Issue 1 in Ohio

That sounds like something completely different.
No, Jesus is related to the MAGA cult division that seeks to force full-term gestation on all women whether they love Jesus, or they don’t care about such self righteous people who have two saviors going on in their lives.

A Republican Priest named Frank Pavone is getting to be on GOP billionaires shit list and that is a real private problem for your saving baby fetus crusade.

These are blowouts!' Steve Bannon panics over anti-abortion movement's string of losses David Edwards 23.08.09​
Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon blasted the anti-abortion movement on Wednesday after it suffered a significant loss for the third time.​
The morning after Ohio voters rejected a ban on abortions, Bannon grilled anti-abortion activist Frank Pavone, a laicized Catholic priest, because the movement had also lost statewide votes in Wisconsin and Kansas.​
"You've had three in a row where that case hasn't been made or is not resonant, and these are not close," Bannon complained. "In modern American politics, these are blowouts!"​
"I want to rub people's noses in this. They're spiking the football!" he said of pro-abortion rights activists. "You've had three shots. These are not left-wing places, Kansas and Ohio, brother, I mean, you're not going to get more MAGA."​
Bannon predicted that donors may stop funding the anti-abortion movement because it might be a "drag" on Republican chances in the 2024 elections.​
"If it doesn't get organized, and I mean organized quickly," he added, "there's a lot of voices in the donor community and others saying, 'Hey, you know, what are we doing here? Because these guys are a drag right now when we can't afford it.​
hvdvt.23.08.09 #617
nf.23.08.09 #621
Last edited:
No, Jesus is related to the MAGA cult division that seeks play to force full-term gestation on all women whether they love Jesus, or they don’t care about such self righteous people who have two saviors going on in their lives.

A Republican Priest named Frank Pavone is getting to be on GOP billionaires shit list and that is a real private problem for year saving baby fetus crusade.

These are blowouts!' Steve Bannon panics over anti-abortion movement's string of losses David Edwards 23.08.09​
Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon blasted the anti-abortion movement on Wednesday after it suffered a significant loss for the third time.​
The morning after Ohio voters rejected a ban on abortions, Bannon grilled anti-abortion activist Frank Pavone, a laicized Catholic priest, because the movement had also lost statewide votes in Wisconsin and Kansas.​
"You've had three in a row where that case hasn't been made or is not resonant, and these are not close," Bannon complained. "In modern American politics, these are blowouts!"​
"I want to rub people's noses in this. They're spiking the football!" he said of pro-abortion rights activists. "You've had three shots. These are not left-wing places, Kansas and Ohio, brother, I mean, you're not going to get more MAGA."​
Bannon predicted that donors may stop funding the anti-abortion movement because it might be a "drag" on Republican chances in the 2024 elections.​
"If it doesn't get organized, and I mean organized quickly," he added, "there's a lot of voices in the donor community and others saying, 'Hey, you know, what are we doing here? Because these guys are a drag right now when we can't afford it.​

It's real simple there maroon don't get pregnant. Standing on principle is hard, not that you would know
No, Jesus is related to the MAGA cult division that seeks to force full-term gestation on all women whether they love Jesus, or they don’t care about such self righteous people who have two saviors going on in their lives.

A Republican Priest named Frank Pavone is getting to be on GOP billionaires shit list and that is a real private problem for your saving baby fetus crusade.

