Issue 1 in Ohio

A fetus is not human life
False. Biology clearly states that an unborn child is a human being at an early stage of life. What do you think is growing in there, a zebra, Big Foot?
...UNLESS you want to
make masturbation illegal because those sperm could become life
Nope, sperm cells are not a human being. Everyone outside of the fever swamp knows that. a developing baby, OTOH, clearly is a human being.
make not having unprotected sex illegal during fertile periods
Nope. Why are you flailing so desperately? A human being doesn't come into existence until the egg is fertilized. I swear, what ARE they teaching kids in school today? Maybe you missed that week.
make not wasting sperm an acceptable defense for rape (actually you guys would legalize rape if you could get away with it)
And there it is, the inevitable giving up and retreating into making up juvenile retorts when you know you've lost the argument. So sad. Predictable, but sad.
The science say a fetus is not a human life AND being pregnant does not necessarily involve two people.
I'd say you're 0 forever.
Find a biology textbook that states an unborn human child is something other than human and cite/quote it here. If you can't/won't (you won't), your argument is nuked.
No, once the two are joined, they are genetically and biologically a human being. Same DNA as us.

A Sperm is only 1/2 our DNA, and just an excretion of males, just as an egg is only 1/2 our DNA and an excretion of a female.

Both Human, and once the two are joined another human is created.

Figures I have to go over basic biology with an SJW.
Pull it out after 16 weeks and show me a living person.
Basic biology says a fetus is a fetus till it is born or viable.
I'd be hesitant to brag about biological expertise given the ignorance you've shown here.
False. Biology clearly states that an unborn child is a human being at an early stage of life. What do you think is growing in there, a zebra, Big Foot?

Biology CLEARLY states that a fetus is a fetus till it's born or viable.
That you claim not to know this shows either your dishonesty or your ignorance.
In either case whether your ignorance is real or fake it disqualifies you from a rational discussion of the topic.

The rest of my argument simply takes your position to its logical conclusion which, again, either by lying or otherwise your ignorance causes you to fail again.
Biology CLEARLY states that a fetus is a fetus till it's born or viable.
That you claim not to know this shows either your dishonesty or your ignorance.
In either case whether your ignorance is real or fake it disqualifies you from a rational discussion of the topic.

The rest of my argument simply takes your position to its logical conclusion which, again, either by lying or otherwise your ignorance causes you to fail again.
Cite the biology textbook that states an unborn human baby is something other than human (Apparently the jury is still out on what exactly you think it is. Zebra or Yeti, you haven't made that clear). When you won't do that, feel free to admit that a developing human baby is human. That is, of course, assuming that you have the integrity to do so.

Here's a hint for the willfully misinformed, "fetus" is just a biological term for a human at an early stage of development, just like zygote or embryo are.
Cite the biology textbook that states an unborn human baby is something other than human (Apparently the jury is still out on what exactly you think it is. Zebra or Yeti, you haven't made that clear). When you won't do that, feel free to admit that a developing human baby is human. That is, of course, assuming that you have the integrity to do so.

Here's a hint for the willfully misinformed, "fetus" is just a biological term for a human at an early stage of development, just like zygote or embryo are.
So we go to Chat GPT for an unbiased result.

"what is an unborn baby

An "unborn baby" refers to a human fetus that is still developing inside the mother's womb during pregnancy. The term is commonly used to describe the stage of human development from the time of conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg) until birth. During this period, the developing human is often referred to as an "embryo" during the first eight weeks of gestation and as a "fetus" from the ninth week until birth."

