Issue 1 in Ohio

I've provided articles showing that the majority of Americans approve of some abortion rights

However, the majority of Americans also approve of restricting abortion rights as well.

That is what the Left WILL NOT TELL YOU!

And when the amendment is being sold to voters, something they will not talk about.
Roe was the compromise. But conholes couldn't leave good enough alone and now they gonna pay for it.
What I don’t get is how somebody can believe that abortion is killing a baby and also support any allowance or exception for it. Doesn’t it have to be an all or nothing thing if you’re pro life?
While the mother has no right to murder the baby, the baby has no right to murder the mother. In the rare case in which the mother's life is in physical danger it is simply a matter of self-defense. The general concept of exceptions for rape and incest are a compromise position. Although today's liberals appear incapable of compromise, those positions may have to come off the table. The primary focus is to end the recreational baby killing and return to a more responsible society. Freedom without consequences is not freedom but a hedonistic wasteland begging for authoritarian rule.
The intent is to deprive women of the absolute right to make their own decisions about their bodies.
You know, like you guys demanded about not getting vaxxed.
The intent is to protect the most innocent and vulnerable of human life. You know, like everyone pretends to support.

Your comparison fails on these grounds. A pregnancy involves two beings while a vaccination involves only one. The only way you can make that comparison is to pretend.
Why would right wingers be against putting abortion up to a vote?

Oh yeah, because they’d lose
In case you didn't notice, they already put it up to a vote, which is why those laws are there in the first place. You know, in case you forgot.
Everything you claim about the abortion amendment is wrong. You should have read it before swallowing a load of horseshit about it.

It has NOTHING to do with gender transition surgeries or underaged children getting such surgeries.

And it does ban abortions after fetal viability, with exceptions for the health of the mother.
I've already covered this.

The language used is broad. The wording is that the doctor can do whatever the hell they want for the "health" of the mother

That means, if the doctor performs the abortion at any stage of pregnancy for the "health" of the mother, then it will get done. That means any gestational age and also for any medical reason. So, let's say the mother is depressed about being a mother, the doctor can then say that for the health of the mother, they will do the abortion at any gestational age.

As for the gender thingy, this is sold as reproductive rights, not just abortion. So, no doubt the wording will be used to also cover kids that want a gender change without their parents knowing.
While the mother has no right to murder the baby, the baby has no right to murder the mother. In the rare case in which the mother's life is in physical danger it is simply a matter of self-defense. The general concept of exceptions for rape and incest are a compromise position. Although today's liberals appear incapable of compromise, those positions may have to come off the table. The primary focus is to end the recreational baby killing and return to a more responsible society. Freedom without consequences is not freedom but a hedonistic wasteland begging for authoritarian rule.
But how can anybody make any exceptions that allow for the murder of babies? Makes no sense.

I get your “life of the mother argument. I don’t get the rape and incest compromise. You don’t compromise to allow babies to be murdered if that’s what you truly believe is happening
No it's not, although I'm sure your church, the same church that covers for pedophiles, has told you otherwise.

Has it occurred to you your Church's efforts may be self serving? Consider...
The church's primary source of worshipers is the poor.
It is the poor who are most likely to need the church's services.
The poor provide most of the victims for the church's pedophiles.
The wealthy can go anywhere anytime for an abortion
The poor cannot
By shutting down abortion the church ensures more births among the poor
and thereby
An ongoing supply of young children for the church's pedophiles.

The question is do you support the church's actions in ensuring an ongoing supply of young children for their pedophiles?

So how about we cut out the hyperbole and discuss the actual topic.
Speaking of which, this reminds me of the 10 year old in Ohio that got pregnant whose mother said she went to an Ohio doctor to have an abortion, but he turned her away due to the new abortion laws on the books. So they went to Indiana for an abortion. Then the doctor in Indiana, attempting to use the story as propaganda against those who are pro-lifers, leaked it to the media.

But then it got weird. Lawmakers in Ohio said the mother was lying because no reports had been made to the police in Ohio about the 10-year-old being impregnated because the abortion doctor should have reported it because a crime had been committed. Then the abortion doctor in Indiana had broken patient confidentiality laws by leaking the story to the media, but they just slapped her on her. Of course, the doctor in Indiana had to notify the police after she leaked it to the entire world, so then the boyfriend of the women with the 10-year-old girl admitted to impregnating her. Inexplicably, the mother refused to accept his confession and insisted it was not true. She wanted him to move back in with them. Then it was discovered the boyfriend was an illegal alien. After that, the media dropped the story like a hot potato.

