ObamaCare drove a 35 percent drop in America's uninsured rate

ObamaCare drove a 35 percent drop in America's uninsured rate

Approximately 16.4 million people have gained health insurance since ObamaCare went into effect, according to a report released Monday by the Department of Health and Human Services. As a result, the uninsured rate has fallen from 20.3 percent at the time of ObamaCare's debut to 13.2 percent today — a 35 percent (or 7.1 percentage point) drop.


Most of the drop came after ObamaCare's first open enrollment period in Oct. 2013. Since then, 14.1 million adults have gained coverage. Jon Terbush

And yet-----and yet, Republicans are obsessed with destroying millions of Americans H̶e̶a̶l̶t̶h̶ ̶I̶n̶s̶u̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ ☞ Healthcare.
Have you also got the numbers on how much health insurance cost the rest of us? Some people, me included, are paying a lot more because of OBAMACARE. Any idea of what the numbers are for the total offset cost to corporations, affected job growth, and many taxpayers? It hurt the pockets of a lot of people, me included. And, according to the many articles that I've read, we haven't seen the astronomical total cost of it yet. Oh, and what the folks the IRS is asking to pay back the health care credit they received when they enrolled? Any numbers on that? Just curious. Thanks.

They don't give a shit about that, to them the end justifies the means. That's democrat policy.
That's not only Democrat policy, that's Government policy. Did all Republicans vote against it?

If it were not for the Dems Obunglecare would not be law
Isn't it amazing how you can get more people to buy something they don't want if you just pass a law and force them to get it or pay a fine? I guess the other 65% just said fuck it and will pay the penalty since it will be cheaper.

You forgot about the people who get it and get other people to pay for it courtesy of the government gun to the taxpayers heads.
Blog 200 000 Coloradans to lose their insurance because of Obamacare


About 190,000 Coloradans will lose access next year to health insurance plans which don't comply with the Affordable Care Act, the Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI) decided.

In March of 2014, President Barack Obama decided to give states the option of allowing people on noncompliant health plans to be grandfathered in by renewing their old plans early, while problems with insurance exchanges were ironed out. Colorado insurance commissioner

Marguerite Salazar opted to do that for 2015, but told 9NEWS on Friday that the exception is no longer needed for plans in 2016, even though Colorado could have continued them an additional year. "

By delaying it, it doesn't give us a good pathway into full implementation of the ACA," Salazar told 9NEWS. "I feel like we gave people that year, we have a great robust market in terms of health insurance in Colorado."

Salazar said she consulted with Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-Colorado) before making the decision and says she heard passionate arguments for and against ending the noncompliant plans a year earlier than required.

Among the most powerful arguments, she said, came from business people who wanted a stronger risk pool for health insurance in the state.

Republicans think it's foolish not to allow the plans to continue for another year if the Obama administration would have allowed it, especially in light of technical glitches with Connect for Health Colorado, the state insurance exchange, in the last open enrollment which affected automatic renewals and subsidy determinations.

"I think it's horrible," said Senate President Bill Cadman, "They disregarded an opportunity to protect Coloradans."
While average premiums nationwide did not change from 2014 to 2015, there were wide differences across states (Exhibit 1). There were double-digit increases in 10 states plus the District of Columbia (Alaska, the District of Columbia, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and West Virginia). Average premiums declined in 14 states (Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Virginia, and Washington).
Don't forget, last year and the year before, the fauxraged were saying 2014 is the year 93 million Americans are going to lose their health insurance because of the employer mandate.
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ObamaCare drove a 35 percent drop in America's uninsured rate

Approximately 16.4 million people have gained health insurance since ObamaCare went into effect, according to a report released Monday by the Department of Health and Human Services. As a result, the uninsured rate has fallen from 20.3 percent at the time of ObamaCare's debut to 13.2 percent today — a 35 percent (or 7.1 percentage point) drop.


Most of the drop came after ObamaCare's first open enrollment period in Oct. 2013. Since then, 14.1 million adults have gained coverage. Jon Terbush

And yet-----and yet, Republicans are obsessed with destroying millions of Americans H̶e̶a̶l̶t̶h̶ ̶I̶n̶s̶u̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ ☞ Healthcare.
yep....Not bad...Until they file a claim and see the deductible. Case closed
So you're all thrilled that maobamacare has fallen 65% short of it's stated purpose, only in a commiecrat world would that be a good thing.
The GOP states have been successful in making sure fewer get coverage.

Not that I think there reasons are evil or even unsupportable. But the gop is incapable of offering any "real" alternative that would cover all these folks.

First of all the number of uninsured were inflated beyond all reason to sell maobamacare, it has been proven time and again, there were only about 4 million people who have actually fallen through the cracks of the safety net that was already in place. If your dear leader had proposed legislation to cover them I think it would have had wide support, he proved he was more interested in controlling the whole medical sector and how people interact with it than just taking care of the existing problem.

And just a side note, you should have used "their reasons" instead of "there reasons", of course that's what happens when you let your mouth outrun your brain, as you so often do.
ObamaCare drove a 35 percent drop in America's uninsured rate

Approximately 16.4 million people have gained health insurance since ObamaCare went into effect, according to a report released Monday by the Department of Health and Human Services. As a result, the uninsured rate has fallen from 20.3 percent at the time of ObamaCare's debut to 13.2 percent today — a 35 percent (or 7.1 percentage point) drop.


