It appears the amount of prison walls in the U.S. exceeds the Great Wall of China.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
As such, it also appears Justice and the penal system has plenty of walls to house tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer crony thugs, traitors and felonious grand larcenist against the taxpayer and humanity. This justice apparently after they are finished engaging their crimes against humanity, feeding on humanity like vultures and ripping off the taxpayer too.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia
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Thanks to your statist sociopaths in the clinton admin parasite.

5 year minimum for a gram of crack, slap on the wrist for an ounce of coke.

Just in case.

As such, it also appears Justice and the penal system has plenty of walls to house tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer crony thugs, traitors and felonious grand larcenist against the taxpayer and humanity. This justice apparently after they are finished engaging their crimes against humanity, feeding on humanity like vultures and ripping off the taxpayer too.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

As such, it also appears Justice and the penal system has plenty of walls to house tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer crony thugs, traitors and felonious grand larcenist against the taxpayer and humanity. This justice apparently after they are finished engaging their crimes against humanity, feeding on humanity like vultures and ripping off the taxpayer too.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Yeah but st least we're getting those monstrous pot smokers off their couchs and into the prison system!
As such, it also appears Justice and the penal system has plenty of walls to house tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer crony thugs, traitors and felonious grand larcenist against the taxpayer and humanity. This justice apparently after they are finished engaging their crimes against humanity, feeding on humanity like vultures and ripping off the taxpayer too.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Walls don't work. Trump will get out. Just ask any Mexican.
As such, it also appears Justice and the penal system has plenty of walls to house tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer crony thugs, traitors and felonious grand larcenist against the taxpayer and humanity. This justice apparently after they are finished engaging their crimes against humanity, feeding on humanity like vultures and ripping off the taxpayer too.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Nothing about american society suggests this is a free and open society, but I must disagree that we could have ever gotten here without bipartisan participation. This economic system and political system is the enemy of we the people and incarceration of more and more of us will widen as the economic system continues to devolve into more and more cannibalism of society. Watch.
As such, it also appears Justice and the penal system has plenty of walls to house tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer crony thugs, traitors and felonious grand larcenist against the taxpayer and humanity. This justice apparently after they are finished engaging their crimes against humanity, feeding on humanity like vultures and ripping off the taxpayer too.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia

Walls don't work. Trump will get out. Just ask any Mexican.
El Chapo.

Ya know what? I and my friends did a lot of dumb shit in our youth. But we never hurt anyone or caused major property damage. Strangely enough we didn't wind up in prison. Could it be BECAUSE we never hurt anyone or caused major property damage? Nahh.....

News flash: Incarceration is 100% preventable. All you have to do is NOT be a degenerate POS.

Ya know what? I and my friends did a lot of dumb shit in our youth. But we never hurt anyone or caused major property damage. Strangely enough we didn't wind up in prison. Could it be BECAUSE we never hurt anyone or caused major property damage? Nahh.....

News flash: Incarceration is 100% preventable. All you have to do is NOT be a degenerate POS.
Unless you are caught with too much pot in your car during a routine traffic stop.

Ya know what? I and my friends did a lot of dumb shit in our youth. But we never hurt anyone or caused major property damage. Strangely enough we didn't wind up in prison. Could it be BECAUSE we never hurt anyone or caused major property damage? Nahh.....

News flash: Incarceration is 100% preventable. All you have to do is NOT be a degenerate POS.
Unless you are caught with too much pot in your car during a routine traffic stop.

To be perfectly honest I'm on the fence about pot. Smoked it a few times myself, wasn't my thing, but I watched too many friends graduate to harder stuff. I do look at it as a stepping stone, but on the flip side I think beer is a stepping stone to hard liquor which is just as troublesome if not more so I try to remain objective. .
Unless you are caught with too much pot in your car during a routine traffic stop.

To be perfectly honest I'm on the fence about pot. Smoked it a few times myself, wasn't my thing, but I watched too many friends graduate to harder stuff. I do look at it as a stepping stone, but on the flip side I think beer is a stepping stone to hard liquor which is just as troublesome if not more so I try to remain objective. .
The only reason that pot is a 'gateway' drug is because it is illegal. The old illegal speak easies also had other drugs for sale by patrons and management, typically, as I understand it.
As such, it also appears Justice and the penal system has plenty of walls to house tRump and his antigovernment conspiring GOPer crony thugs, traitors and felonious grand larcenist against the taxpayer and humanity. This justice apparently after they are finished engaging their crimes against humanity, feeding on humanity like vultures and ripping off the taxpayer too.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia
Hmmm. Where to begin.....Trump and his "anti-government" GOP crony thugs? They're not anti-government, just pro-smaller federal government and oversight, thus allowing more individual liberty. The only traitors I can detect, are the ones who want to end borders so that anyone can drift in, no matter how criminal he/she might be, thus ending us as an actual sovereign nation, ruled by the U.S. Constitution and laws. Reducing taxes across the board isn't exactly larceny, whereas, wanting to significantly increase taxes on the workers, is. Taking money from hard working individuals who actually earned it and giving it to lazy slobs who lay around their parents basement or spare room and are too lazy to work is theft. As for prison walls, they wouldn't be needed if we had either, no crime, or no laws at all.....just complete anarchy (free to do anything you want, sell addictive drugs to whoever you want, rob people on the street, murder old enemies...all with no repercussions). Those prison walls wouldn't be needed if he individuals housed in them, didn't break the laws that the city, county, state and federal government made, per the requests of the populace. A simple example: For a time, after the invention of the horseless-carriage (automobile), there were no stop lights and no speed limits, but over time, the populace and their elected representatives saw that because of the injuries and deaths caused by a lack of laws on the matter, laws had to be implemented, so states adopted laws to make transportation safer for pedestrians and drivers alike. As for drug laws: Families complained that their family members were impaired, addicted, or dying due to the effects of drug use, thus the implementation of drug laws.
What does the left want? A large, bloated federal bureaucracy, a one-party system, taking away individual liberties, ending free speech as we know it, ending the right to own firearms to defend your family at home....of course the last one is actually for the purpose of disarming citizens so that the populace can't rise up under tyrannical laws. If a large bloated federal one party government is appealing to you, move "temporarily" to Venezuela, Cuba, China or, North Korea. Try it out for a year. Just be careful what you say. No nation outside of the U.S., has the freedom of speech and if you should find something to complain about in one of those countries, be prepared for the consequences.
The only reason that pot is a 'gateway' drug is because it is illegal. The old illegal speak easies also had other drugs for sale by patrons and management, typically, as I understand it.

While I can agree that the illegality plays into it's enticement, I don't think that in and of itself leads to the harder stuff. Much like beer vs liquor, I've witnessed that people just get immune to the effects and seek out a more potent fix. Of course there's arguments to be made about state of mind and a genetic predisposition to addiction, but still, some drugs can hook a person on the first use. My personal opinion is that plants that occur naturally and undergo minimal human processing should be legal to consume in whatever form said consumer sees fit. On the flip side, we have major hops processors for alcohol and I won't even pretend to know what the fuck they all do to create their "perfect" drink so I'm personally kinda stuck at a crossroads.
There wouldn't be so many people in prison if they hanged violent robbers/rapists/murderers within 2 weeks after being found guilty. Also it would ease taxpayer burden.

Prison would be safer for non-violent offenders, too.

Oh! But you can't hang some asshole that butchered a whole family. :cuckoo:

Leftist/Statist policies.

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