Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

-The two things are not in contradiction. It can have a modest shopping centre and still be an open air prison whose residents cannot leaveI believe they had a public swimming baths once too much to the delight of Israel propandists who loved to show how uxurious a life they had

Hussain Abdul-Hussain

Residents of Gaza could leave and return at will through Rafah crossing. Shopping center was not moderate. Gazans imported everything, including tons of arms, ammunition and rockets. Please come back with a better justification.

Those of you in Europe who watched the horrifying mass murder of Jews in Israel by Islam in all the horror videos on 7/10/23 are seeing your future. This is exactly what Islam will do to you, and in much larger numbers. It is just a matter of time. You are witnessing your future at the hands of the believers.

These are the execution instructions, in a nutshell:

Quran 4.101:"...Indeed, the disbelievers are ever to you a clear enemy".

Quran 9.5:"...then kill the Mushrikun (see V.2:105) wherever you find them..."

Source: Islam Q&A:"The difference between the mushrikeen and the kuffaar, and to which category do the Jews and Christians belong?"12/02/2005 Question : 67626:

"What is the difference between mushrikeen and kuffaar? Are the Jews and Christians mushrikeen or kuffaar?"

"The Jews and Christians are both kaafirs and mushrikeen. They are kaafirs because they deny the truth and reject it. And they are mushrikeen because they worship someone other than Allaah."

* I opted for documentation free of blood, corpses, and murder. (from the October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel)

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