Issa directed Treasury inspector general to ignore IRS treatment of liberal groups


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Ruh roh.

Criminal Rat Fink Darrell Issa may be in hot water.

UPDATE: Treasury IG denies allegations IRS audit was politically biased

The bombshell IRS audit released in May omitted information about liberal groups at the request of House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration’s office.

A spokesman for Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George told The Hill on Tuesday that Issa had requested investigators “narrowly focus on tea party organizations.”

The subsequent audit concluded the IRS used “inappropriate criteria” to single out for additional scrutiny tea party groups that applied for tax exempt status. The findings lead almost every politician, including President Barack Obama, to denounce the IRS. Several Republicans suggested the audit indicated the White House had a Nixonian “enemies list.”

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday, Issa said the IRS appeared to have been targeting Obama’s political opponents “perhaps not on his request” but “on his behalf.”

But new documents have revealed that liberal and progressive groups received similar treatment from the IRS. The “inappropriate criteria” used to single out tea party groups — so-called “Be On the Look Out” (BOLO) memos — also singled out progressive and “Occupy” groups.

“We did not review the use, disposition, purpose or content of the other BOLOs. That was outside the scope of our audit,” the Treasury inspector general spokesman told The Hill.

The BOLO memos stated tax exempt status for progressive groups “may not be appropriate” because they were engaged in “anti-Republican” political activity. On the other hand, the BOLO memos only directed IRS employees to send tea party applications to a particular group. IRS officials have said the tea party applications were “centralized” to insure they received consistent treatment. Exactly how the BOLO memos were used remains unclear.
Issa directed Treasury inspector general to ignore IRS treatment of liberal groups | The Raw Story
omg sallow, why are going so stupid over this?

the fact they target any group of people should piss you and everyone one off..instead we get dumb shit like this from Obama propaganda site, raw stroy
omg sallow, why are going so stupid over this?

the fact they target any group of people should piss you and everyone one off..instead we get dumb shit like this from Obama propaganda site, raw stroy

Issa did what he accused the IRS of doing.

That doesn't "anger" you?

Of course it doesn't.


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