Issue 1 in Ohio

:lol: :lol:
How can a woman have an absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies when - as YOU argue - "viability" gives the state the power to limit the decisions women can make over their own bodies?
Given the option between women having absolute control over their bodies and your preference of using the government to force women to give birth no matter the consequences ...

Well I am pretty much considered a "lib" here and I got no problem with it.

The ones who go off living their own lives I got no issues with. I'm even friends with some of them on here. Online friends anyways. It's the ones who get all pushy about their agenda is the ones I can't stand.
Given the option between women....
You avoided the question.
I'll ask again:
How can a woman have an absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies when - as YOU argue - "viability" gives the state the power to limit the decisions women can make over their own bodies?
Says thw guy who argues the interests of the state take precedence over a woman's absolute right to make her own decisions about her body.
It is a fetus, an embry, or a zygote.
Nothing more or less.
They are human, something you can't bring yourself to acknowledge, but can't deny.
We'll discuss that the next time you're cheering the murder of an unarmed innocent Black man.
What is it with the adolescents on this board (that's you, BTW) and their inability to stick with a topic of conversation and insistence on making up crap to complain about? You'll be waiting a long time because I haven't even done that once yet. Obviously, you knew that and picked it so you could have a long break. I guess you ran out of talking points.
You avoided the question.
I'll ask again:
How can a woman have an absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies when - as YOU argue - "viability" gives the state the power to limit the decisions women can make over their own bodies?

Says thw guy who argues the interests of the state take precedence over a woman's absolute right to make her own decisions about her body.
answered the question.
obviously you're not bright enough to understand.
not unexpected.
So their cells aren’t human? Why don’t pregnant women have something other than baby showers?
I pick my nose.
There's a booger.
No, not for you to eat. Just an example.
That booger has human cells.

By your definition it is human.

I will grant that the random turd could be identified as MAGAT
But that doesn't make it human.
The ones who go off living their own lives I got no issues with. I'm even friends with some of them on here. Online friends anyways. It's the ones who get all pushy about their agenda is the ones I can't stand.

No agenda, probably just slightly different views than yours.
I pick my nose.
There's a booger.
No, not for you to eat. Just an example.
That booger has human cells.

By your definition it is human.

I will grant that the random turd could be identified as MAGAT
But that doesn't make it human.
It's a human booger. What, do you believe it's from a zebra or a yeti? You'd have to be a science denier to believe that. Oh, wait...
You're a science denier.
That is the science.
Not the "i wanna believe" crap your church feeds you.

Do you think a woman who suffers a miscarriage at 12 weeks after not visiting a doctor should be charged with manslaughter?

If yes then your evil draconian desire to control women is exposed
If not then your ignorant hypocrisy is exposed.

Which is it? Ignorant or just evil?
It's a human booger. What, do you believe it's from a zebra or a yeti? You'd have to be a science denier to believe that. Oh, wait...
It's a human booger but not a human being
Just like a human fetus is not a human being
Just like a human embryo is not a human being
Just like a human zygote is not a human being.

About time you acknowledged the truth.
Well you see there's a difference between having different views and expecting other people to abide by them. Especially children.
ROTFLMFAO, never mind bro. Block me. Once you start on that virtually nonexistent child stuff I know you are a nutter. We are good later!
A majority of Americans are in favor of abortion rights. A minority of conservative politicians and judges are looking to take those rights away.
So instead of letting the people decide, Republicans decide to stack the deck and change the rules in the middle of the game.
My guess is the amendment is going to go down and that the question of abortion will appear on the November ballot.
Then, the people get to decide. As it should be.
A majority is in favor of abortion to a point. That point being 16 weeks (I believe but could be wrong on the exact number of weeks) there is not majority support abortion past that point Certainly not on demand to the point of birth.
A majority is in favor of abortion to a point. That point being 16 weeks (I believe but could be wrong on the exact number of weeks) there is not majority support abortion past that point Certainly not on demand to the point of birth.
Well when they are talking genocide, you can’t let babies live

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