It Begins! House GOP Seeks Hunter Biden Bank Reports From Treasury

What a wonderful system of government we have. Half of the scum infiltrating the for-sale government are exploiting laws to expedite a hostile take over of the country while the other half tells us they are doing the best they can within our conflicted system of convoluted courts and laws more concerned with the smallest infraction of its own regulations that it is with national preservation. :smoke:
I'm sure the IRS will expedite the request with all the urgency that they did with regards to Trumpyberra's IRS Records. See, everybody gets equal treatment.

How many times will you hear Hunter say "Fifth"?
Hunter plays dumb
Remember his laptop interview
You won’t get anything outta that sleeze
if these were. Serious why weren’t they leaked to the press
I mean after all they we’re flagged for some reason
It should be denied. These are private documents not public documents. Hunter Biden has never been a government employee.
Lawsuit: DOJ Concealing Records of Biden Family Payoffs with China and Russia
1/4/2023, 8:16:50 AM · 4 of 13

<><>In June 2020, SS records showed that, for the first 5 1/2 years of the Obama/Biden admin,
<><>Hunter Biden traveled extensively while receiving a tax paid Secret Service protective detail.
<><>During that time period, Hunter Biden took 411 separate domestic and international flights,
<><>he went to 29 different foreign countries.
<><>Hunter visited China five times.
<><>Judicial Watch is suing DHS for SS records on Hunter Biden’s travel and security costs,
<><>>suing the State Dept for messages sent thru the SMART system that mention Hunter Biden.

The voluminous report of Hunters 459 crimes sent to Congress reviewed his laptop’s
<><>emails, videos, calendar items, photographs, phone records, financial documents, and more,
<><>provided context and explanation,
<><>serves as a “Rosetta Stone of crime under the patina of ‘the Delaware Way,’
<><>WRT a convoluted network of people leading the charge for global governance,
<><>including shell companies and middlemen

Crimes Hunter Biden allegedly committed include
<><>serving as an agent for foreign entities without disclosing it,
<><>tax fraud,
<><>falsifying business documents
<><>non-consensual pornography,
<><>and distribution of narcotics.

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