States,

•• Understanding that to be a "Good Faith State" the Arab Palestinians must "comply in good faith with their obligations under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, and shall endeavor to make the United Nations security system based on the Charter more effective."

Don't think for a minute that is is the responsibility of the International Community to threaten or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel to achieve what the Arab Palestinians could not in their despicable use of Jihadist, Fedayeen, Resistance Members, Terrorists, Insurgents, Islamic Radicals, and other asymmetric resources to intimidate or coerce an outcome they did not have the knowledge, skills and abilities to foster on their own.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

AGAIN, this is an example of how the Arab Palestinians think: "international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass"

The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.

Indeed, the international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass while piles of UN resolutions collect dust.

The Palestinians are no longer waiting and have created many activities and organizations to promote justice. Many of these are now flying the banner of BDS. Perhaps they can kick something loose that has been tied down by politics for way too long.

Under consensus, IT IS NOT the duty of the International Community to take action on behalf of the Hostile Arab Palestinian. BUT rather IT IS THE DUTY of Hostile Arab Palestinians to refrain in their international relations from military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State, including Israel. (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

Yes, we hear all the time about how the world is so unjust with the Arab Palestinian. BUT under the consensus that the Arab Palestinians attempt to raise as justification for their actions, IT IS THE DUTY of the Arab Palestinian to observe the principle of sovereign equality of States (including the Jewish State of Israel), and THE DUTY to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries (so-called Resistance Movement), for incursion into the territory of another State, (including the Jewish State of Israel). (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

To be a nation, it is not about what you can squeeze out of the International Community and Donor Nations, but about:

•• Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations irrespective of their political, economic and social systems or the levels of their development,

•• Considering that the faithful observance of the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States and the fulfillment in good faith of the obligations assumed by States,

•• Understanding that to be a "Good Faith State" the Arab Palestinians must "comply in good faith with their obligations under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, and shall endeavor to make the United Nations security system based on the Charter more effective."

Don't think for a minute that is is the responsibility of the International Community to threaten or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel to achieve what the Arab Palestinians could not in their despicable use of Jihadist, Fedayeen, Resistance Members, Terrorists, Insurgents, Islamic Radicals, and other asymmetric resources to intimidate or coerce an outcome they did not have the knowledge, skills and abilities to foster on their own.

Most Respectfully,
Oh jeese, another slime the Palestinians rant.
Excellent,truthful and accurate post know why they don't get is because they try to legitimize Zionist Terrorism by saying Jews...then they call us Anti-Semites..... the problem is for them no matter how they try to legitimize the Filth of Zionist TERRORISM....these Synthetic Jew LOL /Zionists do not and never had the Cultural beliefs of Real Jewish people.....They were created,repeat CREATED by an ATHIEST JEW(Synthetic JEW),Illegal's to Palestine,whose only intention was to bring Barbarity and Murder to the Palestinian take the Palestinians Land.

That these Zionists all of whom were converted to Judiasm (Synthetics) never had any idea of Palestine,no roots or understanding of the Israelites other than what they were told/here say by there Zionist Controllers......The original MODERN TERRORISTS OF THE WORLD.

Their whole being is built on a LIE,they perpetuate this LIE today,they mindlessly believe in this LIE and think by protecting this LIE they can use their enormous HATRED to try to demean and control others exposing the LIE

Creatures like Pheo,not a Jew according to him......then he tries to say that Judaism and Zionism are the same thing.......I've heard this type of trash talk before,when the Nazis not only said that all Germans were Nazis but Arrogantly said they would rule the world......This type of Delusional Thinking is a Mental Disorder.......often created through GUILT etc,.

As an Organization the Zionists are openly Shameful,deliberately Aggressive and Delusional.............and a Danger to Mankind.steve

Calm down, Steve. You sound like a raging lunatic. Are you under psychiatric care? You certainly sound like you are, but are not being given the correct medication to help you. Now join these so-called by you "fake Jews" next Friday night and you might enjoy yourself.

You joining in Hoss ???? LOL not Loony just Normal.......I can't help that you are a Zionut...I tell folk I don't like Synthetic "Fake Jews" I'm wrong because I love you man..steve,shit if I was over there I would have a few Jars with you,but don't try to convert me,...I hate plastic,LOL...see ya Hoss.

I don't think you realize, Steve, that with your "fake Jew" nonsense, you appear that you belong in the looney bin. However, if you don't mind appearing like a crackpot, then go for it.

LOL,trouble is with your funny and Rocco's agree is...that you and Rocco made a Love Child which became that is Funny and I Agree LOL steve

Well you have a love fest with all the anti-Semites, and Rocco, being a sharp man, was quick to catch on to you and your silliness.

You have become so Zionistically brainwashed that your judgement is unreality
Calm down, Steve. You sound like a raging lunatic. Are you under psychiatric care? You certainly sound like you are, but are not being given the correct medication to help you. Now join these so-called by you "fake Jews" next Friday night and you might enjoy yourself.

You joining in Hoss ???? LOL not Loony just Normal.......I can't help that you are a Zionut...I tell folk I don't like Synthetic "Fake Jews" I'm wrong because I love you man..steve,shit if I was over there I would have a few Jars with you,but don't try to convert me,...I hate plastic,LOL...see ya Hoss.

I don't think you realize, Steve, that with your "fake Jew" nonsense, you appear that you belong in the looney bin. However, if you don't mind appearing like a crackpot, then go for it.

