Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Since the many protests recently are calling Israel immoral, let's talk about morality.

A nation's highest obligation is to protect the lives of its citizens. That is the contract that every citizen has with his or her nation: pledge allegiance in exchange for protection.

Even though Hamas has made its genocidal intentions clear from its founding, up until this month Israel treated the de facto rulers of Gaza with the assumption that they are also interested to some extent in their own wellbeing and that of those under its rule, and that Hamas could be managed by a combination of carrots and sticks - carrots in loosening up imports, exports, travel and work permits, sticks in the occasional limited military action that was meant to teach Hamas what it could lose if it shot rockets or engaged in terror.

That was a fatal error.

On October 7, Israel - and the world, if it was paying attention - learned that Hamas' highest aspiration was to slaughter Israelis, even at the expense of its own people, whose lives had been steadily improving over the past couple of years by every metric.

Hamas showed that its genocidal charter was not lip service, but the actual core of its existence.

With this knowledge that Israel had badly misestimated Hamas' true nature, there is no higher moral purpose than to eradicate Hamas and its terrorist allies, from the jihadist Islamic Jihad to the socialist PFLP and DFLP, all of whom participated and supported Hamas' bloodbath.

And the goal of destroying Hamas is not just a moral and ethical imperative, but one supported by international law. Utterly defeating a genocidal enemy is fully supported by the Geneva Conventions and every other instrument.

What about civilians?

While civilians must be protected as much as possible, if there is no way to get them out of the way, their being on the battlefield does not stop Israel (or any combatant) from attacking the enemy. This is also both moral and international law. It has to be this way; otherwise the enemy can simply use the civilians to act with impunity - to shoot rockets from behind them, to build their weapons caches underneath them, to convert mosques and hospitals into military headquarters.

Which, as we know, Hamas does routinely.

If Israel can attack the target effectively while warning the civilians - and the terrorists - to get out of the way, ut must do that. If the terrorists themselves are the target, then it cannot give warnings, because that would give Hamas a "military advantage" that Israel is under no obligation to give in wartime.

Of course Israel must try to minimize civilian casualties. But every single one is Hamas' fault. Every person Hamas tells not to move, everyone scared off by Hamas (yes, Hamas) bombing the exit routes to go to the South, all of their deaths are Hamas' responsibility both morally and under international law.

To put it bluntly, if (God forbid) Israel's destruction of Hamas means killing every single Gazan because of Hamas' policies of using them as pawns and human shields, it does not detract from Israel's obligation to destroy Hamas one bit.

In the final analysis, Israel has every right to do whatever it takes to destroy Hamas. Even though Hamas is said to have four months of supplies underground, Israel is allowed to block all aid (if iit chooses) to starve out Hamas, even if it also starves the Gaza civilians, if there is a likelihood that Hamas will steal the aid supplies and use it for war rather than for its civilians. (Even the US Army laws of war manual says this, explicitly.) It sounds unbelievably harsh - and this is why Israel is trying to divide Gaza to allow civilians to flee to the South and allow aid only there, at least for the first stages of the war - but the overriding imperative to destroy Hamas means that any Gazans who starve because Hamas steals their food and fuel is the responsibility of Hamas, not Israel.

Moreover, Egypt's decision not to allow any Gazans to flee to the relative safety of their neighbor is its own responsibility. I am unaware of any nation ever hermetically sealing its border from neighboring civilians taking refuge during war. Egypt has allowed hundreds of thousands of other refugees into its borders over the years. It is astounding that no Western nation is condemning Egypt for blocking the most likely path to safety for Gazans in mortal danger.

Where are all those who scream for the rights of refugees to flee war zones and find safety elsewhere?

Of course, Gazans who don't want to flee can choose to stay. Israel doesn't want to annex Gaza and it is not trying to "repeat the nakba" as those pretending to defend Egypt's immoral decision say. At any rate, let Gazans make their own decisions as to what is best for them; it is not for Egypt or Jordan to tell them that their being stuck in Gaza is for their own good.

Israel doesn't have an option. It has the moral obligation to destroy an entity whose only goal is the destroy Israel. All of this is backed by international law. And the responsibility for the civilians is solely Hamas's, as well as the Arab countries that refuse to save the lives of any Palestinians while blaming Israel for doing what it must.

[ Pro Hamas and ready to die for Hamas ]

Israel released evidence this weekend showing that Shifa Hospital in Gaza was a Hamas headquarters.

