It can happen here!

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Sure, authoritarianism is the natural result of going too far in either political direction. It can happen to any country.

Trump has certainly exhibited those tendencies at times, and his supporters have obediently followed right along.

On the other end are the Regressive Leftists, illiberal leftist authoritarians, constantly leveraging & weaponizing PC and Identity Politics.

Both ends clearly demonstrate for us regularly why moderation and pragmatism must win the day, before it's too late.
Trump has certainly exhibited those tendencies at times, and his supporters have obediently followed right along.

That's what happens when one places the triumvirate of power, party and politics above principle.

" The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is pushing back on a report saying the agency was not allowing the personnel at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to use words like "diversity," "transgender" and "fetus" in official documents.

"The assertion that HHS has 'banned words' is a complete mischaracterization of discussions regarding the budget formulation process," HHS spokesman Matt Lloyd told The Hill on Saturday.

See this link: HHS pushes back on report it's blocking CDC from using certain words
I wasnt referring to one particular instance...whole thing is authoritarian....taking away peoples choice and fining people for not exercising govt mandated choice
My clarity is fine.

That it is.

When you barged into the private group about Islamic terrorism without an invitation, you made it VERY clear that you side with Islamists.

Huh? Try to stay on topic.

What is the topic?


Food for thought about Trump's first year as POTUS

Thought about what exactly?


Thoughts about why if you don't support the open treason of the democrats in their attempted coup against Trump you are somehow establishing an authoritarian dictatorship, of course.

Leftist logic is that the only way to save the nation is through treason.
"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law, and they usually cannot be replaced by citizens choosing freely among various competitors in elections. The freedom to create opposition political parties or other alternative political groupings with which to compete for power with the ruling group is either limited or nonexistent in authoritarian regimes."

authoritarianism | Definition & Facts

I know from experience that like an ostrich the supporters of Donald Trump and the members here who support the governance under the leadership of McConnell and Ryan, will not read the above link. It exposes Authoritarianism in general, and those governments in the past who are accepted as authoritarian and how they evolved.

For those who choose to mock this thread, none should call them patriots.
And what you'll NEVER understand, until it's too late is that Authoritarianism is a product of liberal/leftist/statist thinking.

Return to the government given by the Founding Fathers and abandon the need for a large, intrusive federal Government.

Yet you fight Trumps efforts to minimize the federal government EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!
Trump fired Comey. He is undermining the Mueller investigation with all his "fake news" accusations and his legions who are saying Mueller's team is unacceptably biased.
If Trump finds a way to fire Mueller, there can be no more fiddling with excuses. Authoritarianism is here.

Mueller is covering up the previous admins collusion.
"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law, and they usually cannot be replaced by citizens choosing freely among various competitors in elections. The freedom to create opposition political parties or other alternative political groupings with which to compete for power with the ruling group is either limited or nonexistent in authoritarian regimes."

authoritarianism | Definition & Facts

I know from experience that like an ostrich the supporters of Donald Trump and the members here who support the governance under the leadership of McConnell and Ryan, will not read the above link. It exposes Authoritarianism in general, and those governments in the past who are accepted as authoritarian and how they evolved.

For those who choose to mock this thread, none should call them patriots.
This illustrates why Trump is the perfect representative for the GOP and conservatives in general: Trump is an arrogant authoritarian, as are most on the right – frightened by diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
says no reply jones,someone too frightened to defend all the bullshit he throws up ......prove me wrong jones....

Every last one of his (or the robot's) postings are the same:

"Republicans/Conservatives a big meany poopooheads"

There is never any depth. There is no analysis. There is no intelligence, reasoning, comprehensiveness or subtlety -- just this same simple-minded and very broad-brushed authoritative statement over and over and freaking over again.

I think it must be the robot, myself. I mean, what kind of person wouldn't get completely bored if they said the same thing thousands of times over? It must be something that was programmed.
If he is

LOL, look in the mirror. Your 'robot' programs you with, "believe me!", and attacks on everyone who does not kiss his ass.
jones does this?.....when?....
That it is.

When you barged into the private group about Islamic terrorism without an invitation, you made it VERY clear that you side with Islamists.

Huh? Try to stay on topic.

What is the topic?


