It appears Trump will be the nominee. Question....

Do you think he will draw in the necessary first time voters for a victory like Obama did? Does he appeal to the youth like a Ron Paul or Sanders? Can he win enough minority votes to overcome his rhetoric?

If you believe so can you cite and polls or examples of these groups supporting him.
Way too early to call...there hasn't been any primaries yet.
I understand it's early. I also realize that we pontificate in this board daily.
Who in any race had mainstream media working for their campaign the way obama did?
Obama was promoted into office and Trump is working the media promotion into his favor this time around.
That is a direct result of how fed up so many are with Obama.

Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story. But whoever the not-Republican was was going to win regardless, considering the Republican was associated with a global economic collapse. McCain never had a chance with that around his neck.

But again --- no one in commercial media makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Who in any race had mainstream media working for their campaign the way obama did?
Obama was promoted into office and Trump is working the media promotion into his favor this time around.
That is a direct result of how fed up so many are with Obama.

Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story.

But again --- no one makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Institutional. It's not always about the money. But it is when abiding by the institution prevents one from losing their job.
Who in any race had mainstream media working for their campaign the way obama did?
Obama was promoted into office and Trump is working the media promotion into his favor this time around.
That is a direct result of how fed up so many are with Obama.

Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story.

But again --- no one makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Institutional. It's not always about the money. But it is when abiding by the institution prevents one from losing their job.

Yes, it absolutely IS always about the money.

Multinational multi-tentacled media corps are capitalist businesses. Their objective is the same as any other capitalist business --- PROFIT. And you don't see that by covering deep thought.

Barack O'bama sold better than John McCain.
George W. Bush sold better than Al Gore.
Bill Clinton sold better than H.W.
Reagan sold better than Carter.

Etc etc etc.
Who in any race had mainstream media working for their campaign the way obama did?
Obama was promoted into office and Trump is working the media promotion into his favor this time around.
That is a direct result of how fed up so many are with Obama.

Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story.

But again --- no one makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Institutional. It's not always about the money. But it is when abiding by the institution prevents one from losing their job.

Yes, it absolutely IS always about the money.

Multinational multi-tentacled media corps are capitalist businesses. Their objective is the same as any other capitalist business --- PROFIT. And you don't see that by covering deep thought.

Barack O'bama sold better than John McCain.
George W. Bush sold better than Al Gore.
Bill Clinton sold better than H.W.
Reagan sold better than Carter.

Etc etc etc.
Bullshit. It isn't always about the money. You can't buy votes, it's illegal. You have to sway. That's where the money comes into play. But ideology has a lot to do with it and personal circumstances, too. Carter elected Reagan. Obama is enhancing Trump and overtly and institutionally biased media elected obama.
I'd feel a lot better if 2016 had the same set-up as 2012. They moved every back about 4-5 weeks.

2012 had Iowa, Nh, Sc and Florida in January.

If this was the case this year and with Trumps lead...Well, it wouldn't be a hard call.
Who in any race had mainstream media working for their campaign the way obama did?
Obama was promoted into office and Trump is working the media promotion into his favor this time around.
That is a direct result of how fed up so many are with Obama.

Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story.

But again --- no one makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Institutional. It's not always about the money. But it is when abiding by the institution prevents one from losing their job.

Yes, it absolutely IS always about the money.

Multinational multi-tentacled media corps are capitalist businesses. Their objective is the same as any other capitalist business --- PROFIT. And you don't see that by covering deep thought.

Barack O'bama sold better than John McCain.
George W. Bush sold better than Al Gore.
Bill Clinton sold better than H.W.
Reagan sold better than Carter.

Etc etc etc.
And Trump will sell better than all of the candidates running, including Hillary.
Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story.

But again --- no one makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Institutional. It's not always about the money. But it is when abiding by the institution prevents one from losing their job.

Yes, it absolutely IS always about the money.

Multinational multi-tentacled media corps are capitalist businesses. Their objective is the same as any other capitalist business --- PROFIT. And you don't see that by covering deep thought.

Barack O'bama sold better than John McCain.
George W. Bush sold better than Al Gore.
Bill Clinton sold better than H.W.
Reagan sold better than Carter.

