Issues on which I disagree with the right

They were legal moral and not caused by the US your history is a sham

So was Manifest Destiny legal and moral?
Did we have the right to attempt genocide of the natives?
The Mexicans did not go east the Mississippi, and instead we attacked them and stole 6 whole states from them.
The Spanish did not attack us, and yet we murdered them from all the Americas, Philippines, etc.
Then after promising the Filipinos independence, we murdered them in the 1911 rebellion as well.
WWI was started by the Russians assassinating Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, and the French invaded southern Germany.
Anyone claiming the Allies were not the ones at fault, are lying.
And since we ended WWI by starving the innocent German civilians into surrender, we really caused WWII as well.
We cause the Korean War by sending Syngman Rhee in as leader, even though he had been chased out a decade earlier for bank fraud.
He started the war by massacring villages.
Similarly we caused the war in Vietnam, against Ho Chi Minh, the hero of all Vietnam, who had chased the French out.
The US has about the single worst record on all history of starting brutal wars of domination.
About the only ones worse are the ancient Romans.
Korea and Vietnam were started by communists and we were justified in fighting to defend against that aggression

The School of the Americas was beneficial to the region and to us

Both in Korea and Vietnam, the people we sided with were the evil ones who had colluded and collaborated with the Japanese.
The Chinese had supported those who fought against the Japanese.
So since we decided we did not like the Chinese, then we decided to support the evil collaborators,
I think this thread would have been more concise had the OP simply listed the areas of his AGREEMENT with the right:

1. [this space intentionally left blank.]

The end.
I think this thread would have been more concise had the OP simply listed the areas of his AGREEMENT with the right:

1. [this space intentionally left blank.]

The end.

Lots of agreement.

Gun control is bad because it gives corrupt government a monopoly on power.
Deficit spending is bad because then you are really stealing from your descendants.
Government should always be as local as possible.
Individual rights are the basis for all legal authority.
War is bad and to be avoided if at all possible.
Lots of agreement.

Gun control is bad because it gives corrupt government a monopoly on power.
Deficit spending is bad because then you are really stealing from your descendants.
Government should always be as local as possible.
Individual rights are the basis for all legal authority.
War is bad and to be avoided if at all possible.
Who are you speaking for?
So was Manifest Destiny legal and moral?
Did we have the right to attempt genocide of the natives?
The Mexicans did not go east the Mississippi, and instead we attacked them and stole 6 whole states from them.
The Spanish did not attack us, and yet we murdered them from all the Americas, Philippines, etc.
Then after promising the Filipinos independence, we murdered them in the 1911 rebellion as well.
WWI was started by the Russians assassinating Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, and the French invaded southern Germany.
Anyone claiming the Allies were not the ones at fault, are lying.
And since we ended WWI by starving the innocent German civilians into surrender, we really caused WWII as well.
We cause the Korean War by sending Syngman Rhee in as leader, even though he had been chased out a decade earlier for bank fraud.
He started the war by massacring villages.
Similarly we caused the war in Vietnam, against Ho Chi Minh, the hero of all Vietnam, who had chased the French out.
The US has about the single worst record on all history of starting brutal wars of domination.
About the only ones worse are the ancient Romans.
Yes it was.

We did not attempt genocide of the natives

We did not steal six whole states from Mexico.

We gave the Phillipinos independence as promised.
The russians did not kill Ferdinand some serbians did. We defeated the German army which is why they surrendered.

We did not cause WWII.

The Communists started Korea.

Ho chi minh was the aggressor invading the South

The US record is superior to any other which is why you are forced to dream up lies
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Both in Korea and Vietnam, the people we sided with were the evil ones who had colluded and collaborated with the Japanese.
The Chinese had supported those who fought against the Japanese.
So since we decided we did not like the Chinese, then we decided to support the evil collaborators,
We opposed the greater evil which is communism
I am far left, but since the right is well known on their positions, I was doing a cross reference, speaking for both.
My comments were addressed to the OP. You aren’t going by two different usernames at the same time, are you?
Yes it was.

We did not attempt genocide of the natives

We did not steal six whole states from Mexico.

We gave the Phillipinos independence as promised.
The russians did not kill Ferdinand some serbians did. We defeated the German army which is why they surrendered.

We did not cause WWII.

The Communists started Korea.

Ho chi minh was the aggressor invading the South

The US record is superior to any other which si why you are forced to dream up lies

Totally false.
Of the 10 million natives originally, by 1900, fewer than 1 million natives remained in North Amercia.
Clearly we massacred them deliberately. We constantly heralded treaties we never intended to keep.

Nexico never wanted to give up those 6 states, and we attacked and invaded twice.

We did not give the Philippines until 1935, and even then it was with evil US puppets like Marcos.