LOL,trouble is with your funny and Rocco's agree is...that you and Rocco made a Love Child which became that is Funny and I Agree LOL steve

Well you have a love fest with all the anti-Semites, and Rocco, being a sharp man, was quick to catch on to you and your silliness.

You have become so Zionistically brainwashed that your judgement is unreality

Thanks, Digger.
P F Tinmore, et al,

AGAIN, this is an example of how the Arab Palestinians think: "international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass"

The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.

Indeed, the international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass while piles of UN resolutions collect dust.

The Palestinians are no longer waiting and have created many activities and organizations to promote justice. Many of these are now flying the banner of BDS. Perhaps they can kick something loose that has been tied down by politics for way too long.

Under consensus, IT IS NOT the duty of the International Community to take action on behalf of the Hostile Arab Palestinian. BUT rather IT IS THE DUTY of Hostile Arab Palestinians to refrain in their international relations from military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State, including Israel. (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

Yes, we hear all the time about how the world is so unjust with the Arab Palestinian. BUT under the consensus that the Arab Palestinians attempt to raise as justification for their actions, IT IS THE DUTY of the Arab Palestinian to observe the principle of sovereign equality of States (including the Jewish State of Israel), and THE DUTY to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries (so-called Resistance Movement), for incursion into the territory of another State, (including the Jewish State of Israel). (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

To be a nation, it is not about what you can squeeze out of the International Community and Donor Nations, but about:

•• Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations irrespective of their political, economic and social systems or the levels of their development,

•• Considering that the faithful observance of the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States and the fulfillment in good faith of the obligations assumed by States,

•• Understanding that to be a "Good Faith State" the Arab Palestinians must "comply in good faith with their obligations under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, and shall endeavor to make the United Nations security system based on the Charter more effective."

Don't think for a minute that is is the responsibility of the International Community to threaten or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel to achieve what the Arab Palestinians could not in their despicable use of Jihadist, Fedayeen, Resistance Members, Terrorists, Insurgents, Islamic Radicals, and other asymmetric resources to intimidate or coerce an outcome they did not have the knowledge, skills and abilities to foster on their own.

Most Respectfully,
Idiotic,the only thing the pro-Zionists in the International community have been doing is Doggying the Zionist Scum.....Israel and America like Iran are NOT "Good Faith States"..are NOT bastions of the rules of International for Peace founded upon Freedom......You are a Joker or I suggest you stop snorting Coke,either way your prose is ridiculous.....Methinks you have a touch of Trumpmania..>>>Say any outrageous comment,
P F Tinmore, et al,

AGAIN, this is an example of how the Arab Palestinians think: "international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass"

The Arab Palestinians are incapable of resolving their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice.

Indeed, the international community has been sitting around with their thumb up their ass while piles of UN resolutions collect dust.

The Palestinians are no longer waiting and have created many activities and organizations to promote justice. Many of these are now flying the banner of BDS. Perhaps they can kick something loose that has been tied down by politics for way too long.

Under consensus, IT IS NOT the duty of the International Community to take action on behalf of the Hostile Arab Palestinian. BUT rather IT IS THE DUTY of Hostile Arab Palestinians to refrain in their international relations from military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State, including Israel. (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

Yes, we hear all the time about how the world is so unjust with the Arab Palestinian. BUT under the consensus that the Arab Palestinians attempt to raise as justification for their actions, IT IS THE DUTY of the Arab Palestinian to observe the principle of sovereign equality of States (including the Jewish State of Israel), and THE DUTY to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries (so-called Resistance Movement), for incursion into the territory of another State, (including the Jewish State of Israel). (A/RES/25/2625 - Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations)

To be a nation, it is not about what you can squeeze out of the International Community and Donor Nations, but about:

•• Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations irrespective of their political, economic and social systems or the levels of their development,

•• Considering that the faithful observance of the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States and the fulfillment in good faith of the obligations assumed by States,

•• Understanding that to be a "Good Faith State" the Arab Palestinians must "comply in good faith with their obligations under the generally recognized principles and rules of international law with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, and shall endeavor to make the United Nations security system based on the Charter more effective."

Don't think for a minute that is is the responsibility of the International Community to threaten or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel to achieve what the Arab Palestinians could not in their despicable use of Jihadist, Fedayeen, Resistance Members, Terrorists, Insurgents, Islamic Radicals, and other asymmetric resources to intimidate or coerce an outcome they did not have the knowledge, skills and abilities to foster on their own.

Most Respectfully,

Stop smoking Weed..............It is bad for your mind and wellbeing Rocco,...steve
You joining in Hoss ???? LOL not Loony just Normal.......I can't help that you are a Zionut...I tell folk I don't like Synthetic "Fake Jews" I'm wrong because I love you man..steve,shit if I was over there I would have a few Jars with you,but don't try to convert me,...I hate plastic,LOL...see ya Hoss.
I don't think you realize, Steve, that with your "fake Jew" nonsense, you appear that you belong in the looney bin. However, if you don't mind appearing like a crackpot, then go for it.
LOL,trouble is with your funny and Rocco's agree is...that you and Rocco made a Love Child which became that is Funny and I Agree LOL steve
Well you have a love fest with all the anti-Semites, and Rocco, being a sharp man, was quick to catch on to you and your silliness.
You have become so Zionistically brainwashed that your judgement is unreality
Thanks, Digger.
Methinks 50% actually slightly less than 50% as Clinton got more votes,but to the matter of the post...I think you, like many Americans at the moment have a Touch of Trumpitis......Scream out Bullshit and hope the suckers believe it.............see ya Hoss in a couple of months

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