This was not exactly a secret. Reporters have known this for at least 15 years.

But one thing happened on Saturday which has implications for international law.

Workers at Shifa sang a song saying, "We will not leave."

Meaning, they are saying that even if Israel tells them to leave in order to attack the Hamas targets in the lower levels, they are saying that they would prefer to be human shields for Hamas.

Does this change their civilian status under international law?

One of the giants of international law in war is Yoram Dinstein, and he is quoted in an ICRC monograph by legal scholar Jean-Francois Queguiner as saying "civilians who act as voluntary human shields can be regarded as directly participating in hostilities, with the result that they are deprived of immunity against direct attack and have no effect whatsoever on a commander’s assessment of proportionality."

Israel's' High Court agrees, saying in 1 2006 case that ‘if they do so of their own free will, out of support for the terrorist organization, they should be seen as persons taking direct part in the hostilities.'

Another legal scholar, Michael N. Schmitt, agrees that voluntary human shields are to be regarded as taking direct part in hostilities, and they lose their protection as civilians, but practically speaking they cannot be directly attacked. However, ‘voluntary shields … are excluded in the estimation of incidental injury when assessing proportionality.’

Other scholars say that the voluntary nature of their human shielding can affect the attacker's calculation of proportionality. In other words, the attacker must ensure that the civilian cost is proportional to the military benefit gained by the attack, and to many legal experts, the value, so to speak, of the voluntary human shields is lower than that of involuntary human shields (or what some call "proximate human shields") of wholly innocent civilians who happen to be between the attacker and the target. And according to some, their value is zero - Israel does not need to worry about killing them once they make clear that they are putting their bodies on the line for Hamas.

Meaning that by singing this song, to a small extent, these workers just made the hospital a little more likely to be attacked by Israel because their value as potential civilian casualties may be discounted.

Obviously, this doesn't apply to the involuntary human shields - patients or workers who did not participate in this little song. It doesn't make much of a difference in reality. If Israel decides that the hospital is a hugely important component of Hamas' military operations and sufficiently important Hamas members are under the hospital, it may very well decide to bomb the hospital after repeated warnings.

But these doctors and workers just cheapened their own lives under international law and they made such an attack a little more, not less, likely.

Arab and Western officials told The New York Times over the weekend that Hamas is stockpiling food and fuel in the Gaza Strip, keeping it from residents who are in desperate need.

The comments back up similar Israeli assertions.

The officials told the paper Friday that the terror group has amassed stores in its vast network of tunnels.

(full article online)

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová, expressing outrage at a United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for Israel to cease its operations in the Gaza Strip, called for the Czech Republic to withdraw from the UN on Saturday.

“I know that today is an important day for [the Czech Republic] and we want to celebrate our 105th anniversary. But this simply cannot be time-barred, forgive me. Exactly three weeks ago, Hamas murdered more than 1,400 Israelis, which is more victims per their population than the militant Islamist organization al-Qaeda murdered on 9/11/2001 in the USA. And only 14 countries, including ours, stood up against the unprecedented terrorist attack committed by Hamas terrorists, clearly and comprehensible!

"I am ashamed of the UN. In my opinion - the Czech Republic has nothing to expect in an organization that supports terrorists and does not respect the basic right to self-defense. Let's get out.”

(full article online)

More than 4 out of 5 Gazans live under the poverty line, and unemployment is just short of half the enclave. However, it seems their official overlords, Hamas, experience no such financial hardships, as they routinely invest their funds in replenishing arms, rockets and a substantial array of underground tunnels. Estimates suggest their annual budget reaches $350 million, but where is the money coming from?

A sizable portion is actually legal, coming from massive Qatari aid package funneled via the UN. This, by the way, is an arrangement that Israel isn't only comfortable with, but comes with their blessing and encouragement ever since Hamas' ascendancy into power 17 years ago.

Former CIA director John Brennan explained the US were notably uncomfortable with this arrangement, but were fully aware of the humanitarian conditions inside Gaza. Truth is, the distribution of funds has no supervision mechanism installed, Qatari claims notwithstanding. Of course, funds from Iranian proxies and from the Islamic Republic itself, raised from extortion, drugs and South American smuggling operations, go equally unchecked.

Adding insult to injury, Hamas taxes Gaza's most vulnerable, levying further for smuggled goods, ensuring a total income stream of about $450 million annually. International sanctions are circumvented by Real Estate investments around the world, worth half a billion a year, mostly utilizing Cryptocurrency for avoiding global scrutiny, with limited effect.

