Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

- This is why you demand Israel refrains from defending itself during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when Jews were murdered, raped, and babies taken hostage by a brutal, despicable terror group on a Jewish holy festival, Simchat Torah. The families marking the holiday were forced to cancel all events and go look for their dead, kidnapped and raped. Jews were forced to mourn on their holy day, and now you demand the right to celebrate on yours.

- What do you think would have happened if the EU proudly flaunted a statement saying "we're the best nation" at the heart of the largest European organisation? It would have been met with accusations of nazism and white supremacy, of course.

- You are also delusional. The Arab League consists of 22 member states. Half of them are at war with their own people and have been murdering their own children for over a decade. The other half live on donations from the West.

- Nazis too believe that their race was "the best nation". They are condemned and despised by the free, civilised world, while you expect the world to pander to your supremacy.

- If you believe that Palestinian Muslims should be allowed to mark Ramadan in peace, maybe you should consider protesting to demand Hamas' surrender and the release of the hostages.

- Jewish lives matter. Jewish holidays matter. The Jewish people, too, deserve to mark their religious holidays in peace. Of all the days of the year, Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur in 1973. Of all the days of the year, Israel was attacked by Hamas on Simchat Torah. In fact, we now refer to October 7th as the Simchat Torah massacre, the largest loss of Jewish lives since the Holocaust. You've managed to traumatise Jews and turn our holy days where we celebrate into days of mourning and pain. All because you believe Jews are subhuman, inherently evil creatures who deserve nothing but pain and suffering.

- The despicable politicians in the West, such as Humza Yousaf, who are demanding Israel ends its war of self-defence ahead of Ramadan should be de-platformed, shunned and told that they do not belong in a civilised society.

Here’s the script. One day, it was a holiday, and millions of people, in this case, Jews, were praying and enjoying their festivities, when, all of a sudden, their country was attacked in the most brutal way. Totally unprovoked.

The details of the attack would make the script 18+ (although, no human of any age is equipped to watch such atrocities.)

The attacks included mass murder, abduction of hundreds of innocent men, women, and children, the decapitation of babies, burning of whole families alive, and mass rape of women and girls.

The country immediately declared war and set out to destroy the organization that initiated the attacks and to get its hostages back.

Almost immediately, the world turned against the country and demanded they stop their retaliation.

The country did not listen and continued on its mission.

Every step of the way, the country’s allies tried to force them to end the war.

The casualty numbers, and more specifically, the ratio between dead terrorists and dead civilians is the lowest it’s been in any modern war, and despite that, millions call it genocide with no basis whatsoever.

But then, there’s a plot twist.

Human rights organizations and journalists turn out to be actual terrorists and bodies like the UN, the Red Cross, and the international court of justice turn out to be accomplices to the terror of October 7th, and the months that followed.

Just as the country is reaching a turning point in the war and nears victory; the world turns up the flames to get them to stop including the use of religious holidays like Ramadan despite the fact that the initial attack happened on an actual holiday, and that didn’t stop them.

Instead of siding with the country that was attacked from a location it previously controlled and gave to its enemies in order to create a state, many around the world side with actual terrorists.

Activists who fight for human rights and minority rights including LGTBQ, BLM, and so many more side with an organization that stands for everything that is the polar opposite of their ideals.

Why? No one knows.

As the war continues, the pressure to end it intensifies and people who are otherwise moral people with a brain in their head literally stand with rapists and pedophiles.

The terror organization, which by the way, was elected by the people that the world likes to call innocent, doesn’t hide its intentions and declares that they’d repeat the massacre over and over. But the world refuses to believe them and does not hold them accountable for their words or actions.

Of course, the same people who refuse to hold them accountable are the same people who think those people deserve a state. So they’re not responsible enough to stop supporting terror but they’re responsible enough to have their own state.

The script continues with a leader who sees things when there are none, and forgets the details of his own family. This leader is a president who is the leader of the free world but he can’t get a single coherent sentence out of his mouth. This man begins to show his true colors and pressures this country to stop its retaliation for what was the worst attack on Jews since the holocaust.

There are widespread condemnations of the country that is defending itself and global outcry for the people who support the terrorists and not for the people whose family was burned alive and had to watch the footage of their rape or murder. Somehow all the calls for a ceasefire forget to mention October 7th or the hostages. It’s like an alternate reality.

But it doesn’t stop there. The script gets even weirder when global leaders decide it’s a good idea to reward the terrorists and their supporters by giving them their own state despite their open support of terror.

Jews around the world are attacked verbally and physically because of their religion, and in many cases, despite never even having stepped foot in Israel. The attackers? People who claim they don’t hate Jews.

Millions of actual terror sympathizers and criminals take to the streets across the western world, illegally disturb the peace, while law enforcement does zero to stop them.

The vast majority of the terror across the world is committed by one religion, but the world pretends they don’t see it, because of political correctness.

The world continues to justify terror by making up history and throwing out words like colonialism, apartheid, and genocide, words that have zero basis in reality.

And the script ends with people across the internet sharing their strong opinions about a country they’ve never been to and know close to nothing about. They chant things they don’t even understand and use words like genocide about a country that defends itself against an enemy that declares its intentions to commit, wait for it, genocide.

Unless this movie was intended to be fiction, no one in their right mind would produce this script. In fact, even for fiction, it’s too ridiculous and unrealistic.

And here we are, with this exact script, in real life.

Now you know what it’s like to be a Jew in 2024.

You can’t make this stuff up. No one would ever believe you.

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