Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[Ramadan is the holiest month of the year in Islamic culture. For Muslims, itā€™s a time for spiritual reflection and growth, to help those in need, and to spend time with loved ones. Itā€™s also a time when Muslims around the world fast during daylight hours for the whole month of Ramadan. ]

When Al-Habbash writes that the Palestinian Jihad will achieve the Palestinian ā€œlegitimate goalsā€ and that the ā€œoccupationā€ will be ā€œerased,ā€ he is encouraging Palestinians to see Ramadan as a time of terror to advance the PAā€™s fundamental goal of destroying Israel. When the PA and Mahmoud Al-Habbash talk about ā€œoccupation,ā€ they are referring to all of Israelā€™s existence, as Al-Habbash has made clear many times. In a recent talk, he explained that "occupation" from the PAā€™s perspective is Israelā€™s existence ā€œfor more than seven decades already.ā€ According to Abbas' advisor, only Israelā€™s destruction will bring peace:

ā€œ[Israel] doesnā€™t want to understand that the cause of everything is the occupationā€™s (i.e., Israel's) existence. Once the occupation (i.e., Israel) comes to an end, there will be no violence or bloodshed from any side. As long as the occupation exists, they must understand that they have no hope of living securely and safely... For more than seven decades already (i.e., since Israel's establishment in 1948), the Palestinian people has been in this situation and wants to be rid of the occupation and achieve its freedom, honor, and state.ā€
[PA Supreme Shariā€™ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Facebook page, Oct. 9, 2023]
Accordingly, when Al-Habbash leads up to Islamā€™s holy month of Ramadan, which starts today, by reiterating that Ramadan revives the Jihad which will lead to the "occupationā€™s erasure," he is again promising terror that will lead to Israelā€™s destruction:

ā€œ[PA] Supreme Shariā€™ah Judge of Palestine and President [Abbasā€™] Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Sheikh Dr. Mahmoud Al-Habbash saidā€¦ that the [Muslim fasting] month of Ramadan will remain a tenet of faith that revives within us the power of faith, activity, and just Jihad for our legitimate goals and rights and for the defense of our religious holy sites, and particularly the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and what will be erased and will leave is the racist occupation (i.e., Israel), its tools, and its angels of destruction.ā€
Two years ago, Al-Habbash was even more explicit about the necessity for Palestinians to be involved in terror during Ramadan:

ā€œDid the Prophet spend Ramadan in calmness, serenity, laziness, and sleepiness? Far be it from himā€¦ The Prophet entered the great Battle of Badr (i.e., in 624 CE) during Ramadan... Martyrs fell from among the companions of the Prophet ā€“ 14 Martyrsā€¦ The companions did not say: ā€˜O Prophet of Allah, now is a time of fasting and it is hotā€™... On the 17th of Ramadan, he set out to Badr, and the great Battle of Badr took placeā€¦ Also in the month of Ramadan, in the 8th year of the Hijra (i.e., 629-630 CE), the Prophet and the Muslims conquered Mecca... The Prophet did not say and did not think when he decided to set out to liberate Mecca and to conquer Mecca that ā€˜Now itā€™s Ramadan, people are fasting, letā€™s delay it to after Ramadanā€™ā€¦ How can we build [our] lives and lay foundations for Islam if we are lazy, Heaven forbid? Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory.ā€
[Official PA TV, Allahā€™s Messenger Muhammad, April 3, 2022]

Due to incitement to terror both by the PA and Hamas, the Israeli military establishment is on high alert to prevent additional Palestinian terror during this year's Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

You are a total dunce.
IF Israel was up to create a "Gaza Nakba" it would have pulverized the whole Gaza on day one, aka 10/8 and that would have been the end of it.

You are a what? Weasel who must believe that :

1) Jews are not Jews they are Khazarians. ALL OF THEM????? Really??????

PS: Khazar was in Central Asia, around Turkey, in other words to use Asians as "Europeans", is really, really dumb. It shows an amazing laziness in wanting to learn anything, much less Think !!!! about the information you have been getting.

2) Zionism comes from the Jewish leaders being exiled to Babylon 2500 years ago. They hoped a Messiah would come and free Israel from the invaders and Jews would be able to be sovereign and free on their ancient homeland again. It almost happened with Bar Kochba, but he was defeated after 5 years by the Romans.

3) Genocide is NOT in the Jewish vocabulary towards any of the enemies. It is not happening at all, no matter how much you wis to believe the liars on the Anti Israel side.

4) Israel is kicking butt of Hamas and all the other terrorists in Gaza and will eventually get to their leader who lives and hides like a scared rat. Israel wants him caught, all normal Gazans want him caught as well.

5) There is no "disproportionate" response from Israel. Israel has been a Million % clear. They are putting an end to Hamas and their infrastructure.