In the summer of 2020, US authorities confiscated millions in Cryptocurrency assets controlled by terrorist organizations, one of which was Hamas. A year later, Israel nabbed several Hamas Crypto assets, worth approximately $8 million.

  • "Our sons and daughters are dead. And we want to die now”
Click to play

A Palestinian man handed out sweets following the death of his sons and daughters and shouted: "There is no God but Allah" and "Allahu Akbar" - “Allah is greatest.”

He is yet another product of decades of PA education and brainwashing of Palestinians to see death as a “Martyr” for Allah as an ideal and a higher goal.

This Palestinian man just lost his wife and children, yet he is handing out candy “for the souls of the Martyrs,” while praising Allah.

As Palestinian Media Watch has reported, Palestinian kids play “the Martyr game,” carrying each other around pretending they are dead “Martyrs” and “Allah’s beloved.” For decades they have been told that their destiny is “Martyrdom” and that dying for “Palestine” is better than graduating and “the path to excellence”. Parents have been expected to express joy over losing their children.

Click to play


Text on screen: "A Palestinian man distributes candies after his wife and children died as Martyrs."
Man: "There is no God but Allah, Allahu Akbar! (i.e., “Allah is greatest.”)
We, our sons and daughters are dead. And we [also] want to die now. We want to die now. No uprooting. Do you [Israel] want to attack Al-Shifaa [Hospital]? Attack! … We are carrying out Ribat (i.e., religious conflict over land claimed to be Islamic) from today and forever. This is our land. "
Interviewer: "Why did you distribute candies?"
Man: "Because all my children and my wife died as Martyrs. I have only one son left… These are candies for the souls of the Martyrs."
[Al-Jazeera (Arabic), Twitter, Oct. 24, 2023]​


Hamas calls on West Bank Palestinians to kill Jews/Israelis​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 29, 2023

In a short, animated video, Hamas is urging West Bank Palestinians to carry out terror attacks against Jews/Israelis, telling them that Gaza needs them to help “break the enemy” – i.e., Israel.

The animation shows a bald eagle perched on a mountain peak, with “Gaza Strip” written on one of its wings, while its other wing is wounded and missing feathers. Unable to fly, the eagle looks at the damaged wing, and then the video shows footage of three shooting attacks by West Bank terrorists against Israelis. Immediately afterwards, the eagle’s wounded wing recovers, regrowing its feathers to show the words “the West Bank.” Now the eagle is able to take flight and fly to the Dome of the Rock, where black crows symbolizing Jews are seen circling the site. The eagle swoops down to grasp the head of a crow with its talons – the crow has blue Stars of David in its eyes symbolizing Jews/Israelis. The video ends with the words “West Bank, in order to break the enemy, the Gaza Strip needs you”:


Posted text: “West Bank, the Gaza Strip needs you”
Text on wing: “Gaza Strip”
Text on wounded wing: “The W[est Bank]”
Text on healed wing: “The West Bank”
Text on screen: “West Bank, in order to break the enemy, the Gaza Strip needs you”
[Shehab news agency (Hamas), Twitter account, Oct. 29, 2023]​

The withdrawal of Israel from Gaza was an opportunity to develop into a sovereign nation. It was a defining opportunity. That opportunity was available right up until October 7. All that was needed was for Gaza and its citizens to act in a manner that moved them towards self-determination and sovereignty: building infrastructure, farming, creating products for trade, opening tourist attractions and hotels.

The reason why this matters is that until the people of Gaza begin to build, instead of trying to take down Israel, they can not possibly be self-determinative, let alone sovereign.

Not until after the task of the destruction of Hamas is complete (at the very least).
No. Can't agree. Not in the least.

Some 7,000 Palistinian civilions dead, likely more trapped under rubble. 600 Americancitizens trapped in Gaza. Many of the dead are children. Entire families wiped out. A complete seige and deliberate destruction of communications. No way to odependently verify anything and a good way to hide war crimes. Refusal to allow humanitarian aid.

I'm seeing a dimminishing difference between the actions of Israel and the actions of Russia in Ukraine.

I acknowledge that when it comes to to Gaza, Israel is faced with a set of bad choices, but that doesn't mean "no choice" or that what is currently happening is the "only choice".

And vengeance?

Listen to what the people currently in power in the Israeli government have said about Palestinians and evenArab Israeli's.

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