These are blowouts!' Steve Bannon panics over anti-abortion movement's string of losses David Edwards 23.08.09​
Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon blasted the anti-abortion movement on Wednesday after it suffered a significant loss for the third time.​
The morning after Ohio voters rejected a ban on abortions, Bannon grilled anti-abortion activist Frank Pavone, a laicized Catholic priest, because the movement had also lost statewide votes in Wisconsin and Kansas.​
"You've had three in a row where that case hasn't been made or is not resonant, and these are not close," Bannon complained. "In modern American politics, these are blowouts!"​
"I want to rub people's noses in this. They're spiking the football!" he said of pro-abortion rights activists. "You've had three shots. These are not left-wing places, Kansas and Ohio, brother, I mean, you're not going to get more MAGA."​
Bannon predicted that donors may stop funding the anti-abortion movement because it might be a "drag" on Republican chances in the 2024 elections.​
"If it doesn't get organized, and I mean organized quickly," he added, "there's a lot of voices in the donor community and others saying, 'Hey, you know, what are we doing here? Because these guys are a drag right now when we can't afford it.​
hvdvt.23.08.09 #617
nf.23.08.09 #621
I've been talking about biology and the humanity of the unborn. You are the second poster that has brought religion and faith into the discussion. Why do you guys keep doing that when I have not? Can we not all just agree that an unborn child is in fact a human being so we can have an honest discussion about the very low value we place on that life?
Get bent blind idiot she had control over her baby factory and it was open for business, by dehumanizing children in the womb is it any wonder your friends in the the child sex industry would do the same! Cutting up a child in the womb and removing it to somehow save the mothers life is whats absurd, I mean what could go wrong? Pipe down clown!
Sorry Chester, that's the playground not the baby factory. A fertilized egg is not a child in the womb either. You sure do bring up the child sex industry an awful lot in your attempt to demonize anyone who supports a woman choice. Do you think that's a winning strategy?
Sorry Chester, that's the playground not the baby factory. A fertilized egg is not a child in the womb either. You sure do bring up the child sex industry an awful lot in your attempt to demonize anyone who supports a woman choice. Do you think that's a winning strategy?
It is the endless fertilizations going on because of irresponsible behaviors. And since Progs say women are superior in every way to men, it is just not understood why they have a million abortions a year. Perhaps you can tell us what is going on.
Well not that it matters, but yes the heart does beat at 6 weeks, but it's a separate human at conception when DNA is transferred
Dr. Ian Fraser Golding, a fetal cardiologist at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, told NBC News in April that “while the heart does begin to develop at around six weeks, at this point the heart as we know it does not yet exist.” According to the ACOG, it is “inaccurate to use the word ‘heartbeat’ to describe the sound that can be heard on ultrasound in very early pregnancy.” “In fact, there are no chambers of the heart developed at the early stage in pregnancy that this word is used to describe, so there is no recognizable ‘heartbeat,’” the organization writes online. During roughly 17 through 20 weeks of pregnancy is when a fetus’ heart develops more, according to the ACOG, and can be heard through an ultrasound.

Read more at:

It is a unique strand of human DNA at conception.
Sure you do.
Masterbater in the Bathroom is what it says on your indictment.

It is obvious you're a barely graduated high school student from West Pigshit, MAGADUMIA.

How do I know?
Your total lack of critical thinking skills and your complete ignorance across any number of topics.

Try some night classes Jethro.

Believe whatever you want, oxygen thief.

You mistake disdain and mocking for lack of intellect. Bring up whatever topic you want in the CDZ and I'll smoke your ass.
Sorry Chester, that's the playground not the baby factory. A fertilized egg is not a child in the womb either. You sure do bring up the child sex industry an awful lot in your attempt to demonize anyone who supports a woman choice. Do you think that's a winning strategy?
Yes it is, it has already received coded DNA, it's sex has been determined and it will never be anything but a human being period, stop using all of your emotions to think. I do bring up the child sex industry it's more important than anything else going on right, it's a blight on humanity not unlike abortion, now open your eyes. Children are being abused, and tortured, it is because we have devalued human life in the womb, and it has snowballed.
Lets keep religion out of government and policy!!!
Biology is not religion.
It is the endless fertilizations going on because of irresponsible behaviors.

You are correct hadit to say that biology is not religion. Biological research into conception and gestation in all female gender mammals produces scientific knowledge that benefit the human condition. There is no aim of that research to decide when the sanctity of biological human life begins. Sanctity of life prior to birth is a moral matter dealt with from the most centrally organized global Catholic church to a poet philosopher sitting next to a pond in Walden Massachusetts contemplating the meaning of life by observing the natural world that surrounds us all.