So, to recap, had the girl been able to have the abortion in Ohio and not reported to the police, the girl would have had to move back in with her abuser and be repeatedly abused by the boyfriend with secret abortions at taxpayer expense.

My guess is, this sort of thing has been going on for a very long time.

So, not only does your Left wing Pope protect pedophiles, sometimes it is the mother of the very children she should be protecting.
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Really? So children who are murdered are a good thing since they will never be part of a church. Or poor. Or anything else bad that may happen.

You’re the fucking hero in this story of murder. A Nobel knight who by killing the child has saved them from any possibility of having a difficult existence. You have saved these poor children. You must be like…God. So benevolent saving these children through killing them. Really what choice did you have? They are decidedly better off dead by your Nobel hand than living a life you wouldn’t approve of, attending church and shit like that.

I often wonder if it’s so good for these kids to die why haven’t you committed suicide yet? Surely you deserve the same salvation you want for others.
That your church has disabled your rational thinking in order to preserve their access to young victims is clear.
A fetus is not a child anymore than an egg is a chicken or a caterpillar a butterfly.
I understand your teachers never covered that in bible school.

If you think differently then I suggest a 6th grade science class Jethro.
Because, Orange man bad

Besides, January 6th

More to it than that. The strange thing is the abortion restriction side is far more willing to compromise than the abortion on demand for whatever reason up until birth side is.
More to it than that. The strange thing is the abortion restriction side is far more willing to compromise than the abortion on demand for whatever reason up until birth side is.
Leftists refuse to compromise.

It is full control or nothing for them.

They are fascists after all.
Speaking of which, this reminds me of the 10 year old in Ohio that got pregnant whose mother said she went to an Ohio doctor to have an abortion, but he turned her away due to the new abortion laws on the books. So they went to Indiana for an abortion. Then the doctor in Indiana, attempting to use the story as propaganda against those who are pro-lifers, leaked it to the media.

But then it got weird. Lawmakers in Ohio said the mother was lying because no reports had been made to the police in Ohio about the 10-year-old being impregnated because the abortion doctor should have reported it because a crime had been committed. Then the abortion doctor in Indiana had broken patient confidentiality laws by leaking the story to the media, but they just slapped her on her. Of course, the doctor in Indiana had to notify the police after she leaked it to the entire world, so then the boyfriend of the women with the 10-year-old girl admitted to impregnating her. Inexplicably, the mother refused to accept his confession and insisted it was not true. She wanted him to move back in with them. Then it was discovered the boyfriend was an illegal alien. After that, the media dropped the story like a hot potato.

So, to recap, had the girl been able to have the abortion in Ohio and not reported to the police, the girl would have had to move back in with her abuser and be repeatedly abused by the boyfriend with secret abortions at taxpayer expense.

My guess is, this sort of thing has been going on for a very long time.

So, not only does your Left wing Pope protect pedophiles, sometimes it is the mother of the very children she should be protecting.
Riiight… so let’s force that 10 year old to have a child after being raped. Great solution dildo
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The intent is to protect the most innocent and vulnerable of human life. You know, like everyone pretends to support.

Your comparison fails on these grounds. A pregnancy involves two beings while a vaccination involves only one. The only way you can make that comparison is to pretend.
A fetus is not human life ...UNLESS you want to
make masturbation illegal because those sperm could become life
make not having unprotected sex illegal during fertile periods
make not wasting sperm an acceptable defense for rape (actually you guys would legalize rape if you could get away with it)

The science say a fetus is not a human life AND being pregnant does not necessarily involve two people.
I'd say you're 0 forever.
A fetus is not human life ...UNLESS you want to
make masturbation illegal because those sperm could become life
make not having unprotected sex illegal during fertile periods
make not wasting sperm an acceptable defense for rape (actually you guys would legalize rape if you could get away with it)

The science say a fetus is not a human life AND being pregnant does not necessarily involve two people.
I'd say you're 0 forever.

It is a human life. What other form of life is it?

If you want to say it isn't a person, that's another argument, but it is a human life.
Riiight… so let’s for that 10 year old to have a child after being raped. Great solution dildo
As I have said, polls show that the majority of Americans favor abortion rights, but also abortion restrictions.

Americans need to decide what those restrictions should be instead of blindly leaving it to abortion doctors like Kermit Gosnell based on what he says needs to be decided regarding the health of the mother as the doctor sees it.

You remember Kermit?



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