Issue 1 in Ohio

And we see the usual suspects weeping and wailing with every restriction that moves away from "All time, no reason required, up to the moment of birth". Heck, some are even advocating the killing of newborns up to a certain time after birth.

Then there should be no problem with legislation requiring that every effort be made to save the life of the baby if possible. And every late term abortion should be accompanied by copious doctor's notes on the steps taken to do just that.
Again, these reviews...already happen. And again, late term abortions just aren't as prevalent as you think they are. In reality, they never happen except when the mother's life is at extreme risk.
You people remind me of the Monty Python sketch/song.."Every sperm is sacred"...well, you know the rest. :)
Yes, the science is clear, an unborn human baby is human, not a zebra or a yeti. Thank you for playing.

Notice the term "developing human", and "human development". Now that we have agreed an unborn human is human, we can talk about the value we place on that human life.
It is a fetus, an embry, or a zygote.
Nothing more or less.

We'll discuss that the next time you're cheering the murder of an unarmed innocent Black man.
You do NOT oppose....

...the the proposed OH abortion amendment...
...Roe v Wade....
....the abortion laws of places like CA and NY and IL....

... even though they deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies?

Why not?
As I've said many times.
Once the fetus becomes viable the restrictions should increase to include a 3 doctor panel, the woman's doctor and 2 independent doctors, should provide opinions on the procedure.
As I've said many times.
Once the fetus becomes viable the restrictions should increase to include a 3 doctor panel, the woman's doctor and 2 independent doctors, should provide opinions on the procedure.
But this deprives women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.
So, how can you support this?
But this deprives women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies.
So, how can you support this?
Because the fetus is viable.

At 6 months the woman has had, in general 3 months or more of awareness of her state. Abortion after viability is something in which the State has an interest.
Prior to viability the State has no interest.

Why is this hard for you?
Because the fetus is viable.
So you believe it --IS-- acceptable for the state to deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies....
.... so long as you approve of the conditions under which it happens.

In other words: You believe the absolute right you claim does not actually exist.

Got it.
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Stop following me period. No problem then.

I don't think that that's necessary if you're actually a patriot. We're still allowed to disagree with each other sometimes. I just confused you for somebody else was all and I sincerely apologize for that.
So you believe it --IS-- acceptable for the state to deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions their bodies....
.... so long as you approve of the conditions under which it happens.

In other words: You believe the absolute right you claim does not actually exist.

Got it.
The only thing you have is a pile of crap between your ease passing for your tiny mind.

If you don't understand the State's interest then you have zero qualifications to discuss the topic and even fewer quals to vote on it.
The only thing you have is a pile of crap between your ease passing for your tiny mind.
You said:
The intent is to prevent women from making their own choices.
That is anti-women.
The intent is to deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

You then argue the state can deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

You are, by your standard, anti-woman.
You said:
The intent is to prevent women from making their own choices.
That is anti-women.
The intent is to deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

You then argue the state can deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

You are, by your standard, anti-woman.
And you are a liar.

Once the fetus becomes viable it can be removed from the womb and survive.
The state has an interest in its survival just as it has in yours.
Prior to that the state has no interest and therefore no justification for interfering in the woman's choice.

But, of course, since you goal is to enslave women and use them as your personal servants and sex slaves noone of this has any meaning to you.
:lol: :lol:

You said:
The intent is to deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

And yet, YOU support removing a woman's right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

Thus, you cannot believe the right is absolute.
I realize English is not your native tongue and as a MAGADUMIAN you find it impossible to comprehend even the simplest phrases w/o your "We Love to Lie" translator and I've tried to dumb it down so even MAGATS can understand.

So let me phrase a question to you...

Does the government have absolute right to make health decisions for 100% of Americans?
It is a fetus, an embry, or a zygote.
Nothing more or less.

We'll discuss that the next time you're cheering the murder of an unarmed innocent Black man.
We have over a half century of evidence of the social welfare system set up that causes this. No one admits it as to keep it going.
Nothing here changes the fact you do not believe women have an absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies....
.... and as such, by your standard, you are anti-woman.
Nothin here changes the fact that you are a lying MAGAT who'd eat Trump's crap given the opportunity.

By any definition you're a liar, an ignorant ass, and a tiny minded crap eating ape.
We have over a half century of evidence of the social welfare system set up that causes this. No one admits it as to keep it going.
The social welfare system causes people to get pregnant?

Oh, do go on.

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