It appears Obamacare is working

More people covered for medical insurance=bringing the country to it's knees.

And you guys wonder why you have lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes?

You really should pay attention to current events.

I do.

The GOP will do very well in 2014 (as I have said something like 50 times). I think they hold the House and easily take the Senate.

There are more DEM seats up for grabs than there are GOP seats and the House is gerrymandered by both parties into being almost a formality every other November during the election.

Twenty-sixteen is more problematic for the GOP candidate since their party has basically painted them into a corner on taxes, immigration, and soon to be healthcare. When you're giving up 3 issues out of the gate and have no path to follow except 3 unpopular's not good for the candidate. Add that into the pronounced deficit the GOP has to start with in the Electoral College and 2016 is going to be a very close election. Obama fatigue will be a factor but I get the feeling that the candidate is going to counter-program her/him self well
In fact, I think that the Senate in 2014 will go GOP, but not enough to matter, and that in 2018, the Presidency will go GOP but the Senate will flop back to Democrat.

In either case, the American people lose until an independent leader manages to take the White House.

At that time, the Dems are going to rue the runaway, power hungry Obama and the GOP is going to seethe and acquiesce as the Independent simply does away with any need to consult Congress.

That will be the price we will have paid for these past 8 years.
Saving thousands of dollars for eight years is better than spending thousands of dollars during the same 8 years....would you agree?

As I understand, college kids who usually are uninsured or are covered at a higher rate once they leave the house and go away are benefitting as well. Don't have kids; don't know.

As for the GOP working with the President...yeah sure...what planet are you living on? Somehow, not one could see this benefit and bring themselves to vote for it...or publicly applaud it?

Sell crazy somewhere else.

Obama has gotten everything he wanted.

Phone home E.T. you're from another planet.

If there were something he didn't you would have named it. Now I expect some post full of BS what ifs.
The GOP is losing their Number One issue....HOLY COW! DISASTER ON THE HORIZON!
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

Obamacare didn't cancel a single policy.
. So that's the new lie they're pushing now? Obama and the democrats made the rules so strict that every policy had to be cancelled. Dont insult our intelligence and embarrass yourself.

What they did was create the illusion of these money saving marketplaces. An illusion that the CEO was more then happy to pick up on. Now they can cancel everyone's health care and throw them onto these money saving exchanges. Everyone other then those with Union contracts. And Yes, I know because it is happening to me and the wife.
And it's so popular only half the country voted for it and less than half find it favorable. Bu that doesn't matter, right?

And the only chance they had to vote on it, was in 2012, when the choice they got was between:

(a) A guy from Chicago who had signed a socialistic Health Care scheme into law; and
(b) A guy from Massachusetts who had signed a socialistic Health Care scheme into law.

People who DIDN'T like socialistic Health Care schemes, stayed home in droves and didn't vote... for obvious reasons.

or there were people like me who voted for (c)....those who voted for A or B voted for two bottom of the Barrel guys....and here we are,still bitching and moaning.........
Claims that ObamaCare is "working" are just as suspect as claims that ObamaCare is "failing".

However, it is a safe bet that ObamaCare is here to stay. The Republicans have no comprehensive replacement for it on the table. They are the party of "Repeal ObamaCare...and Then What?" That's a platform plank made of balsa wood.

By 2016, one of two things will begin to emanate from the Republican Party. You will either see a slow turn toward rhetoric about "fixes" that are needed for the ACA (they will stop calling it ObamaCare), or you will see a comprehensive replacement plan put on the table.

I will lay heavy odds you will see the former. The GOP no longer has the intellectual weight or the courage to offer workable alternative solutions to our country's problems. They have become so used to pointing out the flaws in the other guy's plans their brains and spines have turned to mush.

The only guy who has shown any guts is Paul Ryan, but not even his recently released plan has an alternative to ObamaCare in it! Just a repeal.


Thanks for letting us move on from the well-made points before pointing out that the ACA is working at least in part while other portions are getting up to speed and that acceptance is just a matter of time.

Now moving on...

Do you think that the GOP candidates who recommend "fixes" instead of total annihilation run the risks of being labeled a RINO? No GOP candidate can recommend amnesty or tax increases of any kind at this point. Do you think any mere mention of modifying the ACA is a third "third rail" for a GOP contender?

You don't get to announce victory and tell us we're moving on. Obamacare will be repealed if we have to vote out every politician to do so.
Claims that ObamaCare is "working" are just as suspect as claims that ObamaCare is "failing".

However, it is a safe bet that ObamaCare is here to stay. The Republicans have no comprehensive replacement for it on the table. They are the party of "Repeal ObamaCare...and Then What?" That's a platform plank made of balsa wood.

By 2016, one of two things will begin to emanate from the Republican Party. You will either see a slow turn toward rhetoric about "fixes" that are needed for the ACA (they will stop calling it ObamaCare), or you will see a comprehensive replacement plan put on the table.

I will lay heavy odds you will see the former. The GOP no longer has the intellectual weight or the courage to offer workable alternative solutions to our country's problems. They have become so used to pointing out the flaws in the other guy's plans their brains and spines have turned to mush.

