Israel's Legal Right To Exist

These illegal Palestinian settlements & occupation have to end for any hope of a lasting peace.

The Real Illegal Settlements

Frigging hell, now he links to the Gatestone Institute whose chairman is John Bolton. You really do only read propaganda from Zionist propaganda sites. How can anyone take you seriously?
OMG!!! Zionist Propaganda vs Muslim Propaganda...

What Muslim propaganda. The source documents I link to are either almost exclusively UN or LON documents from the UN or academic archives, not propaganda sites.
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
These illegal Palestinian settlements & occupation have to end for any hope of a lasting peace.

The Real Illegal Settlements

Frigging hell, now he links to the Gatestone Institute whose chairman is John Bolton. You really do only read propaganda from Zionist propaganda sites. How can anyone take you seriously?
OMG!!! Zionist Propaganda vs Muslim Propaganda...

What Muslim propaganda. The source documents I link to are either almost exclusively UN or LON documents from the UN or academic archives, not propaganda sites.
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?
Frigging hell, now he links to the Gatestone Institute whose chairman is John Bolton. You really do only read propaganda from Zionist propaganda sites. How can anyone take you seriously?
OMG!!! Zionist Propaganda vs Muslim Propaganda...

What Muslim propaganda. The source documents I link to are either almost exclusively UN or LON documents from the UN or academic archives, not propaganda sites.
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

Pay attention dingleberry

By the time the state of Israel was declared on 14th May 1948, 400,000 Palestinians and 250 villages and towns had already been ethnically cleansed by the Zionist forces


Under the Cover of War: The Zionist Expulsion of the Palestinians 1st Edition
by Rosemarie M. Esber (Author)

Frigging hell, now he links to the Gatestone Institute whose chairman is John Bolton. You really do only read propaganda from Zionist propaganda sites. How can anyone take you seriously?
OMG!!! Zionist Propaganda vs Muslim Propaganda...

What Muslim propaganda. The source documents I link to are either almost exclusively UN or LON documents from the UN or academic archives, not propaganda sites.
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.
OMG!!! Zionist Propaganda vs Muslim Propaganda...

What Muslim propaganda. The source documents I link to are either almost exclusively UN or LON documents from the UN or academic archives, not propaganda sites.
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.
Of course they came from where they were exiled to.
There's no way in Hell a few million goyim converted to the most oppressed religion in Europe.
Were these the Christian Masochists?.
OMG!!! Zionist Propaganda vs Muslim Propaganda...

What Muslim propaganda. The source documents I link to are either almost exclusively UN or LON documents from the UN or academic archives, not propaganda sites.
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

What Muslim propaganda. The source documents I link to are either almost exclusively UN or LON documents from the UN or academic archives, not propaganda sites.
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth
Islamic Bullshit 1,000,000 times over.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Just facts from source documentation, nothing Muslim about it.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.
Uh huh.
I believe people have been predicting the demise of the Jews for 2,000 years and the State of Israel for 60 years.
Neither is going to happen.
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.

Indeed, but what happens when the ordinary Arab semites begin to shun the non-ordinary Arab semites. Will they try to pass as ordinary Arabs?
Sure, snowflake, sure...
The Jews all converted to Catholicism and Islam and then decided to be oppressed and murdered again and converted back to Judaism.
Do you EVER realize how stupid you sound?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.


So , if the US forces the "two-state" issue Israel will control both states.

Similar to what Putin did in Crimea, the 80% ethnic Russians voted to annex Crimea.

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.
Uh huh.
I believe people have been predicting the demise of the Jews for 2,000 years and the State of Israel for 60 years.
Neither is going to happen.

People also predicted that neither North Korea nor Iran would acquire nuclear power.

You also forget that thanks to Reagan , Ben Laden was a multimillionaire.

Thanks to Obama al-Baghdadi is a multimillionaire.

How much does a rustic atomic bomb goes for nowadays?

If they drop one in TelAviv, will they hear the sound in Haifa?

No, but you make it clear you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is historical fact. Of course the inhabitants of Palestine converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. It was the law, and they had to be Christians to reside in Palestine. Many inhabitants of Palestine were already closet Christians having converted to Christianity subsequent to the birth of Christ.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

I take it you don't quite understand that the ancestors of the current Jewish Israelis came from Europe and elsewhere outside of Palestine. But you are right, most of them are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.


So , if the US forces the "two-state" issue Israel will control both states.

Similar to what Putin did in Crimea, the 80% ethnic Russians voted to annex Crimea.

The Occupied Territories are de facto part of Apartheid Israel. Its days are numbered.
Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.


So , if the US forces the "two-state" issue Israel will control both states.

Similar to what Putin did in Crimea, the 80% ethnic Russians voted to annex Crimea.

The Occupied Territories are de facto part of Apartheid Israel. Its days are numbered.


Obama has been trying to annex the Golan Heights to Israel.

Don't let the UN abstention vote fool you.

Bibi and AIPAC own Obama lock, stock, and barrel.

Exactly. Which means that the present Israelites are NOT semites.

Israelis are clearly not Semites. So many had such little Middle Eastern blood that they could pass for ordinary Germans during the Third Reich, so much so that they were required to wear a yellow star.


An ordinary German family snapped by their husband and father -- the salt of the earth

But they love to play the "anti-semite" card whenever anyone exposes their fraud.

Indeed, and the irony is that they are hate-filled toward the indigenous Arab Semites. They will not last once the West Bank is made part of Israel. They are more than half-way there.


So , if the US forces the "two-state" issue Israel will control both states.

Similar to what Putin did in Crimea, the 80% ethnic Russians voted to annex Crimea.

The Occupied Territories are de facto part of Apartheid Israel. Its days are numbered.
Cheap threats from a keyboard gee-hadist
My posts #1582 and 1583 show, in black and white, that not all land in Palestine was privately owned by Arab residents. You are just wrong. Shockingly, outer space worthy wrong.

This would be Zionist propaganda to the anti-Semitic parrot even though it was written by a Muslim. As you can see, the parrot doesn't have a life of its own. It thinks if it says Zionist propaganda, Polly wants a cracker all day long, the readers will star believing his nonsense. The majority of readers are too smart for that.

A Muslim in a Jewish Land
Clown dancing and posting fiction does not change the facts. The UN stated clearly who owned the land just prior to partition in the partition plan itself an they even provided a map based on the land survey. Why would you think that new fictional tales would change the facts?

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land."

The creation of Israel was a crime against the Palestinians, the UN, and other countries in the world.

Nothing legal can be derived from illegal activities.
montelatici, et al,

You hold onto this chart as if it contained the sole determining factors; instead of --- just one consideration out of many.

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land."

You keep entangling real estate ownership with sovereign control; two completely different notions. The principle objective is putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, and the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. That was part of the Mandate.

Most Respectfully,

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