Food for thought about Trump's first year as POTUS

Thought about what exactly?


Thoughts about why if you don't support the open treason of the democrats in their attempted coup against Trump you are somehow establishing an authoritarian dictatorship, of course.

Leftist logic is that the only way to save the nation is through treason.

I remember a famous quote from the Vietnam War...."The only way to save the village was to destroy it" Apparantly that is the same view Liberals have regarding America.
That it is.

When you barged into the private group about Islamic terrorism without an invitation, you made it VERY clear that you side with Islamists.

Huh? Try to stay on topic.

What is the topic?


Food for thought about Trump's first year as POTUS

Thought about what exactly?


Thoughts about why if you don't support the open treason of the democrats in their attempted coup against Trump you are somehow establishing an authoritarian dictatorship, of course.

Leftist logic is that the only way to save the nation is through treason.

Thanks, but I'm still waiting for the OP to explain exactly what he wants to discuss and why. It's on him to direct the conversation, it's not on us to have to guess what the hell he's talking about.

Huh? Try to stay on topic.

What is the topic?


Food for thought about Trump's first year as POTUS

Thought about what exactly?


Thoughts about why if you don't support the open treason of the democrats in their attempted coup against Trump you are somehow establishing an authoritarian dictatorship, of course.

Leftist logic is that the only way to save the nation is through treason.

I remember a famous quote from the Vietnam War...."The only way to save the village was to destroy it" Apparantly that is the same view Liberals have regarding America.

What do you think maobama meant by fundamental transformation, he tried to use regulation to gain federal control over every square inch of the nation. And that was just a small portion of his plan.

"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action.....

Sure sounds like the democrat party alright.

Democrats rush to embrace the party line not even understanding their robotic behavior ,,,,kinda like school kids who have a desperate need to belong, to fit in, to go along with the in crowd.
Sure, authoritarianism is the natural result of going too far in either political direction. It can happen to any country.

Trump has certainly exhibited those tendencies at times, and his supporters have obediently followed right along.

On the other end are the Regressive Leftists, illiberal leftist authoritarians, constantly leveraging & weaponizing PC and Identity Politics.

Both ends clearly demonstrate for us regularly why moderation and pragmatism must win the day, before it's too late.
Trump has certainly exhibited those tendencies at times, and his supporters have obediently followed right along.

That's what happens when one places the triumvirate of power, party and politics above principle.
Yep, and we're seeing the predictable results.

It's absolutely fascinating to me, how wingers on both ends only see the obedient, transparent, robotic, rote behaviors of the other side.

Again, that's the power of ideology. It distorts.
"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law, and they usually cannot be replaced by citizens choosing freely among various competitors in elections. The freedom to create opposition political parties or other alternative political groupings with which to compete for power with the ruling group is either limited or nonexistent in authoritarian regimes."

authoritarianism | Definition & Facts

I know from experience that like an ostrich the supporters of Donald Trump and the members here who support the governance under the leadership of McConnell and Ryan, will not read the above link. It exposes Authoritarianism in general, and those governments in the past who are accepted as authoritarian and how they evolved.

For those who choose to mock this thread, none should call them patriots.

Out of curiosity, what has Trump done as president that is authoritarian?

During the campaign, he said some shit that gave me the idea that he had an authoritarian streak, which is a lot of why I was disappointed that it was he who came out on top of the republican primaries, but since he's been in office, I've yet to see him push for anything authoritarian.

I'm seriously asking, though, because it's perfectly plausible that you've noticed something that I missed. So how about it? You got anything specific to offer, or is this just another hysterical generalization from a paranoid anti Trump'er?
Obama turned the IRS and FBI loose on his "Enemies", American people who dared to have a different philosophy on the relationship between man and government; but that's not, somehow it's the link
"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law, and they usually cannot be replaced by citizens choosing freely among various competitors in elections. The freedom to create opposition political parties or other alternative political groupings with which to compete for power with the ruling group is either limited or nonexistent in authoritarian regimes."

authoritarianism | Definition & Facts

I know from experience that like an ostrich the supporters of Donald Trump and the members here who support the governance under the leadership of McConnell and Ryan, will not read the above link. It exposes Authoritarianism in general, and those governments in the past who are accepted as authoritarian and how they evolved.

