Issue 1 in Ohio

you answered your own question.

What changes 1 second before being alive and 1 second after being dead?
Your heart stops beating. Your brain function ceases, etc etc. Does a bay’s heart start at birth? Is there significant changes in brain function immediately after a child is born? No.
Uh....that's called banning it. Yeah, duh...
The majority of Americans support the right to abortion. You won't change that.
You'll try like hell as the minority to wiggle your way around it, or pull any dirty legislation trick out to further the cause.
Just like they're doing in OH. :)

Full Circle.
We shall see. It isn’t trending your way. Tell me when does life begin? And what makes a baby born 6 weeks premature more alive than one still in the womb but who has the same conception date?
Your heart stops beating. Your brain function ceases, etc etc. Does a bay’s heart start at birth? Is there significant changes in brain function immediately after a child is born? No.
Does a baby breath before birth?

There ya go sparky.
And thus - you do not believe a woman has an absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies.
No, that means I'm willing to compromise to respect others' viewpoints.
Of course, if you like, I can go the other way and you'll lose it all.
Babies 100% inhale and exhale in the womb. The only reason they don’t exchange oxygen is their location. By that logic I could kill you underwater and it wouldnt be a crime.
Ignorance is not a virtue no matter how much you worship it.
Exchanging oxygen via the umbilical is not breathing.
Pull it out after 16 weeks and show me a living person.
Basic biology says a fetus is a fetus till it is born or viable.
I'd be hesitant to brag about biological expertise given the ignorance you've shown here.

You said human being before. if a fetus isn't a human being, i.e. homo sapiens, what is it.?

a fetus is the name we use for a human being, homo sapiens, in utero.

Stop moving the goalposts, hack.
No self respecting doctor that wants to keep their medical license is going to perform an abortion at the second of birth.
It just doesn't happen unless there's a straight up choice between the life of the mother and the child. And I know from experience, these kinds
of decisions are always reviewed.

As far as "blue" state laws, you'll have to provide some examples.

Gosnell thought he was doing the right thing right up to the point where he was convicted.

Abortion has become a belief structure, finding a zealot is easier than you think.

Look up California and New York's laws. Again, they use the term 'health" and don't define it.
Sure you do.
Controlling women is right after owning slaves in your book.
Ah, yes, the inevitable, juvenile projection of your own thoughts onto someone else because you think it sounds really cool. Tell me, are you going to move your debating skills into the adult realm or continue to operate on a 10-year-old's level?
Because your obliviousness to actual factual science is based on your phoney baloney religion.

And your phoney baloney religion says the only purpose for women is to make babies serve men.
And you continue to prefer talking about religion than science, because the science is against you. It says that an unborn human baby is a human at an early stage of development. You, OTOH, apparently believe the unborn human baby is a zebra or a yeti, and doesn't become human until the Lawyer Fairy sprinkles him/her with his magic dust and transforms the zebra/yeti into a human baby. You still haven't specified, what exactly do you think is growing inside a pregnant human woman's body, a zebra or a yeti? I mean, you refuse to believe that there's a human in there, but we all know there is something growing inside her, so which is it? Given the level of intellectual rigor you've been displaying, you most likely believe it's either a zebra or a yeti, but you won't say which one.
is there any way to prevent the need for an abortion in the 21st century?
Funny you state this. Was at the store the other day and noticed that all the contraception stuff was locked behind glass. We should be giving the stuff away LOL. But yes, to answer your question, its called responsibility and making decisions prior to sex that can avoid the "pro-choice" option.
It sounds like a typical leftist special election in which they depend on low voter turnout.

Democrat turn out was strong enough to defeat Trump. Why don't you make decisions about your reproductive health instead of turning it over to the State?
The Left lies

For example, the Left wing media will say that about 60% of Americans or more favor abortion for various reasons, which is true. However, what they won't tell you is that over 70% of Americans want restrictions on abortion, such as 70% wanting to limit abortions under 15 weeks.

This is what the media will not tell people, so they will be misled ONCE AGAIN at the polls, like they were mislead voting for China Joe and his corrupt crime family.

Democracy died once the DNC took it over, as well as academia.

You reject education and personal accountability? Do you really want the State to decide for you?

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