Hamas infrastructure is like this:
Put rocket launchers and weapons in EVERY BUILDING, home, mosque, school, hospital, parks, cemeteries, etc.

THAT is why Gaza now looks as it does, which is no different from other wars started by Hamas when they fired rockets from civilian areas endangering civilians in Gaza.

The Arabs NAKBA was having leaders like Al Hussaini, Arafat, Hamas and others who do not give one ounce of care for the people in Gaza, Judea or Samaria. Where a DEAD Muslim is worth more than a live one.

That NAKBA will hopefully be over in a year and in about two generations those being born will bot be taught hatred and the want to kill Jews for Allah's sake, but will have learned to respect anyone from any religion and live in peace with them.

If you do not agree with any of the above, go and check what you have done to the NAKBA of your own life before you attempt to repeat and repeat and hope your posts will suddenly because the truth of what has happened or what is happening.

Have a nice weekend.

You lost your argument at the second insult: ("dunce", "weasel").

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates

Additionally, recycling the same unsupported and tiresome Hasbara slander and lies is not working on the only people who can ensure Israel's survival: younger Americans who have not been brainwashed by decades of pro Israel MSM bias that has apparently shaped your opinions.

"Half of Young People Say Israel Is Committing Genocide Despite Strong Media Bias"

EXCERPTS "The poll findings are a powerful show of young peoplesā€™ support for Palestinian rights despite widespread repression.

According to polling conducted this week by The Economist/YouGov, 49 percent of people aged 18 to 29 say that they think Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, with 24 percent saying they disagree and 27 percent saying theyā€™re not sure." CONTINUED

1) Jews are not Jews they are Khazarians. ALL OF THEM????? Really??????

I never wrote that Jews were not Jews or that all Jews came from Khazaria. If you're denying that there were Jews in Central Russians then, I guess that there were not millions of them to be killed.

I don't see much point in addressing anything so characteristically delusional as your claim that Zionism was established in Babylon, 2,500 years ago when the rational world generally concurs that the Zionists who worked so closely with the Nazis evolved from Theodor Herzl's efforts in the1890s.

The remaining delusions, mischaracterizations and falsehoods simply mirror the same cherry picked Hasbara fodder (Twitter / X) you chose because credible sources refute your denial of blatant, internationally condemned genocide.

The 80 year old fiction that the Palestinians are intrinsically evil and violent because they resisted Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs and continue to resist the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history is not working on younger Americans who will be tomorrow's policy makers and liberate US Policy making from AIPAC, ZOA etc and initiate a more even handed US Middle East policy.

Next, I do not understand your closing paragraph or what you mean by the Nakba of my own life. Like most people, my opinions have been shaped by my own first hand experiences which include witnessing what modern munitions and fire do to human bone and tissue.
Perhaps if you had experienced combat, treated mutilated, starved and traumatized children and known the stench of burned human flesh your bloodlust wouldn't negate rational thought.

After all, it's irrational and counterproductive to blame all of today's bloodshed on Hamas or all Israelis.
It is also irrational to expect Palestine's existing population to meekly submit to an 80 year old Nakba.

Finally, no one who supports Netanyahu's genocidal agenda seem capable of grasping the reality that regardless of what happens with Hamas, anti Israel sentiment and resistance has and will become even more widespread and both the world's Jews and Israel will be even less secure and any victory will be Pyrrhic in nature.

Yes, we clearly disagree but I rarely agree with individuals whose sources of information are, apparently, "Tweets" and pro Israel Western MSM.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I encourage you to do what I did; go to the region, spend a few months getting to know the people on both sides and see for yourself.

I hope your weekend is also enjoyable and look forward to your response.

You lost your argument at the second insult: ("dunce", "weasel").

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates

Additionally, recycling the same unsupported and tiresome Hasbara slander and lies is not working on the only people who can ensure Israel's survival: younger Americans who have not been brainwashed by decades of pro Israel MSM bias that has apparently shaped your opinions.

"Half of Young People Say Israel Is Committing Genocide Despite Strong Media Bias"

EXCERPTS "The poll findings are a powerful show of young peoplesā€™ support for Palestinian rights despite widespread repression.

According to polling conducted this week by The Economist/YouGov, 49 percent of people aged 18 to 29 say that they think Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, with 24 percent saying they disagree and 27 percent saying theyā€™re not sure." CONTINUED

I never wrote that Jews were not Jews or that all Jews came from Khazaria. If you're denying that there were Jews in Central Russians then, I guess that there were not millions of them to be killed.

I don't see much point in addressing anything so characteristically delusional as your claim that Zionism was established in Babylon, 2,500 years ago when the rational world generally concurs that the Zionists who worked so closely with the Nazis evolved from Theodor Herzl's efforts in the1890s.

