Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Gaslighting because you can't rationally address the actual views among Jews,
is not ethnical, but rather a sign of ideological and moral weakness.
And tells even more of your view of Arabs.

Beside generated templates,
can you even string any
original sentence?

Apparently, you don't know the meaning of the word "Gaslighting" because posting the views among Jews regarding right wing Zionist genocide are what I have been addressing for months in multiple threads.

What is unclear to you about what Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said when he stated: ā€œWe are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,ā€? (1)

Was Yoav Gallant being vague when he announced Israel's plan to deprive Gaza's residents (aka "Human Animals") of food, water, fuel and electricity essential for hospital life support:

ā€œWe are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.ā€ (2)

The Jews I know are bright enough to realize that with 1.8 Billion Muslims and about 15.7 Million Jews in the world, neither the interests of Israel or the world's Jews are being served by Israel's ruling right wing extremists or apologists for their war crimes and atrocities.

Anyone with even the slightest grasp of Levantine history knows that even if Hamas is eliminated, there will always be regional resistance to the grasping machinations of Israel's right wing "Settler" expansionists (I.e. "Greater Israel") and mass murdering Zionist bigots.

Netanyahu and his gang of genocidal extremists are the greatest threat not only to Israel but to peace seeking Jews around the world because of their insatiable land theft and determination to plunge at least the region into a war zone just to appease greedy "Settlers" who serve as Israel's Human Shields.

Briefly put, neither Hamas nor the PLO are the problem; they are inevitable products of 80 years of Zionist genocide and land theft.

I have repeatedly asked those who are content with the cyclical violence if they knew of any brutally occupied people who have not resisted a foreign occupation / invasion.
Not surprisingly, no one has been able to name even one.

Finally, I don't view the Levantine imbroglio as either pro Israel or anti Israel but as being either for or against a just and durable peace in keeping with International Law.

Then and only then can Jews and Muslims enjoy the peaceful existence they have long been denied by the violent extremists on both sides.


(1). "Benjamin Netanyahu Is the War Criminal of the Year"

"Experts aren't mincing words about the Israeli leader's brutal and disproportionate response to the October 7 Hamas attacks."

EXCERPT "Israeli officials, in their own words, seem to tacitly acknowledge that their criticsā€™ worst fears are far from unfounded. In early November, Israeli security cabinet member and Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said ā€œWe are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,ā€ referring to the war against Palestinians and seizure of territory that marked Israelā€™s founding in 1948." CONTINUED

(2). ā€œA Textbook Case of Genocideā€

ā€œIsrael has been explicit about what itā€™s carrying out in Gaza. Why isnā€™t the world listening?ā€


* Noted Those who wore red pinsā€”which bear an eerie resemblance to the bloody hands of a Palestinian Arab who had participated in the lynching of two Israelis at the start of the Second Intifada in 2000 in an iconic photograph of that awful momentā€”in support of an immediate ceasefire, was doing at the Oscars this year


* And: Bloody hands, bloody fools. That symbol the Hollywood glitterati sported is rooted in the horrific lynching of two Israeli men by a Palestinian mob..

* Oct 7 'reliving the 1941 Baghdad massacre' : The Arab marauders went door to door, targeting every Jewish home and business in Baghdad. (The Mufti had prepared for the massacre by ordering a red hamsa symbol painted on all Jewish properties.) For two terror-filled days of Shavuot, Arabs plundered and demolished hundreds of Jewish homes and businesses, while hundreds of Jews ā€“ men, women and children ā€“ were raped and slaughtered


* Syrian-Lebanese peace activist - video, highlights the dark association of the Red Hand print with the Farhud, as quoted in a BBC pieceā€˜The violence continued through the night. A red hand sign or hamsa had been painted on Jewish homes to mark them out .ā€
Re BIG FONTS posted by GRAU

What is the connection between worshipping Hitler and "condemning" people who die because their leaders use them?

Textbooks. Yes that is exactly the problem in twisted pAlEsTiNe.
Re BIG FONTS posted by GRAU

What is the connection between worshipping Hitler and "condemning" people who die because their leaders use them?

