Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Before drowning into hysterical sensationalism,

let me remind you that the majority of world's

population are the decent people who -

overwhelmingly support Israel.

Not true. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite.

Israel is a pariah apartheid authoritarian racist state. All the world should condemn it.

JERUSALEM, April 5 (Reuters) - One of the hostages seized by Hamas gunmen during their attack on Israeli communities around Gaza on Oct. 7 was probably killed by an Israeli helicopter gunship that was responding to the attack, the military said on Friday.

For several weeks, the military has been investigating reports that some of the 1,200 Israelis and foreign victims of the attack were killed by friendly fire during the chaos, in which more than 250 people were abducted as hostages.

It said an inquiry into the events around the kidnapping of Efrat Katz, a resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz, one of the communities targeted by the attack, examined a variety of video evidence and testimony of witnesses.

It said the evidence showed that one of the helicopter gunships fired at a vehicle in which gunmen were travelling and which the evidence also suggested had hostages in it.

"As a result of the fire, most of the terrorists manning the vehicle were killed, and most likely, Efrat Katz ... was killed as well," it said in a statement.

It said the investigation showed that the hostages could not be distinguished by existing surveillance systems.

"The commander of the air force did not find fault in the operation by the helicopter crew, who operated in compliance with the orders in a complex reality of war," it said.
[A reminder that Iran has been behind every anti Israel move by Muslim countries since 1979. And pays for every weapon used by Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis now ]


At the same time the leaders of Hamas are warning Gazan civilians that if they try to take any humanitarian aid before Hamas can get their hands on it, they will be violently dealt with.

Musa Abu Marzouk (senior Hamas leader)

"The aid that comes into Gaza has to be distributed first to the resistance fighters, and what remains can be distributed to the people. The attempt of some citizens to seize aid, as happened today in Rafah, will be fought with force, and the people must offer the aid for the sake of the resistance and not steal the food from the resistance."
Sari Bashi folowing her racist-Arab Omar Shaktir footsteps


HRW published report claiming war crimes in IDF attack on "Engineer's Building" which they claim killed 106 civilians. The only evidence they show that it was not a military target is that Gazans they spoke to told them it was not. HRW does not quote any actual military experts.
Apr 4, 2024
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