ObamaCare drove a 35 percent drop in America's uninsured rate

To sum up, the dire prediction by the right wingers on this forum that 93 million people would lose their health insurance in 2014 was a catastrophic failure.

Will they still line up to drink the piss of their media manipulators who openly lie to them time and time and time and time again? Yep. The piss is laced with something that induces amnesia.

Is ObamaCare the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Nope. Not even close. But as long as its opponents allow the retards to go wide with their gigantic tactical boners, no one will ever listen to rational criticism of ObamaCare. Not when some goldfish is in the corner screaming "DETH PANELZ!" and "93 MILLION!11!"

They just never seem to get that through their thick skulls.

Get out of the way, retards.

Ignore the man behind the curtain who keeps moving the deadlines that would force many off their employers' insurance plans. We had to pass the stool sample so we could find out what was in it, and now we know what was in it.
This is only true if you accept a plan that cost $1200 per month, with a $5000 deductible, and a 60/40 copay to be "insurance".
Your post is only true if it isn't manufactured bullshit.

And here you go buddy...just look how wonderful the "insurance" is

It is nothing less than government sponsored extortion.
It is NOT insurance, it is a donation.

Obamacare 2015 Rates and Health Insurance Providers forNew York County New York NY

EDIT --- I have no idea why the link above says NY NY..when you go there it is clearly Indiana.

PSS - sorry I had the deductible wrong, it isn't $5000, it is between $5700 - $7000
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To sum up, the dire prediction by the right wingers on this forum that 93 million people would lose their health insurance in 2014 was a catastrophic failure.

Will they still line up to drink the piss of their media manipulators who openly lie to them time and time and time and time again? Yep. The piss is laced with something that induces amnesia.

Is ObamaCare the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Nope. Not even close. But as long as its opponents allow the retards to go wide with their gigantic tactical boners, no one will ever listen to rational criticism of ObamaCare. Not when some goldfish is in the corner screaming "DETH PANELZ!" and "93 MILLION!11!"

They just never seem to get that through their thick skulls.

Get out of the way, retards.

Ignore the man behind the curtain who keeps moving the deadlines that would force many off their employers' insurance plans.

The deadline had already been extended when the prediction was made.
The sad thing is there are a lot of reasonably smart folks like g5000 out there that believe the shit that is tossed at them.
Obamacare is not insurance, it is a donation.
Unless you get SUBSTANTIAL subsidies, which middle class people with good jobs DO NOT get...the premiums are skyhigh, deductibles even higher with lousy co-pays.
It is not insurance. It is extortion.
First of all the number of uninsured were inflated beyond all reason to sell maobamacare, it has been proven time and again, there were only about 4 million people who have actually fallen through the cracks of the safety net that was already in place. If your dear leader had proposed legislation to cover them I think it would have had wide support, he proved he was more interested in controlling the whole medical sector and how people interact with it than just taking care of the existing problem.

And just a side note, you should have used "their reasons" instead of "there reasons", of course that's what happens when you let your mouth outrun your brain, as you so often do.
fuck you.

Poor baby.
You're a genius texass

Well you agreed with me, so yep, I guess I am. LOL
you're a full bore asshole, texas. I give you that.

I'm sorry you lack the ability to accept constructive criticism, I've made similar mistakes in the past. I now pay more attention and proof what I type. It's amazing how many mistakes you can correct by just engaging your brain.
This is only true if you accept a plan that cost $1200 per month, with a $5000 deductible, and a 60/40 copay to be "insurance".
Your post is only true if it isn't manufactured bullshit.

And here you go buddy...just look how wonderful the "insurance" is

It is nothing less than government sponsored extortion.
It is NOT insurance, it is a donation.