Textbooks. Yes that is exactly the problem in twisted pAlEsTiNe.
Because hypocrisy and anti Jewish hate goes hand in hand.

The problem is also the parroting Gaza-Death-ministry's manufactured "numbers" and always failing to add the ratio of about 1 terrorist neutralized to each civilian who are used by the jihad fascist regime to cause as more deaths as they can.

Yes. The real genocide of "adbakh Al yahud" by racist Arab / Islamic-fascists began on 1920.

And never let up.

Failure to succeed does not take away the attempts. Facts.


The world must be reminded of the Palestinian genocide campaign against Jews.

The Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2024.
There was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ā€˜Palestineā€™, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine.

If you do a Google search for the entry ā€œPalestinian genocide accusation,ā€ it starts with the 1948 Nakba, goes on to the 1967 Naksa, includes the Maronite-perpetrated Sabra and Shatila killings, and ends with the Gaza blockade. It references such terms as ā€œethnic cleansing,ā€ ā€œpoliticide,ā€ ā€œspaciocide,ā€ and ā€œcultural genocide.ā€
However, if you are looking for this yearā€™s model, the entry is titled ā€œAllegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza.ā€ That includes such sub-sections as ā€œAlleged genocidal intent,ā€ ā€œAcademic and legal discourse,ā€ ā€œStatements by political organizations and governments,ā€ and ā€œCultural discourse.ā€ When I last looked, there were 299 references, not including footnotes.

The charge that Israel is engaged in a campaign of genocide in Gaza is ubiquitous, from The Hague to campuses, to the media, and in the streets. It is heard in museums and art galleries. It has led to the slogan ā€œAbolish Zionism.ā€ In a medical journal, British Medical Global Health, Israelā€™s policies were described as an ā€œeliminatory settler colonial strategy.ā€
All this is propaganda, of course. After all, despite Israelā€™s campaigns against Hamas aggression, Gazaā€™s population shows no real signs of any serious demographic downfall. Neither has that of Judea and Samaria, except for voluntary emigration abroad.

DURING WORLD WAR II, the Grand Mufti collaborated with Hitler, broadcasting propaganda and recruiting Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS.

Yet, there was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ā€˜Palestineā€™, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine. It was a campaign of attempted genocide, not against Arabs but against the Jews. It began in April 1920, and through riots, pogroms, and terror, as well as political and diplomatic pressure, it has not let up.

Attacks against Jews during the British mandate

Following the first murderous riot in Jerusalem during the Passover festival that coincided with the Nebi Mussa celebration, mob violence occurred again and again throughout the Mandate period. These attacks, as well as those that followed, targeted almost exclusively the defenseless and the weak ā€“ women, the elderly, and the young.

Although there were instances of violence over property and land purchases, as in Jerusalem in 1851, when Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Zoref was stabbed to death after obtaining permission to reconstruct the Hurva synagogue, or in Petah Tikva in 1886, these were localized events. With the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference, and the separation of Palestine, known as Southern Syria, from Syria, the violence assumed a nationalist character that categorized all Jews as justified potential victims of Arab violence.

In Jerusalem, when Jewish schoolchildren marked the occasion of the first anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in a procession on November 2, 1918, Arab ruffians, encouraged by the Arab mayor, fell upon them with clubs. Zeā€™ev Jabotinsky, who was in the city, reported to Chaim Weizmann that there was a pogrom atmosphere and decried the lack of essential British security personnel.

As for Weizmann, he found himself engaged in countering an anti-Zionist propaganda campaign that claimed the Zionists were planning to replace the Dome of the Rock with a Temple, the echoes of which reverberate today. He even traveled to Egypt to meet the Sultan in an attempt to defuse this religiously activated potential explosion.

On November 27, 1919, a protest against Zionism was sent to the US Consulate offices in Haifa that included a direct threat of violence: ā€œWe hereby declare that we are not responsible for any trouble or disorder that may occur in this country as a consequence of the obvious general excitement and dissatisfaction.ā€
Tel Hai was attacked by marauding Bedouins in December 1919 and on February 2, 1920, resulting in two fatalities. It was then overrun on March 1 and Joseph Trumpeldor and his five compatriots were killed.

