It Gets Even More Remarkable!

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We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there at is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

I'm not even going to bother to ask you to back up your ridiculous statement about the ME.

I just want to know why you insist on making such a fool of yourself Nazi shill?

go to the ME or Iran thread. Israel is the problem and Bibi is the main one. You want to see a Nazi, look at PM BIBI, worst than 10 Hitlers put together.

You're a disgusting Jew hating bigot. You admit you hate Jews. So obviously you have ZERO credit when it comes to talking about Israel.

You know where I see a Nazi? When I read YOUR posts. You talk just like the Nazis did and then you call others Nazis.

"worst than 10 Hitlers put together"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Getting frustrated Nazi woman ?
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there at is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

I'm not even going to bother to ask you to back up your ridiculous statement about the ME.

I just want to know why you insist on making such a fool of yourself Nazi shill?

go to the ME or Iran thread. Israel is the problem and Bibi is the main one. You want to see a Nazi, look at PM BIBI, worst than 10 Hitlers put together.

You're a disgusting Jew hating bigot. You admit you hate Jews. So obviously you have ZERO credit when it comes to talking about Israel.

You know where I see a Nazi? When I read YOUR posts. You talk just like the Nazis did and then you call others Nazis.

"worst than 10 Hitlers put together"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Getting frustrated Nazi woman ?

Worst than Stalin who was much worst than Hitler. But then again most of the are Russian communist over 1 million Soviet Communist moved to Israel since 1990.
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

It was never arab muslim land in the first place was it, so how can the return something that was never theirs. What has it got to do with the US president.

You should be kicked into the sea because you certainly ant act like a human being, and just want to racially attack the Jews because you are a RACIST JEW HATER
Israel blames the Arab countries for uprooting the Arabs that were living peacefully in Israel (before the surrounding countries decided to invade Israel, and told the Arabs to get out of harms way) then refused to take the Arabs in when the invaders lost the war.
And the Arab countries still refuse to deal with them. Because they are Hamas, a terrorist organization, that no country wants and has no right to force upon Israel. Israel gets to determine what they do with Israel. Not Egypt, not Syria not the Us.

Hamas is Hamas due to Israel.

Hamas was hamas back in 1920 under a different name and is based on the teachings of islam, mainly those parts that command them to KILL THE JEWS
Pene, Which is why Obama overthrew our and Israel's ally in Egypt in favor of yet another terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood, and has Syria, Iran, Yemen knocking on Israel's door.

Israel asks for it, why is it the US problem? Israel is not our problem, Reagon, Bush SR and Clinton and now Obama had problems with Israel, enough is enough. Really let the arabs take care of themselves time for Israel to fend for itself. They will use a nuke in a minute. See that is the problem. All the arab countries want Israel to get rid of its nukes and they wont. And you blame Iran for wanting nuclear energy or even nukes, they are surrounded by them.
Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there at is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

I'm not even going to bother to ask you to back up your ridiculous statement about the ME.

I just want to know why you insist on making such a fool of yourself Nazi shill?

go to the ME or Iran thread. Israel is the problem and Bibi is the main one. You want to see a Nazi, look at PM BIBI, worst than 10 Hitlers put together.

You're a disgusting Jew hating bigot. You admit you hate Jews. So obviously you have ZERO credit when it comes to talking about Israel.

You know where I see a Nazi? When I read YOUR posts. You talk just like the Nazis did and then you call others Nazis.

"worst than 10 Hitlers put together"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Getting frustrated Nazi woman ?

Worst than Stalin who was much worst than Hitler. But then again most of the are Russian communist over 1 million Soviet Communist moved to Israel since 1990.

And you can prove this beyond reasonable doubt, HOW ? ? ? ? ?
Israel asks to be left alone. To live in peace. They don't need us telling them what to do.
There is plenty of room in Egypt for those Arabs that Egypt was responsible for uprooting. How about an Egypt/Palestinian accord Pene?
You seem to reject that....

Who does Texas really belong to Pene? Take up the Mexican cause and give Israel a break.
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Pene, Which is why Obama overthrew our and Israel's ally in Egypt in favor of yet another terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood, and has Syria, Iran, Yemen knocking on Israel's door.

