Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

I lost nothing because from your very first post, whenever that was in whichever thread, you attacked Israel for this or that reason, you always came up with learned anti Israel talking points.

You are a talking point poster, nothing more and nothing less.

You are against facts because your mind is incapable, like so many others, to process history or facts.

The Muslims tell YOU and all others that what they are after is killing all the Jews and taking Israel back into Muslim hands, and you totally dismiss it, as so many others do.

It is not my doing that you allow yourself to be brainwashed, even a few Jews do that, but the majority of the world Christian, Muslim and Jewish, DO KNOW the facts and that is why there are Christians and Muslims, and Druze and Beduin in the Israeli Military fighting to defend THEIR country, Israel.

Because they know that what you wish to believe in is all lies and it is those lies and the existence of Israel and theirs as free people in a Democratic country is what makes them all fight harder to keep Israel from being destroyed as it has been attempted in 1948, 1967, 1973 and now.

FIFTY Years of changing the Muslim and Christian approach as to how to destroy Israel, infiltrating Universities, Governments, Media, etc and making people like yourself believe what is not true.

YOU, Grau, have a problem with facts because you do not know what they are.

So, remain not knowing what they are. Israel will continue to exist and survive any and all attempts to destroy it.

Not ONE person who is against Israel understands what an existential threat is. And apparently never will.

I regret that I don't have the time to address this comment of yours more fully but much of my time is spent communicating with the same friends and family members who are stationed, work and / or live in the region.

One of my brothers-in-law who is a Marine General who has worked closely with high ranking Israeli officials like Benny Gantz, Yaov Gallant etc. One of my nephews is a Naval officer who has worked with Iranian officials for 3 years and an old Scottish friend who works with Britain's Middle East negotiators was visited and stayed in touch with me for well over 40 years.

Therefore the facts I relate and my opinions are based not only on 60 years of study, credible Jewish and non Jewish sources and my own first hand personal experiences but those facts shared that do not make "the news" and are banned from your Hasbara Handbook.

You did not deny that your only sources of information are "Tweets" and pro Israel Western MSM that have programmed you to regurgitate fraudulent Hasbara talking points and deny facts that are as real as gravity.

I do not doubt that you are intelligent and knowledgable in some fields but because you've never spent time in the Middle East talking to both sides and rely only on self serving "Tweets" and pro Israel Western MSM, you know nothing about regional realities and repeatedly parrot long debunked Hasbara cliche's.

For example:

Not ONE person who is against Israel understands what an existential threat is. And apparently never will.

This one statement proves that you have neither understood anything I've both written and supported nor do you know anything except what puerile "Tweets" and pro Israel MSM report.

1. I am not "against Israel". You chose to ignore the fact that I have repeatedly been specific that I am opposed to Israel's ruling right wing war criminals and sociopathic "Settler" land thieves / Human Shields as are many Israelis and Jews around the world.

2. Palestine's long pre existing residents are among the many around the world who understand "existential threats" far better than invasive and pampered Israeli Welfare recipients who would be homeless if it were not for Germany's $ Billions and America's $ Trillions.

3. You don't think that the Iranians understand what an "existential threat" is after being invaded by the USSR and the British in 1941 and having their democratic government overthrown by Britain and the US in 1953. Under the US installed Shah's brutal SAVAK, don't you think that the Iranians experienced an "existential threat"?

Israel's true and genuine existential threat is from its provocative and genocidal right wing expansionists who have enlarged the ranks of regional resistance organizations, rendered Israel a global pariah and driven civilized societies to condemn Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

Finally, I have repeatedly asked you and other supporters of Zionist genocide how the systematic extermination or Gaza's people is going to make Israel more secure in the long run.

It is beyond naive not to see that global outrage can only create broader support for the resistance group(s) that replace Hamas if Hamas is ever eliminated.
Meanwhile the only entity that has benefited from Netanyahu's myopic and genocidal folly is Hezbollah and the Houthis who have been co ordinating with Hamas members (1)

Once again, please explain how the continued extermination of Palestine's existing population is going to make Israel any more secure in six months.....or ever with anti Israeli sentiment recruiting more and more resistance fighters / terrorists from the world's 1.8 Billion Muslims who far outnumber the world's 15.7 Million Jews.