The remaining delusions, mischaracterizations and falsehoods simply mirror the same cherry picked Hasbara fodder (Twitter / X) you chose because credible sources refute your denial of blatant, internationally condemned genocide.

The 80 year old fiction that the Palestinians are intrinsically evil and violent because they resisted Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs and continue to resist the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history is not working on younger Americans who will be tomorrow's policy makers and liberate US Policy making from AIPAC, ZOA etc and initiate a more even handed US Middle East policy.

Next, I do not understand your closing paragraph or what you mean by the Nakba of my own life. Like most people, my opinions have been shaped by my own first hand experiences which include witnessing what modern munitions and fire do to human bone and tissue.
Perhaps if you had experienced combat, treated mutilated, starved and traumatized children and known the stench of burned human flesh your bloodlust wouldn't negate rational thought.

After all, it's irrational and counterproductive to blame all of today's bloodshed on Hamas or all Israelis.
It is also irrational to expect Palestine's existing population to meekly submit to an 80 year old Nakba.

Finally, no one who supports Netanyahu's genocidal agenda seem capable of grasping the reality that regardless of what happens with Hamas, anti Israel sentiment and resistance has and will become even more widespread and both the world's Jews and Israel will be even less secure and any victory will be Pyrrhic in nature.

Yes, we clearly disagree but I rarely agree with individuals whose sources of information are, apparently, "Tweets" and pro Israel Western MSM.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I encourage you to do what I did; go to the region, spend a few months getting to know the people on both sides and see for yourself.

I hope your weekend is also enjoyable and look forward to your response.

I lost nothing because from your very first post, whenever that was in whichever thread, you attacked Israel for this or that reason, you always came up with learned anti Israel talking points.

You are a talking point poster, nothing more and nothing less.

You are against facts because your mind is incapable, like so many others, to process history or facts.

The Muslims tell YOU and all others that what they are after is killing all the Jews and taking Israel back into Muslim hands, and you totally dismiss it, as so many others do.

It is not my doing that you allow yourself to be brainwashed, even a few Jews do that, but the majority of the world Christian, Muslim and Jewish, DO KNOW the facts and that is why there are Christians and Muslims, and Druze and Beduin in the Israeli Military fighting to defend THEIR country, Israel.

Because they know that what you wish to believe in is all lies and it is those lies and the existence of Israel and theirs as free people in a Democratic country is what makes them all fight harder to keep Israel from being destroyed as it has been attempted in 1948, 1967, 1973 and now.

FIFTY Years of changing the Muslim and Christian approach as to how to destroy Israel, infiltrating Universities, Governments, Media, etc and making people like yourself believe what is not true.

YOU, Grau, have a problem with facts because you do not know what they are.

So, remain not knowing what they are. Israel will continue to exist and survive any and all attempts to destroy it.

Not ONE person who is against Israel understands what an existential threat is. And apparently never will.
You lost your argument at the second insult: ("dunce", "weasel").

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates

Additionally, recycling the same unsupported and tiresome Hasbara slander and lies is not working on the only people who can ensure Israel's survival: younger Americans who have not been brainwashed by decades of pro Israel MSM bias that has apparently shaped your opinions.

"Half of Young People Say Israel Is Committing Genocide Despite Strong Media Bias"

EXCERPTS "The poll findings are a powerful show of young peoplesā€™ support for Palestinian rights despite widespread repression.

According to polling conducted this week by The Economist/YouGov, 49 percent of people aged 18 to 29 say that they think Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, with 24 percent saying they disagree and 27 percent saying theyā€™re not sure." CONTINUED

I never wrote that Jews were not Jews or that all Jews came from Khazaria. If you're denying that there were Jews in Central Russians then, I guess that there were not millions of them to be killed.

I don't see much point in addressing anything so characteristically delusional as your claim that Zionism was established in Babylon, 2,500 years ago when the rational world generally concurs that the Zionists who worked so closely with the Nazis evolved from Theodor Herzl's efforts in the1890s.

The remaining delusions, mischaracterizations and falsehoods simply mirror the same cherry picked Hasbara fodder (Twitter / X) you chose because credible sources refute your denial of blatant, internationally condemned genocide.

The 80 year old fiction that the Palestinians are intrinsically evil and violent because they resisted Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs and continue to resist the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history is not working on younger Americans who will be tomorrow's policy makers and liberate US Policy making from AIPAC, ZOA etc and initiate a more even handed US Middle East policy.

Next, I do not understand your closing paragraph or what you mean by the Nakba of my own life. Like most people, my opinions have been shaped by my own first hand experiences which include witnessing what modern munitions and fire do to human bone and tissue.
Perhaps if you had experienced combat, treated mutilated, starved and traumatized children and known the stench of burned human flesh your bloodlust wouldn't negate rational thought.

After all, it's irrational and counterproductive to blame all of today's bloodshed on Hamas or all Israelis.
It is also irrational to expect Palestine's existing population to meekly submit to an 80 year old Nakba.