Israel asks for it, why is it the US problem? Israel is not our problem, Reagon, Bush SR and Clinton and now Obama had problems with Israel, enough is enough. Really let the arabs take care of themselves time for Israel to fend for itself. They will use a nuke in a minute. See that is the problem. All the arab countries want Israel to get rid of its nukes and they wont. And you blame Iran for wanting nuclear energy or even nukes, they are surrounded by them.

If what you say is right then why didn't Israel use nukes against Syria, Iraq and Iran when they attacked without cause. You are just making things up to RACIALLY ATTACK THE JEWS and you need to stop before getting yourself into trouble. The reason the arab countries want Israel to disarm is so they an attack in force and wipe out the Jews thus finishing the job they gave to Hitler.
So since when has Turkey, Iraq, Afgahnistan, Turkmenistan and Kuwait had nuclear weapons ? Those are the countries surrounding Iran
Pene, Israel has nukes to prevent destruction. If they didn't have them they would be under constant military attack by people that share your skewed imagination. They want to live in peace. They try to reason with their enemies to prevent a nuclear holocaust. They haven't used them because they are not the land grabbing dogs you pretend they are. Want Peace. Look to Israel. Want bombs going off? Ignore Iran's objective.
Pene, Israel has nukes to prevent destruction. If they didn't have them they would be under constant military attack by people that share your skewed imagination. They want to live in peace. They try to reason with their enemies to prevent a nuclear holocaust. They haven't used them because they are not the land grabbing dogs you pretend they are. Want Peace. Look to Israel. Want bombs going off? Ignore Iran's objective.
You cannot reason with a demented Nazi like Penelope.
Israel has over 300 nuke warheads, and has never used one. Given the circumstances, I'm no so sure I would be so benevolent. Pene has been brainwashed.
Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there at is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

I'm not even going to bother to ask you to back up your ridiculous statement about the ME.

I just want to know why you insist on making such a fool of yourself Nazi shill?

go to the ME or Iran thread. Israel is the problem and Bibi is the main one. You want to see a Nazi, look at PM BIBI, worst than 10 Hitlers put together.

You're a disgusting Jew hating bigot. You admit you hate Jews. So obviously you have ZERO credit when it comes to talking about Israel.

You know where I see a Nazi? When I read YOUR posts. You talk just like the Nazis did and then you call others Nazis.

"worst than 10 Hitlers put together"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Getting frustrated Nazi woman ?

Worst than Stalin who was much worst than Hitler. But then again most of the are Russian communist over 1 million Soviet Communist moved to Israel since 1990.

Prophesy fulfilled Pene:
The Jews will return to their homeland from the north.
If you draw a straight line from Jerusalem north, you'll end up in Moscow.
I am happy to see all of the world's zionist Juden assemble onto one geographic location.

It will make things easier in the future. ..... :thup:
They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

I'm not even going to bother to ask you to back up your ridiculous statement about the ME.

I just want to know why you insist on making such a fool of yourself Nazi shill?

go to the ME or Iran thread. Israel is the problem and Bibi is the main one. You want to see a Nazi, look at PM BIBI, worst than 10 Hitlers put together.

You're a disgusting Jew hating bigot. You admit you hate Jews. So obviously you have ZERO credit when it comes to talking about Israel.

You know where I see a Nazi? When I read YOUR posts. You talk just like the Nazis did and then you call others Nazis.

"worst than 10 Hitlers put together"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Getting frustrated Nazi woman ?

Worst than Stalin who was much worst than Hitler. But then again most of the are Russian communist over 1 million Soviet Communist moved to Israel since 1990.

Prophesy fulfilled Pene:
The Jews will return to their homeland from the north.
If you draw a straight line from Jerusalem north, you'll end up in Moscow.

I don't believe in that .
In what? That Moscow is north? That God called it yet again? You don't have to believe in God, but that doesn't mean He isn't there, telling us the end from the beginning. You can't even tell me this year's Kentucky Derby winner.
He tells us what to expect thousands of years in advance. And the Jews traveled from the north to Israel, just like the book says they would. They speak their ancient language again, and they sell fruit because of the increase of rain. How many times does He have to predict correctly for you to realize that He's there?

The Jews aren't your enemy Pene, they are just a Nation that wants to live in peace. Let's let them.......
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."

Can you believe the demented garbage that Penelope posts? What else do you expect from a deluded Jew hating Muslim like herself?
Muslims like Penelope will do anything to blame Muslim atrocities on Israel and America.
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