RvW was over turned a year ago only and I repeat only due to obsessive political pressure on federal state and local governments paid for in small and billionaire’s donations, in large part from the Catholic Church moral activism and propaganda that has not one thing to do with biological science or any science of the physical world.

If you can refute that, please do directly. Do not run circles around it.

jsscstrmlvr.23.02.08 #5
hvdvt.23.08.09 #24
nnlcdw.23.08.09 #625
nf23.08.09 #632
You are correct hadit to say that biology is not religion. Biological research into conception and gestation in all female gender mammals produces scientific knowledge that benefit the human condition. There is no aim of that research to decide when the sanctity of biological human life begins. Sanctity of life prior to birth is a moral matter dealt with from the most centrally organized global Catholic church to a poet philosopher sitting next to a pond in Walden Massachusetts contemplating the meaning of life by observing the natural world that surrounds us all.

RvW was over turned a year ago only and I repeat only due to obsessive political pressure on federal state and local governments paid for in small and billionaire’s donations, in large part from the Catholic Church moral activism and propaganda that has not one thing to do with biological science or any science of the physical world.

If you can refute that, please do directly. Do not run circles around it.

jsscstrmlvr.23.02.08 #5
hvdvt.23.08.09 #24
nnlcdw.23.08.09 #625
nf23.08.09 #632
Well we do know that DNA transfer happens at conception effectually making that a separate human being
No, that is not why the issue lost in such a lopsided manner. A simple abortion vote will be a far different vote.

Some groups opposed to Tuesday's ballot question had emphasized that the referendum went beyond abortion, arguing it is simply undemocratic to curb citizens' power.

I mentioned this issue a good while back (before the mods allowed this thread to go way off track).

If this had passed a right the voters of Ohio have had for decades would have been removed from them. A good portion of people wanted nothing to do with this. They were not voting on abortion rights, but their right overall.

In example:

"This is much larger than one issue; it's much larger than one party or one election," said Jen Miller, the executive director of the League of Women Voters of Ohio. "This is about a freedom that Ohioans have had for more than a century."

For instance, good government groups are working on a ballot question for 2024 that would amend the constitution to prevent gerrymandering, the process by which one party manipulates district lines to entrench power. If Tuesday's referendum had succeeded, getting that issue on the ballot would be far more challenging.

I've noted that Democrats will have a hard time in 2024 if they do get the multiple parties running (which I still absolutely hope happens) but now I'm less sure the Democrats can't win in that scenario.

The Republicans are going way, way, way too far in their desire to control people. People in Ohio last night said "Enough". Will Republicans listen? I doubt it.
Agreed. It is undemocratic for republicans to make attempts like this to undermine democracy. Look what is going on in Alabama. Even after a court order, these hillbillies are STILL trying to undermine black voters.
Yes it is, it has already received coded DNA, it's sex has been determined and it will never be anything but a human being period, stop using all of your emotions to think. I do bring up the child sex industry it's more important than anything else going on right, it's a blight on humanity not unlike abortion, now open your eyes. Children are being abused, and tortured, it is because we have devalued human life in the womb, and it has snowballed.
No, it's not. It's a unique strand of human DNA. With luck and help from mom, it will develop into a viable human capable of sustaining "Being", and further growing as a living being. It's like calling an acorn an oak tree.
You are correct hadit to say that biology is not religion. Biological research into conception and gestation in all female gender mammals produces scientific knowledge that benefit the human condition. There is no aim of that research to decide when the sanctity of biological human life begins. Sanctity of life prior to birth is a moral matter dealt with from the most centrally organized global Catholic church to a poet philosopher sitting next to a pond in Walden Massachusetts contemplating the meaning of life by observing the natural world that surrounds us all.

RvW was over turned a year ago only and I repeat only due to obsessive political pressure on federal state and local governments paid for in small and billionaire’s donations, in large part from the Catholic Church moral activism and propaganda that has not one thing to do with biological science or any science of the physical world.