Sunday, April 4, 1920, during Passover, developed into a day of bloodshed. Here is what Khalil al-Sakakini recalled watching:

ā€œ[A] riot broke out, the people began to run about, and stones were thrown at the Jewsā€¦ There were screamsā€¦ I saw one Hebronite approach a Jewish shoeshine boyā€¦take his box and beat him over the headā€¦ The riot reached its zenith. All shouted, ā€˜Muhammadā€™s religion was born with the swordā€™ ā€¦ My soul is nauseated and depressed.ā€
By the end of the day, seven Jews had been murdered and two Jewish women had been raped. Many dozens were injured. The pattern had been set. Any and all Jews were to be killed; any and all Jews were legitimate targets for Arabs, and the method of killing was beastly and barbaric.

Those events were repeated in May 1921 in Jaffa, November 1921 in Jerusalem, August 1929, and for the almost three continuous years of 1936-1939, when over 500 Jews were murdered. During the in-between years, Arab genocidal terror occurred, such as the operations of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam at Yagur and Nahalal. During the 1948 War of Independence, the genocidal phrase ā€œdrive the Jews into the seaā€ was often repeated.
Scholars over the past three decades have researched and chronicled what historians Matthias KĆ¼ntzel and Jeffrey Herf term ā€œthe collaboration of leading [Arab] Palestinian nationalists with the Nazi regime,ā€ despite Yad Vashemā€™s official unwillingness to link the Mufti directly to the Holocaust.
What is undeniable is that the British, under pressure to halt Arab terror, chose to severely restrict Jewish immigration into the Mandate just when the Hitler regime was beginning to accelerate its anti-Jewish policies. Due to the Arab violence, Jews had nowhere to flee. When the war broke out, they were trapped. The Mufti assisted in the fulfillment of the Nazisā€™ genocidal Final Solution.
In a current, invidious inversion, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Mahmoud Abbasā€™s adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, said on February 10, as reported by Palestine Media Watch: ā€œIt may be that what the Palestinian people is experiencing nowā€¦ by Israelā€¦ did not happen even in World War IIā€¦ [and] are worse and a more criminal holocaust against the Palestinian people.ā€
Yes, there was a campaign of genocide in Palestine, but it was directed at the Jews. We need to remind the world of what happened.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024​

"Trusted media sources:" More proof that Hamas lies in its Gaza casualty statistics​

The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health publishes a weekly document that goes into details of the casualty statistics in Gaza. And buried in that document is proof that - if you believe the ministry - Hamas must be lying.

The Ministry breaks down its statistics on the number of dead people they counted in Gaza hospitals and those they did not. According to the latest report from March 3, 30,228 people had died, of which they counted 17,348 in hospitals, and the other 13,186 they counted from "trusted media sources."

Meaning, the Hamas media office.

43% of all Gaza deaths and demographic breakdowns come not from the doctors in the health ministry but from the masked terrorists of Hamas.

Let's assume that the Gaza health ministry is telling the truth about the people it counted in its hospitals, which they break down per hospital. For the ones that they count themselves, 42% are men and 58% are women and children. (English from Google Translate)

Yet they also say that 72% of the total deaths in Gaza are women and children, not 58%.

Somehow the demographics they see in their hospitals are way, way different from the ones that their "trusted media sources" claim.

To make the numbers work, the "trusted media sources" of the Hamas media office must be claiming an amazing 90% of their otherwise unreported casualties by MoH to be women and children. - roughly 12,000 women and children compared to 1,300 men.

Needless to say, this is virtually statistically impossible.

So even if one believes the health ministry on the numbers its hospitals counted, it is still reporting Hamas media office numbers - and vouching for their accuracy in their own summary reports. Which makes it just as unreliable as everyone else in Hamas.


Apparently, you don't know the meaning of the word "Gaslighting" because posting the views among Jews regarding right wing Zionist genocide are what I have been addressing for months in multiple threads.