Most of the drop came after ObamaCare's first open enrollment period in Oct. 2013. Since then, 14.1 million adults have gained coverage. Jon Terbush

And yet-----and yet, Republicans are obsessed with destroying millions of Americans H̶e̶a̶l̶t̶h̶ ̶I̶n̶s̶u̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ ☞ Healthcare.
Have you also got the numbers on how much health insurance cost the rest of us? Some people, me included, are paying a lot more because of OBAMACARE. Any idea of what the numbers are for the total offset cost to corporations, affected job growth, and many taxpayers? It hurt the pockets of a lot of people, me included. And, according to the many articles that I've read, we haven't seen the astronomical total cost of it yet. Oh, and what the folks the IRS is asking to pay back the health care credit they received when they enrolled? Any numbers on that? Just curious. Thanks.

They don't give a shit about that, to them the end justifies the means. That's democrat policy.
That's not only Democrat policy, that's Government policy. Did all Republicans vote against it?

If it were not for the Dems Obunglecare would not be law
Did any Republicans vote for it?
ObamaCare drove a 35 percent drop in America's uninsured rate

Approximately 16.4 million people have gained health insurance since ObamaCare went into effect, according to a report released Monday by the Department of Health and Human Services. As a result, the uninsured rate has fallen from 20.3 percent at the time of ObamaCare's debut to 13.2 percent today — a 35 percent (or 7.1 percentage point) drop.


Most of the drop came after ObamaCare's first open enrollment period in Oct. 2013. Since then, 14.1 million adults have gained coverage. Jon Terbush

And yet-----and yet, Republicans are obsessed with destroying millions of Americans H̶e̶a̶l̶t̶h̶ ̶I̶n̶s̶u̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ ☞ Healthcare.
Have you also got the numbers on how much health insurance cost the rest of us? Some people, me included, are paying a lot more because of OBAMACARE. Any idea of what the numbers are for the total offset cost to corporations, affected job growth, and many taxpayers? It hurt the pockets of a lot of people, me included. And, according to the many articles that I've read, we haven't seen the astronomical total cost of it yet. Oh, and what the folks the IRS is asking to pay back the health care credit they received when they enrolled? Any numbers on that? Just curious. Thanks.

They don't give a shit about that, to them the end justifies the means. That's democrat policy.
That's not only Democrat policy, that's Government policy. Did all Republicans vote against it?

If it were not for the Dems Obunglecare would not be law
Did any Republicans vote for it?

Shrugs, it makes no difference, w/o the Dems it wouldn't exist as law.
So you're all thrilled that maobamacare has fallen 65% short of it's stated purpose, only in a commiecrat world would that be a good thing.
The GOP states have been successful in making sure fewer get coverage.

Not that I think there reasons are evil or even unsupportable. But the gop is incapable of offering any "real" alternative that would cover all these folks.

First of all the number of uninsured were inflated beyond all reason to sell maobamacare, it has been proven time and again, there were only about 4 million people who have actually fallen through the cracks of the safety net that was already in place. If your dear leader had proposed legislation to cover them I think it would have had wide support, he proved he was more interested in controlling the whole medical sector and how people interact with it than just taking care of the existing problem.

And just a side note, you should have used "their reasons" instead of "there reasons", of course that's what happens when you let your mouth outrun your brain, as you so often do.
fuck you.
So you're all thrilled that maobamacare has fallen 65% short of it's stated purpose, only in a commiecrat world would that be a good thing.
The GOP states have been successful in making sure fewer get coverage.

Not that I think there reasons are evil or even unsupportable. But the gop is incapable of offering any "real" alternative that would cover all these folks.
Now I must ask...Why is it that you believe the only method by which people can get health insurance coverage is through government?
I guess the RW's think if they lie about ACA long and hard enough somebody will believe them and the Government will abolish it.
First of all the number of uninsured were inflated beyond all reason to sell maobamacare, it has been proven time and again, there were only about 4 million people who have actually fallen through the cracks of the safety net that was already in place.

More like 25 million.

Certainly not the "45 million uininsured Americans" advertised in 2008.

But not 4 million, either.
But...but....Obamacare is a.....a.....Trainwreck
It must be stopped before more people get insurance. Once that happens, we'll NEVER get rid of it! LOL

Are you guys just immune to fact and reason?

You cite a report issued by what has become one of the most discredited, unreliable, partisan agencies of the government, and then when people point out facts that contradict your narrative, you fall back on demagogic rhetoric.
So you're all thrilled that maobamacare has fallen 65% short of it's stated purpose, only in a commiecrat world would that be a good thing.

it projection is for 2020, not IMMEDIATELY ..

so you're thrilled you're a liar AND a hack.
Don't forget, last year and the year before, the fauxraged were saying 2014 is the year 93 million Americans are going to lose their health insurance because of the employer mandate.
That process has just begun....In fact, we'll see all those cadillac plans union people get begin to disappear.
Shouldn't that be it dropped 100% of those who were insured by forcing them to LOSE THEIR POLICIES?

so much garbage propaganda for the fascist entitlement called, OSCAMcare. that cost us taxpayers BILLIONS to set up and only a measly 8MILLION PEOPLE out of 360million signed on and 100% them are being subsidized by YOU THE TAXPAYER

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