(1). "Palestinian terror leaders, Houthi officials met to coordinate against Israel – report"

EXCERPT "Top figures from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and PFLP held discussions with Yemen’s Iran-backed rebels last week on ‘next stage’ of war, Palestinian sources say" CONTINUED​

[ People need to realize that Gaza and PA areas are NEVER going to make only ONE Arab State. Never did. Gaza is one. Area A is another. Area B is another. Put down their weapons and desire to destroy Israel and move on and save thousands of lives. Live in Peace ]

The party retorts that "whoever caused Israel's reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, and caused the Nakba that the Palestinian people are experiencing, especially in the Gaza Strip, does not have the right to dictate national priorities," and added that they were "astonished" that Hamas could talk of exclusion and division when Hamas didn't consult Palestinian leadership or any Palestinian national party before committing the October 7th massacres.

They ask, "Has Hamas consulted Palestinian leadership while it is "now negotiating with Israel and offering it concessions after concessions, and that it has no goal other than for its leadership to receive guarantees for its personal security, and to try to reach an agreement with Netanyahu again to maintain its divisive role in Gaza and the Palestinian arena?"

They also affirmed that "President Mahmoud Abbas has the right, in accordance with the Basic Law, to do everything that is in the interest of the Palestinian people," and asked Hamas if they would like to replace Prime Minister-designate Dr. Muhammad Mustafa with a minister from Tehran or Iran.
I regret that I don't have the time to address this comment of yours more fully but much of my time is spent communicating with the same friends and family members who are stationed, work and / or live in the region.

One of my brothers-in-law who is a Marine General who has worked closely with high ranking Israeli officials like Benny Gantz, Yaov Gallant etc. One of my nephews is a Naval officer who has worked with Iranian officials for 3 years and an old Scottish friend who works with Britain's Middle East negotiators was visited and stayed in touch with me for well over 40 years.

Therefore the facts I relate and my opinions are based not only on 60 years of study, credible Jewish and non Jewish sources and my own first hand personal experiences but those facts shared that do not make "the news" and are banned from your Hasbara Handbook.

You did not deny that your only sources of information are "Tweets" and pro Israel Western MSM that have programmed you to regurgitate fraudulent Hasbara talking points and deny facts that are as real as gravity.

I do not doubt that you are intelligent and knowledgable in some fields but because you've never spent time in the Middle East talking to both sides and rely only on self serving "Tweets" and pro Israel Western MSM, you know nothing about regional realities and repeatedly parrot long debunked Hasbara cliche's.

For example:


This one statement proves that you have neither understood anything I've both written and supported nor do you know anything except what puerile "Tweets" and pro Israel MSM report.

1. I am not "against Israel". You chose to ignore the fact that I have repeatedly been specific that I am opposed to Israel's ruling right wing war criminals and sociopathic "Settler" land thieves / Human Shields as are many Israelis and Jews around the world.

2. Palestine's long pre existing residents are among the many around the world who understand "existential threats" far better than invasive and pampered Israeli Welfare recipients who would be homeless if it were not for Germany's $ Billions and America's $ Trillions.

3. You don't think that the Iranians understand what an "existential threat" is after being invaded by the USSR and the British in 1941 and having their democratic government overthrown by Britain and the US in 1953. Under the US installed Shah's brutal SAVAK, don't you think that the Iranians experienced an "existential threat"?

Israel's true and genuine existential threat is from its provocative and genocidal right wing expansionists who have enlarged the ranks of regional resistance organizations, rendered Israel a global pariah and driven civilized societies to condemn Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

Finally, I have repeatedly asked you and other supporters of Zionist genocide how the systematic extermination or Gaza's people is going to make Israel more secure in the long run.