Etc etc etc.
And Trump will sell better than all of the candidates running, including Hillary.

I am hoping he runs as a moderate fiscally, but strong on defense, pro-police and pro-family.

He might be able to win if he does.
Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story.

But again --- no one makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Institutional. It's not always about the money. But it is when abiding by the institution prevents one from losing their job.

Yes, it absolutely IS always about the money.

Multinational multi-tentacled media corps are capitalist businesses. Their objective is the same as any other capitalist business --- PROFIT. And you don't see that by covering deep thought.

Barack O'bama sold better than John McCain.
George W. Bush sold better than Al Gore.
Bill Clinton sold better than H.W.
Reagan sold better than Carter.

Etc etc etc.
And Trump will sell better than all of the candidates running, including Hillary.

He certainly sells attention, you're right about that. Which is why he gets so much face time.
So much for the media, but the voting booth is a different animal. In there, polarization comes into play, whereas it has no role in selling TV eyeballs. And polarization uses a different scoring system.

This is what I keep essplaining to those wags who come trotting in with Fox Noise ratings numbers: ratings aren't a value judgment; they measure attention, not assent. Nobody advocates for an exploding jackknifed tractor trailer splayed over the road burning up a school bus full of nuns and puppies, but everybody will watch it.

I doubt there will be any such contest though. The Republican Party won't allow a Rump candidacy in the first place.
I know people love to predict outcomes before any votes have been cast even so I will wait. I seem to recall heading into 2008 the Presidential election was going to be the battle of New York Rudy Giuliani vs Hillary Clinton.
Ummmm.... no Sparky, that's how commercial media works. It's how commercial media has always worked. Controversy means attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means money.

Ever heard "If it bleeds it leads"?
Well Rump bleeds. Copiously.
No, dishonest dumbass. Trump's controversial image is working for him, true.
But obama was promoted by institutionally biased left wing media propaganda.
Deny all you want. He was absolutely not vetted and promoted because of skin color.

That may have been an element, since it's a human interest story.

But again --- no one makes money following an ideology. That's absurd. Not even Fox Noise works that way.
Institutional. It's not always about the money. But it is when abiding by the institution prevents one from losing their job.

Yes, it absolutely IS always about the money.

Multinational multi-tentacled media corps are capitalist businesses. Their objective is the same as any other capitalist business --- PROFIT. And you don't see that by covering deep thought.

Barack O'bama sold better than John McCain.
George W. Bush sold better than Al Gore.
Bill Clinton sold better than H.W.
Reagan sold better than Carter.

Etc etc etc.
Bullshit. It isn't always about the money. You can't buy votes, it's illegal. You have to sway. That's where the money comes into play. But ideology has a lot to do with it and personal circumstances, too. Carter elected Reagan. Obama is enhancing Trump and overtly and institutionally biased media elected obama.

Commercial media is. As is any capitalist enterprise.
Selling X number of eyeballs makes X amount of money. Selling 10X the number makes 10X the money. There is no such equivalent for ideology. That's not how they hypnotism machine works.

I know there was that running "liberal media" joke but it's not the world of commercial reality, Gomer. Even the wankers who purveyed that myth admit it.
I know people love to predict outcomes before any votes have been cast even so I will wait. I seem to recall heading into 2008 the Presidential election was going to be the battle of New York Rudy Giuliani vs Hillary Clinton.

Zackly. In late 2011 the "front runner" was ... Herman Cain.
Do you think he will draw in the necessary first time voters for a victory like Obama did? Does he appeal to the youth like a Ron Paul or Sanders? Can he win enough minority votes to overcome his rhetoric?

If you believe so can you cite and polls or examples of these groups supporting him.
this countries political landscape is digging up the worst people we have,not even the mediocre people want to run....the best ones are now staying home...
The Republican Party won't allow a Rump candidacy in the first place.
You could be right about that but if he gets the most votes in the primary and they nominate somebody else anyway we'll see a new party emerge to replace the GOP. Republican voters are fed up with being fucked over by the party they've been loyal to.

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