Finally, no one who supports Netanyahu's genocidal agenda seem capable of grasping the reality that regardless of what happens with Hamas, anti Israel sentiment and resistance has and will become even more widespread and both the world's Jews and Israel will be even less secure and any victory will be Pyrrhic in nature.

Yes, we clearly disagree but I rarely agree with individuals whose sources of information are, apparently, "Tweets" and pro Israel Western MSM.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I encourage you to do what I did; go to the region, spend a few months getting to know the people on both sides and see for yourself.

I hope your weekend is also enjoyable and look forward to your response.

Khazar was not in Central Russia. They were of Turkic ethnicity, aka from Turkish area.

What does it matter if Jews lived in Russia, all over Russia, Iran, China, Turkey, Greece, Mesopotamia, Americas, Australia or Greenland?

You are clearly repeating something you read about Jews who lived in Russia, had to escape or immigrate at a time when there was a high level of antisemitism in Russia, as there has been in many other places.

You are "worried" that Jews who left their homeland and after centuries being expelled from one place or another were eventually expelled from Russia? THEY are supposed to be European "Whites" ? THEY do not have the right to move to Israel if being persecuted in Russia?

Israel was rebuilt as a Nation EXACTLY because Jews were being persecuted by European AND Muslims in Asia and being forced to migrate or escape if they managed to survive a massacre.

Your opinions come from an Anti War person. Most people on the planet are anti wars. But there is really nothing we can do about it because the few like Putin, Assad, Hamas leaders and others - they live to conquer as much as they can and get as much power as they can to take as much territory as they can.

It has been that way since even before cities started to be built and armies. THAT is never going to change.

Your witnessing of combats gives you no right to tell Israel that she has not right to defend herself and to tell her that she is not doing enough, or should stop, when Israel did not invade and start this war.

Hamas has been given too many warnings since 2017 to stop with its aggressions against Israel and it finally chose to do the most despicable of things.

Israel is Gaza to end Hamas power in Gaza and all the rockets and other infrastructure it has built with the Billions given to Gaza to build a good place where all could live in peace.

Hamas oppresses its own people, women, children, Homosexuals, Christians.

No Grau, Israel is not going to listen to ANYONE who thinks that Israel or any other country, like Ukraine, etc, should just sit there and allow another group or country invade it and attempt to take over its territory and turn all the population into whatever Russia or Hamas had in mind to do.

This is the 21st century. This is reality.

Live in it.
Last edited:

Fatah also said Hamas operates according to #Iran regime instructions.

But when someone like me said the lines above, North American wackos -- of Arab and Muslim origin and otherwise -- attacked me for being Uncle Tom for not supporting Hamas. Well guess what. Hamas is more hated than the plague among Arabs and Muslims (the real ones, who live over there, not the fake ones who think that the name of the Muslim God is Allah). No real Arab or Muslim is shedding tears over the destruction of Hamas. Hamas MUST be gone.

Oh, and the exchange of trash talk statements between Fatah and Hamas proves one thing: If Palestinians cannot form a cabinet, how can they form a state to live next to the State of Israel under a two-state solution?

If anything, Israel's destruction of Hamas might accelerate, rather than undermine, the two-state scheme. But destroying Hamas hurts Biden with all the Hamas fans in America, including in Congress.

Peace with Egypt is an illusion. Sadat had to go to al-Azhar to get a fatwa for a hudna. That's not peace. They are our sworn enemy and still wish to destroy us. Jordan is the same. That's the best we can hope for.

The UAE and KSA are operating under the same Islamic doctrine with a slightly different interpretation. If you want to call that "peace" and think this can be accomplished with a much more hostile population like the Palestinians, then you're not paying attention.

The way of the Middle East is the #HouseOfWar. When you offer peace, the Arabs see you as weak, and vulnerable. That's a surefire path towards war.

Pinning your hopes on so-called "moderate" Arabs who not so long ago wanted to see us all dead, and are still perfectly okay with chopping peoples' heads off in public if anyone violates the laws of the Qur'an... That is not very smart. Deriving hope from normalization is the way of the weak European Jews who walked like sheep to the slaughter throughout the millennia.

I say the hell with that. That is not who we are anymore. We are a noble, ancient, and powerful people. We do not apologize for our existence, nor do we need anyone to affirm our rights, give us their approval, or protect us. Those who would fight us will most assuredly lose. Those who condemn us are irrelevant. Those who lie about us will be exposed.

This is our time. The only ones able to give away our freedom, dignity, and our land are us. Stop doing that! Being a doormat will not solve any problems. Seeking approval from Muslims or Christians is pathetic and encourages bullying against Jews. In the immortal words of Jay-Z, "You gotta love me, or leave me alone."

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