It is beyond naive not to see that global outrage can only create broader support for the resistance group(s) that replace Hamas if Hamas is ever eliminated.
Meanwhile the only entity that has benefited from Netanyahu's myopic and genocidal folly is Hezbollah and the Houthis who have been co ordinating with Hamas members (1)

Once again, please explain how the continued extermination of Palestine's existing population is going to make Israel any more secure in six months.....or ever with anti Israeli sentiment recruiting more and more resistance fighters / terrorists from the world's 1.8 Billion Muslims who far outnumber the world's 15.7 Million Jews.


(1). "Palestinian terror leaders, Houthi officials met to coordinate against Israel – report"

EXCERPT "Top figures from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and PFLP held discussions with Yemen’s Iran-backed rebels last week on ‘next stage’ of war, Palestinian sources say" CONTINUED​

The ideas you keep getting from Anti Israel sources which are not true:

1) The Israeli right wing is basically genocidal and expansionist

2) Israel is stealing land. It is not. 78% was stolen by the British during the mandate and given to the Arabia nearly kicked out Hashemite clan. Then the British tried to keep the rest for themselves and also helped the Hashemites in 1948 to attack Jews in Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. THERE is your real expansionists. The Muslims who kept that land for 1967 until they tried again with another war and lost that land to Israel, because by then Israel became stronger.

3) When you say Palestine long existing population you are definitely excluding the Jewish people who are the indigenous people of the land for over 3000 with a history included in many conqueror's history writings.

4) Israel is not a land of welfare but it is a Startup Nation which is economically sound.
You are confusing Jews with the Arabs of Gaza and PA who receive donations from around the world in order to help them destroy Israel and many receive salaries for having killed Jews, be they dead or in prison.

5) Ukraine is experiencing an existential threat. So is Israel. Iran .......give me a break.

6) by all means keep making the mistake of calling the getting rid of Hamas, Islamic Jihad in Gaza a "genocide". You continue to not gain points by doing that.

7) 95% of Jews are Zionists. Zionism is the right to reestablish the Jewish Nation ON its ancient Jewish homeland. It was to be done without doing any harm to any existing population outside of the Jewish one. Arab leader Al Hussaini did not agree with it, defeated the Arab clans who wanted it, and he started riots and killing of Jews instead of ever considering living in peace with a Sovereign Jewish State. They were offered a State by the British in 1937, 1947, 2000 and other times. They refused because these Arabs could not accept any territory once conquered by Muslims to be sovereign to anyone else but Muslims. THAT is the root of the conflict.

8) The Palestine Arabs refer to and which is used in the "Free Palestine" banners, etc is ISRAEL, not anywhere else. They AGAIN wanted to FREE all of Israel via another attack, this time with Hezbollah and the Houthis via Iran.

9) You do not have ONE freaking idea of what you are talking about. Allege this and allege that and are Incapable of seeing what is actually going on:

Muslims created an environment around the world against Israel after they lost the 1973 war. BDS, infiltrating governments, media, education. THIS is what we have today. It is not just a war with rockets, but a psychological war based on endless lies.
Israel has had to be strong and stronger and ready for war not because she wants to but because the Arab primitive thinking demands that they treat Jews like non humans and retake land once conquered by Muslims.

Not one complaint or battle or war against the Crusaders or Ottomans for the past 600 years before the Mandate For Palestine.

Israel and 15 Million Jews do not need your "knowledge". It is a "knowledge" designed to weaken Israel and see it eventually destroyed.


Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !!!

When they write their stories for
@bbcnews demonising Israel they turn to Hamas supporters and Jew haters to help them.

Pass it on.

So quickly are you ready to deny Israel the right to defend itself against the monsters of Hamas? Did you lose your moral conscience so quickly?

Instead of putting pressure on Israel, which is fighting an unjust war, against an enemy that cannot be more cruel, direct your pressure against Hamas and its patron - Iran. They are the ones who pose a danger to the region and the entire world.

We, in any case, will face all the pressures, and with God's help, we will continue to fight together until complete victory."

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