Israel's Legal Right To Exist

Israel seized 1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) of the Golan during the Six-Day War of 1967, then annexed it in 1981 in a move never recognized by the international community.
Because it is it is illegal to annex occupied territory. The same problem Jordan had with the West Bank.

Now what was the question?

Israel's legal right to exist
Israel seized 1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) of the Golan during the Six-Day War of 1967, then annexed it in 1981 in a move never recognized by the international community.
Because it is it is illegal to annex occupied territory. The same problem Jordan had with the West Bank.

Now what was the question?

Israel's legal right to exist
An unsubstantiated Israeli talking point that has never been proven to be true.
Rocco, was defending the land they and their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years a "Jihad"? And since about 30% of the Palestinians were Christians when the European Jews initiated the invasion, what would you call their efforts to defend themselves from the invading Jews? A Crusade?

So how come their leaders have stated they are not the people who had lived there for centuries, but recent illegal immigrants. So they cant be defending their land they had lived on for thousands of years can they, and should have left when they were routed by the Jews in 1948.

What country initiated this invasion again as there is no record of a European Jewish nation in existence, could you mean Turkey as it was the Ottomans that invited the Jews to migrate and colonise the land in 1850
When you travel from a place to conquer an inhabited place far away, in this case on another continent, it is called an invasion.
When you're befuddled about historical events, rattling on with absurdities makes you a buffoon.

The only buffoon is the one that can't accept a simple fact. The Jews were in Europe and invaded Palestine against the wishes of the native people of Palestine.

Israel seized 1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) of the Golan during the Six-Day War of 1967, then annexed it in 1981 in a move never recognized by the international community.
Because it is it is illegal to annex occupied territory. The same problem Jordan had with the West Bank.

Now what was the question?

Israel's legal right to exist
An unsubstantiated Israeli talking point that has never been proven to be true.

Then produce the evidence to show it is an Israeli talking point, when you cant then it means that you are lying.

As for the right to exist it is in the UN charter and if you deny that then the whole of the M.E. is open to being taken over. Could I have a place at the main entrance to the qibla for my chilli dog stand ?
So, it is established that you support murderous violence when it is practiced by invading Jews against native Christians and Muslims, but you consider violent resistance, to the Violent Aggressor Jewish Invader (VAJI) by said native inhabitants, inappropriate hostility. Notwithstanding the fact that the Jews had every intent to ethnically cleanse as many native non-Jews as possible to make room for yet more European Jews.

Comparing a Somali refugee in the U.S. with the native people of Palestine, under Jew occupation and oppression, makes a whole lot of sense.

You are just so conditioned you can't help yourself from exposing your irrational bias.


You and your ilks are the only liars apart from few others.

Talking of LIARS and up pops vik the islamomoron from India
P F Tinmore, et al,

Leaders are a molder of consensus. There are two adversarial parties involved in this conflict. The leader of one party speak unequivocally in the name of the people and Knesset. The leaders of the other country is a contested party chairman.

§ Settle their disputes by peaceful means --- such that --- peace and security are not endangered,
Such as?
"Jihad is a propagandistic device which, as need be, resorts to armed struggle – two ingredients common to many ideological movements,"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Professor Maxime Rodinson

I could be a smart ass and say visit "" but low and behold, there is actually a Web Site there for a "Family Mediation Service." But they only deal with people of some sanity. That would leave the Palestinians that have already decided to choose Jihad (etc) and armed struggle as the principle means of resolution.

Establish a willingness of the parties to sit down and in good faith open a dialogue intended to reach a beneficial outcome on peace.


"Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute." I do not believe that the capacity rest with the Arab Palestinian Leadership to reach either a compromise of agreement. They want a solution that was lost to them over have a century ago.

The Arab Palestinians have not signaled any intention of seeking a negotiation. They want to reset the clock to a time before they chose Jihad and armed struggle as a solution, and they want territorial control concessions even before the process of negotiation begins.

Most Respectfully,
Do you mean endless talks over how to divide the pizza while one is stuffing his face with it as fast as he can?

BTW, why should people have to negotiate for their rights?

Because that is how they get them in the first place. Or do you think that "RIGHTS" just appear out of thin air and are magically applied to only a small part of society. Dont forget what ever rights you apply to the arab muslims are also being applied to the Jews, so why do you find it so hard to accept this simple truth. Also why do you try and deny the Jews these rights while demanding they be handed to the arab muslims on a gold plate.

The Jews have no problems in negotiating for their rights, why do you find it so hard ?
When you travel from a place to conquer an inhabited place far away, in this case on another continent, it is called an invasion.
When you're befuddled about historical events, rattling on with absurdities makes you a buffoon.

The only buffoon is the one that can't accept a simple fact. The Jews were in Europe and invaded Palestine against the wishes of the native people of Palestine.

"Native people of Palestine." You mean the Jews invaded themselves???

The European Jews came from Europe. How could they invade themselves by invading Palestine?

Because they could not invade what was theirs by right of international law.............
IF you mean that the Arab Palestinians have already decided that settlement by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, is not going to be attempted --- THEN it can be said that the Arab Palestinians are not now interested in any solution other that conflict.
Do you mean endless talks while Israel continues to steal land?

BTW, where is the rest of all that stuff?

And were has Israel stolen land that was not theirs by right of international laws. Detail one parcel of land that was never Jewish after 1922 ?
...hy should people have to negotiate for their rights?

The Palestinians do not have to negotiate for their rights. Their rights are inherent and inviolable. As are Jewish rights.

The negotiations are to determine the boundaries within which they are permitted to exercise those rights.
The Palestinians already have boundaries along with the right to territorial integrity.

What is this negotiate boundaries thing?

The produce the treaty signed by a representative of the palestinians showing these boundaries. The borders of the mandate of palestine are not applicable
If the Israelis and the Palestinians disagree to the point of open hostilities, that is called a dispute.
It is a one sided dispute.

If I say I own your car is that a dispute?

No it is two sided as they both disagree and start hostilities.

Yes as I hold title and you dont, in the US I believe I can shoot you if you try and take my car under those circumstances
Israel seized 1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) of the Golan during the Six-Day War of 1967, then annexed it in 1981 in a move never recognized by the international community.
Because it is it is illegal to annex occupied territory. The same problem Jordan had with the West Bank.

Now what was the question?

Unless it is the palestinins doing so and then it is allowed............
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians have what (exactly)???

...hy should people have to negotiate for their rights?

The Palestinians do not have to negotiate for their rights. Their rights are inherent and inviolable. As are Jewish rights.

The negotiations are to determine the boundaries within which they are permitted to exercise those rights.
The Palestinians already have boundaries along with the right to territorial integrity.

What is this negotiate boundaries thing?

The "right" to "territorial integrity" does not mean much if you don't have a territory in which to apply it.

The Allied Powers was granted the Title and Rights to a vast territory; one segment of which was the territory to which the Mandate for Palestine was applied.

What territory did the Title and Rights past to the Arab Palestinians.

If the Israelis and the Palestinians disagree to the point of open hostilities, that is called a dispute. Disputes are normally handled through some peaceful means.

Most Respectfully,
The disagreement is only on the Israeli side. Israel even started their war over their own disagreement. The only problem the Palestinians had was living in Palestine the territory the Zionists wanted for themselves.

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