For those who choose to mock this thread, none should call them patriots.
You talk like a libertarian, but vote for commies (authoritarians). You cry about the arbitrary use of power, but have no problem removing the one protection the people have to prevent such tyranny (buttfucking our gun rights).

It's all fine and dandy when Barry O goose-steps around assraping us with his EOs, but the moment a guy does the same cocksucking thing, but you don't like the result, you suddenly find your libertarian voice.

Fuck you. You deserve what you are getting, you statist authoritarian hack.
"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law, and they usually cannot be replaced by citizens choosing freely among various competitors in elections. The freedom to create opposition political parties or other alternative political groupings with which to compete for power with the ruling group is either limited or nonexistent in authoritarian regimes."

authoritarianism | Definition & Facts

I know from experience that like an ostrich the supporters of Donald Trump and the members here who support the governance under the leadership of McConnell and Ryan, will not read the above link. It exposes Authoritarianism in general, and those governments in the past who are accepted as authoritarian and how they evolved.

For those who choose to mock this thread, none should call them patriots.
You talk like a libertarian, but vote for commies (authoritarians). You cry about the arbitrary use of power, but have no problem removing the one protection the people have to prevent such tyranny (buttfucking our gun rights).

It's all fine and dandy when Barry O goose-steps around assraping us with his EOs, but the moment a guy does the same cocksucking thing, but you don't like the result, you suddenly find your libertarian voice.

Fuck you. You deserve what you are getting, you statist authoritarian hack.

Vulgar and childish post ^^^.
"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law, and they usually cannot be replaced by citizens choosing freely among various competitors in elections. The freedom to create opposition political parties or other alternative political groupings with which to compete for power with the ruling group is either limited or nonexistent in authoritarian regimes."

authoritarianism | Definition & Facts

I know from experience that like an ostrich the supporters of Donald Trump and the members here who support the governance under the leadership of McConnell and Ryan, will not read the above link. It exposes Authoritarianism in general, and those governments in the past who are accepted as authoritarian and how they evolved.

For those who choose to mock this thread, none should call them patriots.

Out of curiosity, what has Trump done as president that is authoritarian?

During the campaign, he said some shit that gave me the idea that he had an authoritarian streak, which is a lot of why I was disappointed that it was he who came out on top of the republican primaries, but since he's been in office, I've yet to see him push for anything authoritarian.

I'm seriously asking, though, because it's perfectly plausible that you've noticed something that I missed. So how about it? You got anything specific to offer, or is this just another hysterical generalization from a paranoid anti Trump'er?

A good question and one worth answering:

  1. They will come to power with a campaign based on fear, scaremongering and distorting the truth
  2. They will divide and rule
  3. Through convoluted laws and threats they will try to control mainstream media and limit press freedom
  4. They will create chaos, maintain a constant sense of conflict and danger
  5. They will distort the truth, deny facts and blatantly lie
  6. They will incite and then leak fake, superficial "scandals."
  7. They will propose shocking laws to provoke your outrage
  8. When invading your liberal sensibilities they will focus on what hurts the most — women and minorities
  9. They will try to take control of the judiciary
  10. They will try to limit freedom of assembly, calling it a necessity for your security
  11. They will distort the language, coin new terms and labels, repeat shocking phrases until you accept them as normal and subconsciously associate them with whom they like
  12. They will take over your national symbols, associate them with their regime, remake them into attributes of their power
  13. They will try to rewrite history to suit their needs and use the education
  14. They will alienate foreign allies and partners, convincing you that you don’t need them
  15. They will eventually manipulate the electoral system.
For more detail as if more is necessary see the LINK:

Increasingly a Necessity: A 15-Point Guide to Surviving Authoritarianism –

Now, consider what Trump has done in terms of his tweets, speeches and EO's while reading the above 15 points.
Obama turned the IRS and FBI loose on his "Enemies", American people who dared to have a different philosophy on the relationship between man and government; but that's not, somehow it's the link

Who, besides yourself, have any evidence to make the allegation that Obama conspired with the IRS and FBI?

What evidence beyond your opinion do you have?

I haven't seen a video or heard a speech wherein President Obama incited a large group of his supporters to lock anyone up, have you?

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