What is unclear to you about what Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said when he stated: ā€œWe are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,ā€? (1)

Was Yoav Gallant being vague when he announced Israel's plan to deprive Gaza's residents (aka "Human Animals") of food, water, fuel and electricity essential for hospital life support:

ā€œWe are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.ā€ (2)

The Jews I know are bright enough to realize that with 1.8 Billion Muslims and about 15.7 Million Jews in the world, neither the interests of Israel or the world's Jews are being served by Israel's ruling right wing extremists or apologists for their war crimes and atrocities.

Anyone with even the slightest grasp of Levantine history knows that even if Hamas is eliminated, there will always be regional resistance to the grasping machinations of Israel's right wing "Settler" expansionists (I.e. "Greater Israel") and mass murdering Zionist bigots.

Netanyahu and his gang of genocidal extremists are the greatest threat not only to Israel but to peace seeking Jews around the world because of their insatiable land theft and determination to plunge at least the region into a war zone just to appease greedy "Settlers" who serve as Israel's Human Shields.

Briefly put, neither Hamas nor the PLO are the problem; they are inevitable products of 80 years of Zionist genocide and land theft.

I have repeatedly asked those who are content with the cyclical violence if they knew of any brutally occupied people who have not resisted a foreign occupation / invasion.
Not surprisingly, no one has been able to name even one.

Finally, I don't view the Levantine imbroglio as either pro Israel or anti Israel but as being either for or against a just and durable peace in keeping with International Law.

Then and only then can Jews and Muslims enjoy the peaceful existence they have long been denied by the violent extremists on both sides.


(1). "Benjamin Netanyahu Is the War Criminal of the Year"

"Experts aren't mincing words about the Israeli leader's brutal and disproportionate response to the October 7 Hamas attacks."

EXCERPT "Israeli officials, in their own words, seem to tacitly acknowledge that their criticsā€™ worst fears are far from unfounded. In early November, Israeli security cabinet member and Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said ā€œWe are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,ā€ referring to the war against Palestinians and seizure of territory that marked Israelā€™s founding in 1948." CONTINUED

(2). ā€œA Textbook Case of Genocideā€

ā€œIsrael has been explicit about what itā€™s carrying out in Gaza. Why isnā€™t the world listening?ā€

You are a total dunce.
IF Israel was up to create a "Gaza Nakba" it would have pulverized the whole Gaza on day one, aka 10/8 and that would have been the end of it.

You are a what? Weasel who must believe that :

1) Jews are not Jews they are Khazarians. ALL OF THEM????? Really??????

PS: Khazar was in Central Asia, around Turkey, in other words to use Asians as "Europeans", is really, really dumb. It shows an amazing laziness in wanting to learn anything, much less Think !!!! about the information you have been getting.

2) Zionism comes from the Jewish leaders being exiled to Babylon 2500 years ago. They hoped a Messiah would come and free Israel from the invaders and Jews would be able to be sovereign and free on their ancient homeland again. It almost happened with Bar Kochba, but he was defeated after 5 years by the Romans.

3) Genocide is NOT in the Jewish vocabulary towards any of the enemies. It is not happening at all, no matter how much you wis to believe the liars on the Anti Israel side.

4) Israel is kicking butt of Hamas and all the other terrorists in Gaza and will eventually get to their leader who lives and hides like a scared rat. Israel wants him caught, all normal Gazans want him caught as well.

5) There is no "disproportionate" response from Israel. Israel has been a Million % clear. They are putting an end to Hamas and their infrastructure.

Hamas infrastructure is like this:
Put rocket launchers and weapons in EVERY BUILDING, home, mosque, school, hospital, parks, cemeteries, etc.

THAT is why Gaza now looks as it does, which is no different from other wars started by Hamas when they fired rockets from civilian areas endangering civilians in Gaza.

The Arabs NAKBA was having leaders like Al Hussaini, Arafat, Hamas and others who do not give one ounce of care for the people in Gaza, Judea or Samaria. Where a DEAD Muslim is worth more than a live one.

That NAKBA will hopefully be over in a year and in about two generations those being born will bot be taught hatred and the want to kill Jews for Allah's sake, but will have learned to respect anyone from any religion and live in peace with them.

If you do not agree with any of the above, go and check what you have done to the NAKBA of your own life before you attempt to repeat and repeat and hope your posts will suddenly because the truth of what has happened or what is happening.

Have a nice weekend.

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