and this

The science is clear.
Your insertion of your religious views doesn't change the science.
I'm actually really well aware of this and I debated posting about it myself, but since this only an Ohio thing, I wasn't sure who all would know about it, but I'm voting yes tomorrow though for early voting.
A majority of Americans are in favor of abortion rights. A minority of conservative politicians and judges are looking to take those rights away.
So instead of letting the people decide, Republicans decide to stack the deck and change the rules in the middle of the game.
My guess is the amendment is going to go down and that the question of abortion will appear on the November ballot.
Then, the people get to decide. As it should be.
So you have talked to a majority of Americans?
The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.
But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.
But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.
Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.
Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.
So what your are saying is all this is fine with you, glad we got you on record
Again, I understand you people have your hair on fire over all the "what if's". But your scenarios here simply don't happen. And I shudder to think of the small example of a child having to tell the parent that impregnated her she doesn't want to keep it. Bet that doesn't fit into your just and righteous indignation. :)

A majority of Americans support abortion rights. Republicans in OH are just trying to change the rules because there's a good chance they're going to lose on the ballot initiative at election time.

Sorry. Let the people make that decision.
Then why do blue state laws allow abortion up to the second of birth with just a doctor saying the woman's health MIGHT be impacted?
No self respecting doctor that wants to keep their medical license is going to perform an abortion at the second of birth.
It just doesn't happen unless there's a straight up choice between the life of the mother and the child. And I know from experience, these kinds
of decisions are always reviewed.

As far as "blue" state laws, you'll have to provide some examples.

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.

So…has anyone found the bit about transgender crap in the proposed amendment?
Again, I understand you people have your hair on fire over all the "what if's". But your scenarios here simply don't happen. And I shudder to think of the small example of a child having to tell the parent that impregnated her she doesn't want to keep it. Bet that doesn't fit into your just and righteous indignation. :)

A majority of Americans support abortion rights. Republicans in OH are just trying to change the rules because there's a good chance they're going to lose on the ballot initiative at election time.

Sorry. Let the people make that decision.
First of all a small child telling her Parents she is pregnant is a nice emotional plea, oh poor girl right. Wrong poor parenting and poor decision making is what happened. Killing that new human being is a poor choice. The fact is that it should take a super majority on such issues, or the aclu and the abortion industry will make abortion on demand anytime up to pregnancy the law.
So we go to Chat GPT for an unbiased result.

"what is an unborn baby

An "unborn baby" refers to a human fetus that is still developing inside the mother's womb during pregnancy. The term is commonly used to describe the stage of human development from the time of conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg) until birth. During this period, the developing human is often referred to as an "embryo" during the first eight weeks of gestation and as a "fetus" from the ninth week until birth."

and this

The science is clear.
Your insertion of your religious views doesn't change the science.
Yes, the science is clear, an unborn human baby is human, not a zebra or a yeti. Thank you for playing.

Notice the term "developing human", and "human development". Now that we have agreed an unborn human is human, we can talk about the value we place on that human life.
No self respecting doctor that wants to keep their medical license is going to perform an abortion at the second of birth.
It just doesn't happen unless there's a straight up choice between the life of the mother and the child. And I know from experience, these kinds
of decisions are always reviewed.

As far as "blue" state laws, you'll have to provide some examples.
Then there should be no problem with outlawing abortion within a certain time of delivery, correct? Yet we see some waxing apoplectic that they might lose the ability to do just that.
Then there should be no problem with outlawing abortion within a certain time of delivery, correct? Yet we see some waxing apoplectic that they might lose the ability to do just that.
That already happens. Without a stringent restriction that would make trying to save the life of the mother more difficult if the choice becomes necessary.
But again, late term abortions simply don't happen unless there is an emergency reason to do it.
That already happens. Without a stringent restriction that would make trying to save the life of the mother more difficult if the choice becomes necessary.
And we see the usual suspects weeping and wailing with every restriction that moves away from "All time, no reason required, up to the moment of birth". Heck, some are even advocating the killing of newborns up to a certain time after birth.
But again, late term abortions simply don't happen unless there is an emergency reason to do it.
Then there should be no problem with legislation requiring that every effort be made to save the life of the baby if possible. And every late term abortion should be accompanied by copious doctor's notes on the steps taken to do just that.

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