Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

…We have not seen a single Jew protest by killing people…

Only Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people and destroying embassies…

This path will not yield any results. The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they can demand that humankind respect them.”

political Islam - including Hamas - and made common cause with the Islamists to call for a ceasefire.

KSA and UAE invested heavily in fields hospitals and aid donations. They threw their diplomatic weight behind Palestinians. They froze their own economic interests with Israel.

How do you think the majority of Palestinians will remember KSA and UAE? They will blame them for all the loss and agony in Gaza while praising #Iran regime instead.

My lesson, from long time ago, when dealing with Palestinians, any support we might offer them — short of saying that we are not worthy and please let us destroy our countries to prove our sincerity — will be reciprocated with hate and accusations of treason. I have not seen any group of people with such a huge sense of entitlement and no gratitude toward whatever others might do to help.

My post above does not apply to every Palestinian. Dozens of Palestinians I know are enlightened and realize, like we Arabs do with our own populations, that the majority opinion is backward and an obstacle to progress. Only problem is that wise Palestinian voices are muzzled while Qatar sponsors all the Palestinian demagogues, from Islamist Hamas to Christian Azmi Beshara.

When I relocated to the UK, I ate the same meal for lunch for about six months to save money. It was my money. I did what I needed to do, and didn't complain for a minute. Could have borrowed money from family. I chose not to. It wasn't a war zone, in a war started BY MY PEOPLE who are now being fed by the world and taxpayers who would rather not send any aid to ungrateful people!!!

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