Obamacare 2015 Rates and Health Insurance Providers forNew York County New York NY

EDIT --- I have no idea why the link above says NY NY..when you go there it is clearly Indiana.
I've shattered the bogus claim that insurance has "skyrocketed" under ObamaCare so many times it isn't even funny any more.
The sad thing is there are a lot of reasonably smart folks like g5000 out there that believe the shit that is tossed at them.
Obamacare is not insurance, it is a donation.
Unless you get SUBSTANTIAL subsidies, which middle class people with good jobs DO NOT get...the premiums are skyhigh, deductibles even higher with lousy co-pays.
It is not insurance. It is extortion.
You seem to be under the very mistaken impression I like the ACA. You could not be more wrong.

In fact, this post of yours is reminiscent of one I have made many times about "freeloaders" and high school dropouts.
I've shattered the bogus claim that insurance has "skyrocketed" under ObamaCare so many times it isn't even funny any more.

Translate... Oh snap...he linked his claim to government tables...real data, so I will make some claim up and hope people believe me.
To sum up, the dire prediction by the right wingers on this forum that 93 million people would lose their health insurance in 2014 was a catastrophic failure.

Will they still line up to drink the piss of their media manipulators who openly lie to them time and time and time and time again? Yep. The piss is laced with something that induces amnesia.

Is ObamaCare the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Nope. Not even close. But as long as its opponents allow the retards to go wide with their gigantic tactical boners, no one will ever listen to rational criticism of ObamaCare. Not when some goldfish is in the corner screaming "DETH PANELZ!" and "93 MILLION!11!"

They just never seem to get that through their thick skulls.

Get out of the way, retards.

Ignore the man behind the curtain who keeps moving the deadlines that would force many off their employers' insurance plans.

The deadline had already been extended when the prediction was made.

Which one? There were multiple deadlines arbitrarily extended by executive fiat.
The sad thing is there are a lot of reasonably smart folks like g5000 out there that believe the shit that is tossed at them.
Obamacare is not insurance, it is a donation.
Unless you get SUBSTANTIAL subsidies, which middle class people with good jobs DO NOT get...the premiums are skyhigh, deductibles even higher with lousy co-pays.
It is not insurance. It is extortion.
You seem to be under the very mistaken impression I like the ACA. You could not be more wrong.

In fact, this post of yours is reminiscent of one I have made many times about "freeloaders" and high school dropouts.

I am under no impressions other than you are repeating the incorrect mantra that people didn;t lose insurance.
And I am pointing out, correctly, that just because a person has an ACA plan - does not mean that have insurance. They don't..they are victims of government enforced extortion.
I've shattered the bogus claim that insurance has "skyrocketed" under ObamaCare so many times it isn't even funny any more.

Translate... Oh snap...he linked his claim to government tables...real data, so I will make some claim up and hope people believe me.
You gave a link, but did not prove in any way that claims have skyrocketed.

Quote from your links. Anyone can link.
Show me an ACA plan that is "a plan that cost $1200 per month, with a $5000 deductible, and a 60/40 copay".
AND 100% of those who had insurance had their rates increase, some 200%.
How does this differ from, say, 2006?

I can show you that health insurance rates increased faster before the ACA. The rate of increase has leveled off since its passage.
In U.S. Uninsured Rate Sinks to 12.9


Great chart.
Before 2009 it was 14.4
During Obama's term it shot up to 18
So the actual drop is only 1.5 points.
RomneyCare was enacted in 2006. Massachusetts now leads the nation in the percentage of insured.

It also leads in per capita spending on healthcare.


MY coverage, deductible, and Dr stayed exactly the same..

RW morons must have had really shitty insurance.
Show me an ACA plan that is "a plan that cost $1200 per month, with a $5000 deductible, and a 60/40 copay".


Bronze..This table rounds by age...
So 45 years old. married with two kids...
Bronze HMO
Premium - $1175
Deductible - $6,250
Copay - for some reason, which is seriously odd, this table does not show copay..after clicking several links, and for whatever reason kept getting plans written in Spanish...this plan is 70/30. However, your just going to have to trust me that 60/40 plans are there. I assume of course that your state there are also many 60/40 plans.

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