If you can refute that, please do directly. Do not run circles around it.

jsscstrmlvr.23.02.08 #5
hvdvt.23.08.09 #24
nnlcdw.23.08.09 #625
nf23.08.09 #632
I have deliberately avoided appeals to religious beliefs because the way I understand biology, an unborn human child is a human being at an early stage of development and is therefore a human life. Denying that to me is denying science, and there's no need to appeal to religious belief. When we agree on the science, we can then have an honest discussion about the value we place on unborn human life and how sacred it is. Pretending, moreover, that a human mother is pregnant with something other than a human being is, IMO, an attempt to dehumanize the baby so as to ease the consciences of those who wish to destroy that life for the convenience of the parents. We have done similar things with people groups we wished to eliminate via genocide or simply to ostracize from society.

Keep in mind that we place varying degrees of value on all human life all the time. We do, for example, place lower value on human life than we do on the privilege of driving our cars at relatively high rates of speed on the roadways. We would fight tooth and nail to prevent the government from requiring all motor vehicles to be unable to travel faster than, say, 30 mph, even knowing that it would save tens of thousands of lives every year, as any impacts due to crashes would be at much lower energy levels. We can have a similar discussion about aborting babies and at which stage of development we draw the line. If we simply say a human life is not sacred until it stops developing, remember that the human body and brain does not fully mature until somewhere around the age of 25. I believe that insisting on birth being the point beyond which we do not allow a baby to be violently killed denies basic human biology. We all, unless we are terminally misinformed, all recognize that a near full-term baby has a functioning circulatory system and brain and responds to stimuli, even recognizing his/her mother's and father's voices after birth, yet there are those who vehemently resist any attempt to preserve that unborn life.

My personal view is that we should just leave pregnancies alone once they get started, but I know that's a minority view in this country. That doesn't change my mind, so arguing that most people want abortion legal is meaningless to me. I would counter that most people want restrictions on who can get abortions, when they can get them and for what reasons.

Now, as for Roe being overturned, I disagree that it was religious pressure alone that made that happen. To many legal scholars, Roe was a bad decision that invented Constitutional rights out of nothing and amounted to legislation from the bench. Congress could have codified Roe into a law that met Constitutional muster at any time in the last 50 years but did not. And, to be real, overturning it didn't automatically outlaw abortion, despite the wailing from the usual suspects. It merely tossed the matter back to the states, where more people could have their voices heard.
Girlishly? Interesting. I lost nothing, as you haven't refuted anything I've said beyond, "Nuh-uh, you're a poopyhead".

Again, you're insisting that human beings at early stages of development are not human beings, and you arbitrarily assign birth as the moment a baby becomes human. Very odd, that. Let's try one more time. "Human being" is a biological term that covers all stages of development while "person" is a legal term that can be arbitrarily assigned. Heck, Canada just declared a river is a person in order to give it rights. That's what you're arguing, isn't it, that a developing human being isn't a person yet so it doesn't have any rights and can be legally and violently killed for the convenience of the parents?
The people have spoken.
You know, the people MAGATS hate.
and MAGADUMIAN hate lost.

we can then have an honest discussion about the value we place on unborn human life and how sacred it is.
That value should be left up to the owner of the baby factory tasked with growing it. Some people look at their unborn offspring as sacred, while others don't. I can understand both positions but what I don't understand is forcing those who don't believe every zygote is sacred into growing it.
Believe whatever you want, oxygen thief.

You mistake disdain and mocking for lack of intellect. Bring up whatever topic you want in the CDZ and I'll smoke your ass.
Your ass smoking is not my concern.

I've brought up topics like After Trump and you clowns are unable to discuss them reasonably much less put forth a logical argument.

You post a topic and if it interests me, I'll come kick you around like a soccer ball in Sweden. It won't take long. Your willingness to lie and your ignorance of the world around you will see to that.

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