It Gets Even More Remarkable!

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We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."

Can you believe the demented garbage that Penelope posts? What else do you expect from a deluded Jew hating Muslim like herself? Muslims like Penelope will do anything to blame Muslim atrocities on Israel and America.

". . .Muslims like Penelope..."

Muslim, as in:

"Muslim" like this ?

this one ?
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."

Can you believe the demented garbage that Penelope posts? What else do you expect from a deluded Jew hating Muslim like herself? Muslims like Penelope will do anything to blame Muslim atrocities on Israel and America.

". . .Muslims like Penelope..."

Muslim, as in:

"Muslim" like this ?

this one ?
Penelope is a Muslim Nazi
Not planning to use ovens again?
The use of ovens is just something the zionist Juden made up to embellish their Holohoax fantasy story. ..... :cool:

OMG! Did you have even an elementary education?
Ovens are no fantasy. Only morons would try to say so.
Are you a moron?
In many countries, holocaust denial is actually a crime. Please say you are posting from one of those countries.
Tin foil hat? Lived on another planet for the last 80 yrs? Been in a coma? Grew up in an underground cave and only came out within in the last few days (that one we can discard)
How people can pretend one of the worst part of 20th C history was a hoax is beyond reason.
OMG! Did you have even an elementary education?
Ovens are no fantasy. Only morons would try to say so.
Are you a moron?
In many countries, holocaust denial is actually a crime. Please say you are posting from one of those countries.
Tin foil hat? Lived on another planet for the last 80 yrs? Been in a coma? Grew up in an underground cave and only came out within in the last few days (that one we can discard)
How people can pretend one of the worst part of 20th C history was a hoax is beyond reason.
There is no need to be insulting and rude.

If you feel that believing in the Holocaust myth makes you feel better. That is your prerogative and I don't fault you for it.

But after I researched the alleged event. I found there were more holes in the official Holocaust story than a block of swiss cheese. .... :cool:
Not planning to use ovens again?
The use of ovens is just something the zionist Juden made up to embellish their Holohoax fantasy story. ..... :cool:

OMG! Did you have even an elementary education?
Ovens are no fantasy. Only morons would try to say so.
Are you a moron?
In many countries, holocaust denial is actually a crime. Please say you are posting from one of those countries.
Tin foil hat? Lived on another planet for the last 80 yrs? Been in a coma? Grew up in an underground cave and only came out within in the last few days (that one we can discard)
How people can pretend one of the worst part of 20th C history was a hoax is beyond reason.
Oh common aris, really ?? You're trying to reason with Sunni Stalker Troll ?? Don't bother with his disgusting posts, he is just trolling for attention. Ignore him, and eventually he will find another thread to troll.
OMG! Did you have even an elementary education?
Ovens are no fantasy. Only morons would try to say so.
Are you a moron?
In many countries, holocaust denial is actually a crime. Please say you are posting from one of those countries.
Tin foil hat? Lived on another planet for the last 80 yrs? Been in a coma? Grew up in an underground cave and only came out within in the last few days (that one we can discard)
How people can pretend one of the worst part of 20th C history was a hoax is beyond reason.
There is no need to be insulting and rude.

If you feel that believing in the Holocaust myth makes you feel better. That is your prerogative and I don't fault you for it.

But after I researched the alleged event. I found there were more holes in the official Holocaust story than a block of swiss cheese. .... :cool:

and you wonder why anyone would be insulting to you? From your anti-semitic hate sites you find all these so called holes?

1500 bodies a day at each of the ovenbuldings at auschwitz. That is by german documents. It does not account for all the bodies that had to be disposed of but they were no hoax. Some 7000 a day for 365, that is 2.5 million in just one year at one camp being cremated.

And you still believe it all some hoax. Why should anyone respect you????


This is just one of the oven rooms


This is one of the rooms in crematorium II
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I always get a laugh when Holohoax believers show pictures of bread baking ovens.

And then claim they are cremation ovens. ...... :cool:
I always get a laugh when Holohoax believers show pictures of bread baking ovens.

And then claim they are cremation ovens. ...... :cool:

Would you want to eat bread from those ovens? Perhaps the bone meal on the crust would add some flavor to you? Something to grind your teeth on? Do you really need jewish blood to dip it into?