The only guy who has shown any guts is Paul Ryan, but not even his recently released plan has an alternative to ObamaCare in it! Just a repeal.


Thanks for letting us move on from the well-made points before pointing out that the ACA is working at least in part while other portions are getting up to speed and that acceptance is just a matter of time.

Now moving on...

Do you think that the GOP candidates who recommend "fixes" instead of total annihilation run the risks of being labeled a RINO? No GOP candidate can recommend amnesty or tax increases of any kind at this point. Do you think any mere mention of modifying the ACA is a third "third rail" for a GOP contender?
If the Republican powers that be decide on a strategy of walking back from repeal and toward "fixes", then that is the way it will be. And everyone will be given their marching orders and will follow them in lockstep, just as they do now.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia".

The puppeteers have succeeded in turning the proles' brains into mush. The piss drinkers have memories like that of goldfish.
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Address your question? What was it? Wait until the end of exemptions and delays and then assess whether it worked or not? Sure... about 45% will say yes and 45% will say no. That is just what happens when you politicize it.

The non political reality is that you can keep your kids on until they are 26 and your PECs do not bar you from getting coverage. If you think those are bad things...well you're simply not intelligent enough to have a conversation with.

So now 26 year olds are children, yet we allow them to drink, vote, be charged as adults for crimes, carry a gun, is all that really prudent if they are incapable of managing their own lives? You libs can keep stretching the definitions of reality and all you will end up with is a reality skewed beyond all reason. But that is the intent isn't it, everything is subjective, no firm boundaries, everything can be redefined at will to meet the progressive agenda. Don't be surprised when people really get a belly full and just say no.

Edit, would you want to vote for a representative who is still on his parents healthcare plan, you know they can run at 25.

No body said 26 y/o are kids. It's sad when you have to change the opposition's argument. Really sad.

but you just said....."I never said that the child couldn't get covered; only that the coverage on the employer plan used to stop at 18 for children. Now it's 26 thanks to President Obama's efforts.".......
None of this means anything.

49 to 48% approve it, 59% want it updated and reformed, 65% or more fully expect ACA to remain.

The GOP leadership knows this fight is over with 10 million now affected (new Medicare recipients, new insured, other insured with better programs), 50 state narratives.

The election is only about who gets elected, not the overthrow of ACA.
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

Obamacare didn't cancel a single policy.
. So that's the new lie they're pushing now? Obama and the democrats made the rules so strict that every policy had to be cancelled. Dont insult our intelligence and embarrass yourself.

When Citibank, Amazon, eBay, Apple, etc., or whoever you have your credit card with, changes their terms of service do they cancel your account and make you sign up for another one?

Why didn't the insurance companies just modify the existing policies?
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.
At whose expense is it working? (lol)
Whose earnings will be looted to pay for the previously un-insured?
All of us paid for the uninsured to access emergency room care for years.
For every person who gets insurance through an exchange or through the Medicaid expansion, that is another voter who will not want ObamaCare repealed, because the GOP has not said what they will do for them if ObamaCare goes away. If ObamaCare is repealed, they will lose what they have just gained, and the GOP has no replacement.

Think on that, kids. Think on it hard. That is why you are going to be hearing the GOP start talking about "fixes" instead of repeal.

And that is why ObamaCare is here to stay. The GOP has lost the momentum. They never had the momentum. They never put a comprehensive solution on the table.

ObamaCare may or may not be working, but the GOP is definitely one big FAIL in this arena.
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I think when we start to see a breakdown on the 7 million that signed up and when
we start to see some of the 48 million that needed ObamaCare show up....

Maybe then you can pat yourself on the back..
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

Obamacare didn't cancel a single policy.

they changed mine.....and i was told after i got my letter from the Feds about what they will cover and what they wont,what is going to cost more or less ....dont call your Ins Co.....the alterations are premium went up and on some coverages the co-pay went way Blue Shield Policy was better before these guys got their hands on it....just sayin....
It appears

what we know for a fact and it appears it's cost us 1.5TRILLION DOLLARS FOR appearing to work for 6frikken million people out of 360 Million

hey the rest of you can go hell, just shut and put out your money to pay for so it can APPEAR TO BE WORKING

dear gawd save us from these people who will bow down for Obama
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Obamacare didn't cancel a single policy.
. So that's the new lie they're pushing now? Obama and the democrats made the rules so strict that every policy had to be cancelled. Dont insult our intelligence and embarrass yourself.

When Citibank, Amazon, eBay, Apple, etc., or whoever you have your credit card with, changes their terms of service do they cancel your account and make you sign up for another one?

Why didn't the insurance companies just modify the existing policies?

Synth on the 5:00 news out here the guy they had on....a so called consumer expert .... said they were not able to do that...because of the new laws..they had to drop you and then offer you one of their new plans and it may or may not be as good as what you had.......hey thats what this guy said.....
None of this means anything.

49 to 48% approve it, 59% want it updated and reformed, 65% or more fully expect ACA to remain.

The GOP leadership knows this fight is over with 10 million now affected (new Medicare recipients, new insured, other insured with better programs), 50 state narratives.

The election is only about who gets elected, not the overthrow of ACA.

The GOP will repeal this turd or they will go the way of the Whig Party.

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