The Serbian secret police, the Black Hand, were the ones to pick and train Prinzip, but it was under Russian orders.
We did NOT ever defeat the German army.
They were still holding much of France when they surrendered due to the massive starvation in Germany.

We certainly did cause WWII by the illegal and immoral Treaty of Versailles.
We just stole everything we could from Germany.

The communists did NOT start the Korean war. We did by installing Syngman Rhee, who then started massacring civilians.

Ho Chi Minh did not invade the south.
There was supposed to be a nation wide plebiscite in 1955, which we illegally prevented because we know Ho Chi Minh would win.
Eisenhower is on record admitting that.

If the US was at all honorable, we would not spend nearly as much on the military, we would not be murdering and invading constantly, etc.
By page 24, the odds of getting the original author to respond, are slim.
I can’t control the OP as to whether he wishes to speak up. But it is his answer I am seeking.

I’m not trying to dissuade you from speaking your mind. But my question was being addressed to the OP.
This can be the start of debate, or just a bit of disclaimer for me.

I'm libertarian. As I predicted in the introductions thread, I seem to be disagreeing with progressives/leftists on here and thus may appear to some of you to be right-wing. So, here's where I'm not right-wing:

Pretty much any right-wing belief that opposes liberty or equality of opportunity, or that favors government involvement in areas in which the government should butt out.

So - even though I wish there were far fewer abortions, or even no abortions - I don't favor banning them.

I don't favor prayers in public schools, because I think the 1A does not allow government officials to establish a religion in a tax-funded institution.

As a libertarian, I'd like to see government get out of the business of licensing marriage, but if they do license marriage, it should be available to all sexes, all perceived genders and in any number - barring under-age marriage. Libertarianism is for adults.

I don't favor the war on drugs.

I don't favor the wars in the middle-east.

I don't favor going to war to protect Taiwan.

The MIC has been wagging the dog far to long, IMHO.
Women will never vote for marriage without a State license.
Totally false.
Of the 10 million natives originally, by 1900, fewer than 1 million natives remained in North Amercia.
Clearly we massacred them deliberately. We constantly heralded treaties we never intended to keep.

Nexico never wanted to give up those 6 states, and we attacked and invaded twice.

We did not give the Philippines until 1935, and even then it was with evil US puppets like Marcos.

The Serbian secret police, the Black Hand, were the ones to pick and train Prinzip, but it was under Russian orders.
We did NOT ever defeat the German army.
They were still holding much of France when they surrendered due to the massive starvation in Germany.

We certainly did cause WWII by the illegal and immoral Treaty of Versailles.
We just stole everything we could from Germany.

The communists did NOT start the Korean war. We did by installing Syngman Rhee, who then started massacring civilians.

Ho Chi Minh did not invade the south.
There was supposed to be a nation wide plebiscite in 1955, which we illegally prevented because we know Ho Chi Minh would win.
Eisenhower is on record admitting that.

If the US was at all honorable, we would not spend nearly as much on the military, we would not be murdering and invading constantly, etc.
The numbers of natives has never been easy to measure and that 10 million firgure includes south america which is knwon to have had far greater population The US had nothing to do with that so no we did not.

We fought them but the claim of genocide was totally false.

We did not attack and invade Mexico twice only once and we did not steal six states.

We granted the phillippines independence as promised.

Yes we defeated the German Army and no they did not kill Ferdinand under orders

We did not impose the treaty of Versailles the french and british did.

The communists started the Vietnam war after Kim was installed.

Minh invaded the sovereign nation of south bvietnam after siezing power illegally.

We prevented no plebiscite Minh prevented itl

You are wrong and out right lying about history because your sickening left wing view demands it
That is silly.
All human families are naturally communist.
Communism is how all small groups or tribes of human live.

You always repeat that stupid claim and are proven ignorant.

Communism is not communal living it is a massive political system of slavery and genocide

That is fact

YOU support genocide and slavery
This can be the start of debate, or just a bit of disclaimer for me.

I'm libertarian. As I predicted in the introductions thread, I seem to be disagreeing with progressives/leftists on here and thus may appear to some of you to be right-wing. So, here's where I'm not right-wing:

Pretty much any right-wing belief that opposes liberty or equality of opportunity, or that favors government involvement in areas in which the government should butt out.

So - even though I wish there were far fewer abortions, or even no abortions - I don't favor banning them.

I don't favor prayers in public schools, because I think the 1A does not allow government officials to establish a religion in a tax-funded institution.

As a libertarian, I'd like to see government get out of the business of licensing marriage, but if they do license marriage, it should be available to all sexes, all perceived genders and in any number - barring under-age marriage. Libertarianism is for adults.

I don't favor the war on drugs.

I don't favor the wars in the middle-east.

I don't favor going to war to protect Taiwan.

The MIC has been wagging the dog far to long, IMHO.

Do ya need a quarter so you can call someone who cares?


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