Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

'There's no normal anymore'.
Jewish rally in Teaneck park attracts hundreds in response to antisemitic events targeting the town.
By Leah Adler
21 March 2024, 9:59 am
...The planned car rally was just the latest in a long line of pro-Palestinian events held in Teaneck in recent months. On the previous Sunday, March 10, a protest outside Congregation Keter Torah, an Orthodox synagogue in town, against a private event showcasing Israeli real estate being held on the premises, drew about 1,000 participants, according to BCJAC estimates, and resulted in two arrests.

Yigal Gross of Teaneck, BCJAC’s spokesperson, sees these two protests, part of the string of other car rallies, demonstrations, and walkouts that have taken place in Teaneck since October 7, as “a targeted and malicious campaign to intimidate and harass the community.” The sheer number of events that have taken place in the township, along with their disruptive nature and hateful rhetoric, and the fact that so many of the participants do not live in Teaneck, make this clear, he said in an interview after the BCJAC rally.

At the demonstration outside Keter Torah, paintballs were thrown at cars, and two perpetrators later were charged with bias crimes. That demonstration also featured “shocking and hateful slogans,” Rachel Cyrulnik of Teaneck, BCJAC’s vice president, said after the BCJAC rally. “We heard, ‘Go back to Germany,’ ‘Go back to Auschwitz,’ ‘Rape is resistance,’ ‘Are you scared yet,’ ‘Globalize the Intifada,’ and of course, ‘From the river to the sea.’

“One protester told an officer who was cleaning something on the floor, ‘get on the floor and eat it, you pig,’” Ms. Cyrulnik continued...

Other protests have “used slogans like ‘flood Teaneck streets’ and ‘flood Teaneck’s parks,’ terminology from the Al Aqsa Flood operation” — the October 7 attack — to evoke a sense of fear, Mr. Gross said. And the car rallies have involved honking, throwing things at pedestrians, running red lights, and obstructing the flow of traffic, he added...

Hussain answers that it is merchandise brought from areas that IDF has retreated from, and it will only last a day or 2. This is clearly not Israeli Coca Cola though, even in the unlikely event that IDF soldiers were bringing commercial amounts of soft drinks with them to battle.
A number of anti-Israel social media accounts are mourning the supposed killing of a 6-year-old Gazan girl and her family, posting the following photo of the little angel:

Now I do not know for sure whether or not this girl was killed, and if so, by who. Nor do I know whether or not she even existed. But what I do know is that the girl in the photo is not a Gazan called “Hiba Al Ghailini.” I don’t know her real name, but let’s call her “stock photo girl”:

This was no innocent mistake, but rather yet another malicious attempt by the haters to pull the wool over the eyes of people. And they keep doing it because it works.


A Heartbreaking Message from Nicole Louk Naccache, Shani Louk’s Grandmother:

“Three men shouting “Allah and Akbar.” One vile photograph and my crushed granddaughter.
And the world is silent.

My dead granddaughter stars in a photograph that won a prestigious photography competition.
And the world is silent!!!

The body of my granddaughter, after she was brutally murdered and taken to Gaza as a sign of victory, is displayed for all to see.
And the world is silent!!!!

My granddaughter’s body, after the vile murderers broke her bones so she could get into the back of the van, this body that was only a few hours ago so full of life, love, and light. Tossed as a victory trophy for terrorists and vile photographers.
And the world is silent!!!!

My beautiful dead granddaughter, surrounded by three bloodthirsty murderers. This is the heroic photo that was chosen first in a prestigious photography competition.
And the world is silent.

And I’m screaming, how could you??

And when in the history of photography did the photo of a body win a prize? And how much more pain can we contain?

And the world is silent.
And the world is silent.”
[ I do not understand how Mohammad decapitating hundreds of Jewish men in Kaybar and then expelling Jews forever from that area is not a sign that other Muslims should behave the same way. The Hashemite clan did the same in 1925 when they attacked and expelled Jews forever from their homes and lands in Transjordan and in 1948 from Judea and Samaria. How is it NOT a part of Islam to keep Jews subjugated to Islam at any cost? And this is why 10/7 and every other attack on Jews since the 7th century has happened. It got worse since 1920 when Muslims could not accept a rebuilt Israel and an independent Israel on land Muslims had once conquered ]

My friend
surveyed Friday sermons of U.S. imams, since October 7, and countered with a sermon-like article of his own in which he debunked theirs, all while using teachings of tolerance and diversity from within Islam itself.

It is not clear why U.S. imams disregarded basic Islamic teachings, perhaps "due to their ideological bias or lack of knowledge." Be it as it may, these imams" promoted a narrative that is the same old radical narrative, recycled for decades, that presents the Palestinians as victims, portrays the Jews as evil, insists on an all-or-nothing approach, lacks self-reflection, endorses the vicious circle of violence, and rejects peace and coexistence with #Israel."

U.S. imams "did not condemn Hamas for starting a war, miscalculating Israel's response, using the Gazans as human shields, or causing the death of thousands of Palestinians and the destruction of large areas of Gaza."

Instead, these "imams focused on highlighting the similarities between Hamas' attack and the wars fought by the prophet and his companions, demonizing Israel, narrating historical antisemitic stories attributed to the prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam, such as the hadith about the stones and the Gharqad Tree, and citing verses from the Quran that characterized Jews as corrupt, treacherous, untrustworthy, and the killers of prophets."

The U.S. imams presented the Gaza war "as part of an eternal religious enmity between Muslims and Jews that will ultimately end with the humiliating defeat of the Jews by Muslims and the liberation of Jerusalem and Palestine 'from the river to the sea'.


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