Why should you have any respect from any poster on this or any forum?

You barely say two word but when you do it is total trash

You have no respect for the millions killed but you want respect from others? You consider 6 million + deaths a hoax, and you question why anyone might respond curtly?
Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."

Can you believe the demented garbage that Penelope posts? What else do you expect from a deluded Jew hating Muslim like herself? Muslims like Penelope will do anything to blame Muslim atrocities on Israel and America.

". . .Muslims like Penelope..."

Muslim, as in:

"Muslim" like this ?

this one ?
Penelope is a Muslim Nazi

And you are a racist pig.
You have no respect for the millions killed but you want respect from others? You consider 6 million + deaths a hoax, and you question why anyone might respond curtly?
These ovens were way too small to cremate bodies on an industrial scale.

Do the math on the body numbers that you posted earlier. It's mathematically impossible with such small ovens.

Besides, the main food for both the camp guards and the inmates was bread.

They had to bake it somewhere. Correct? ...... :cool:
They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."

Can you believe the demented garbage that Penelope posts? What else do you expect from a deluded Jew hating Muslim like herself? Muslims like Penelope will do anything to blame Muslim atrocities on Israel and America.

". . .Muslims like Penelope..."

Muslim, as in:

"Muslim" like this ?

this one ?
Penelope is a Muslim Nazi

And you are a racist pig.

You ignore all of Penelopes disgusting posts about Jews. Yet you call me racist for no reason.
In fact, you call anyone who doesn't kiss Palestinian ass racist.

So if you;re so against racism, why do you ignore Penelopes racist posts?
You have no respect for the millions killed but you want respect from others? You consider 6 million + deaths a hoax, and you question why anyone might respond curtly?
These ovens were way too small to cremate bodies on an industrial scale.

Do the math on the body numbers that you posted earlier. It's mathematically impossible with such small ovens.

Besides, the main food for both the camp guards and the inmates was bread.

They had to bake it somewhere. Correct? ...... :cool:

Five buildings with several rooms each with multiple oven. 84 bodies during the day 85 at night in most of the buildings each day. You can't figure the math? Even if you consider three hours per body it all adds up. The nazis were not concerned with cooing down the ovens to gather all the ash remains of each person to return to family.
They were running factories of death and it was not only jews that were the victims.

Nazis decapitated some 16,000 as well, mostly other germans. Would you call the guillotines a hoax as well? The mass graves? Those killed in mental hospitals? Those used for experimentation?
Five buildings with several rooms each with multiple oven. 84 bodies during the day 85 at night in most of the buildings each day. You can't figure the math? Even if you consider three hours per body it all adds up. The nazis were not concerned with cooing down the ovens to gather all the ash remains of each person to return to family.
They were running factories of death and it was not only jews that were the victims.

Nazis decapitated some 16,000 as well, mostly other germans. Would you call the guillotines a hoax as well? The mass graves? Those killed in mental hospitals? Those used for experimentation?
Hey, if you want to believe in the mythical 6 my guest.

At the most......the very most....... total number of juden inmates who died in the work camps of disease, over work, and starvation. Was 200,000 thousand tops. And that's a very generous number. ..... :cool:
Five buildings with several rooms each with multiple oven. 84 bodies during the day 85 at night in most of the buildings each day. You can't figure the math? Even if you consider three hours per body it all adds up. The nazis were not concerned with cooing down the ovens to gather all the ash remains of each person to return to family.
They were running factories of death and it was not only jews that were the victims.

Nazis decapitated some 16,000 as well, mostly other germans. Would you call the guillotines a hoax as well? The mass graves? Those killed in mental hospitals? Those used for experimentation?
Hey, if you want to believe in the mythical 6 my guest.

At the most......the very most....... total number of juden inmates who died in the work camps of disease, over work, and starvation. Was 200,000 thousand tops. And that's a very generous number. ..... :cool:

That is about how many germans (not jews) they killed in the camps. You have your facts mixed up. That is 200,000. 200,000 "thousand" would be a hoax. About 140 million more than were killed in WWII.

Is this your problem, basic math?
Like I said before. If you want to accept the 6 million fraud as reality. Be my guest.

But the numbers are highly inflated.

Question: where are these 6 million bodies or mountains of ashes?

All they have is pictures of a few bodies here and there. ..... :cool:
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