It Gets Even More Remarkable!

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I always get a laugh when Holohoax believers show pictures of bread baking ovens.

And then claim they are cremation ovens. ...... :cool:

Have you ever been in a modern crematoria and seen what they look like. I worked in one repairing the burners when they burnt out and they were very similar to those depicted. In fact here is one from Vienna


Phoney's making things up again, the image he claims is from Vienns is in fact the Auschwitz preserved crematorium.


Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It seems Phoney has no scruples and will lie about anything to push his fascist agenda, sad.
OMG! Did you have even an elementary education?
Ovens are no fantasy. Only morons would try to say so.
Are you a moron?
In many countries, holocaust denial is actually a crime. Please say you are posting from one of those countries.
Tin foil hat? Lived on another planet for the last 80 yrs? Been in a coma? Grew up in an underground cave and only came out within in the last few days (that one we can discard)
How people can pretend one of the worst part of 20th C history was a hoax is beyond reason.
There is no need to be insulting and rude.

If you feel that believing in the Holocaust myth makes you feel better. That is your prerogative and I don't fault you for it.

But after I researched the alleged event. I found there were more holes in the official Holocaust story than a block of swiss cheese. .... :cool:
Mohamed copied the bible and is a complete fake.....................He was a murdering dog.................who raided and stole from caravans..........................ended up a military leader that caused a movement that should have been flushed.......................

by the way my toilet faces my ass to Mecca............Tis a shame.
The zionist juden have worn people out with their endless drivel about the Holohoax.

Basically, what I would call holocaust fatigue.

People are tired of hearing about the mythical 6 million and the fake gas chambers.

Enough already......... :cool:

But Islamic clerics during that time, specifically supported Nazism, for that very reason. Are you saying the Islamic clerics were all lying?
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

Israel needs to absolutely destroy the Palestinians, and take all the land to be part of Israel, and our US Pres needs to not say diddly jack.

Yep that is what is happening, those worthless roaches.
The zionist juden have worn people out with their endless drivel about the Holohoax.

Basically, what I would call holocaust fatigue.

People are tired of hearing about the mythical 6 million and the fake gas chambers.

Enough already......... :cool:

But Islamic clerics during that time, specifically supported Nazism, for that very reason. Are you saying the Islamic clerics were all lying?

You do realize some Jews fought for Germany right? And were on the side of Germany. Also the ottomans fought with the central axis in WWI. Hey the Germans helped them get Israel, and as Ben Guerin said that was worth more than the lifes of the Jewish children.
OMG! Did you have even an elementary education?
Ovens are no fantasy. Only morons would try to say so.
Are you a moron?
In many countries, holocaust denial is actually a crime. Please say you are posting from one of those countries.
Tin foil hat? Lived on another planet for the last 80 yrs? Been in a coma? Grew up in an underground cave and only came out within in the last few days (that one we can discard)
How people can pretend one of the worst part of 20th C history was a hoax is beyond reason.
There is no need to be insulting and rude.

If you feel that believing in the Holocaust myth makes you feel better. That is your prerogative and I don't fault you for it.

But after I researched the alleged event. I found there were more holes in the official Holocaust story than a block of swiss cheese. .... :cool:
Mohamed copied the bible and is a complete fake.....................He was a murdering dog.................who raided and stole from caravans..........................ended up a military leader that caused a movement that should have been flushed.......................

by the way my toilet faces my ass to Mecca............Tis a shame.

And the Hebrews took stories from the Sumerians and Canaanites and made them their own. Sargon was in that basket in the water before Moses was made up.
Israel has over 300 nuke warheads, and has never used one. Given the circumstances, I'm no so sure I would be so benevolent. Pene has been brainwashed.

They will, in a heartbeat. Why do they have them? Why is that the first thing they got? Why do they not allow the IAEA in to check, the Arab nations want to know.
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."

Can you believe the demented garbage that Penelope posts? What else do you expect from a deluded Jew hating Muslim like herself?
Muslims like Penelope will do anything to blame Muslim atrocities on Israel and America.

Can't stand the truth, can you. I'm an American who is sick of the crap we do for Israel.
The MAD principle works for countries who are not MAD.............

Iran getting the bomb............will the principle still work...........are they MAD..........will they use it..............They have said so many times publically............

Where is their CONDEMNATIONS Muslim apologist..............

They say Israel and the United States is Evil..............They Chant Death to both of us...............

If we are evil as they say............Why are they still alive????? Either one of us could wipe them off the face of the earth in a matter of hours if we choose...................Have we done it........................

It's not a question of will we do it, but will they.....................
". . .Muslims like Penelope..."

Muslim, as in:

this one ?

More like this:

Colleen Renee LaRose (born June 5, 1963), also known as Jihad Jane and Fatima LaRose, is an American citizen who was convicted and sentenced to 10 years for terrorism-related crimes, including conspiracy to commit murder and providing material support to terrorists.

She had married at age 16 and never finished high school. After a quick divorce, she later married again at age 24, and divorced after a decade. She had moved from Texas in 2004 to live in Pennsburg, near Reading, Pennsylvania. After personal losses and attempting suicide in 2005, she converted to Islam.

Colleen LaRose - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Can't stand the truth, can you. I'm an American who is sick of the crap we do for Israel.

I'm am truly heartened to know that the love of most Americans for Israel and the Jews sticks in the craw of Nazi scummies.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Some music, perhaps:
Can't stand the truth, can you. I'm an American who is sick of the crap we do for Israel.

I'm am truly heartened to know that the love of most Americans for Israel and the Jews sticks in the craw of Nazi scummies.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Some music, perhaps:
I think the proper word is Germans.
Just to drag this thread back to its intended subject matter:
Lost in the August 31, 2014 hubbub about the Israeli "land grab that wasn't" was an announcement just days later (Sept 4, 2014) of Israel's plan to build 2200-2500 new homes in and around East Jerusalem. One would think such news would have had the media, the Arabs and the international community up in arms but these homes are to be built for - drum roll, please - ISRAEL's ARABs. Go figure. A bogus story about an Israel "confiscation of private lands" causes predictable Chicken Little outrage but the truth garners precious little interest, proving once again that some would rather castigate Israel than face the truth about Israel or themselves.
Can't stand the truth, can you. I'm an American who is sick of the crap we do for Israel.

I'm am truly heartened to know that the love of most Americans for Israel and the Jews sticks in the craw of Nazi scummies.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Some music, perhaps:
I think the proper word is Germans.

So now you are blaming the Germans for your mindless hate? :lmao:
Can't stand the truth, can you. I'm an American who is sick of the crap we do for Israel.

I'm am truly heartened to know that the love of most Americans for Israel and the Jews sticks in the craw of Nazi scummies.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Some music, perhaps:
I think the proper word is Germans.

So now you are blaming the Germans for your mindless hate? :lmao:

I just think instead of calling them Nazi's it would be more polite to call them Germans.
After all the only Nazis are in Israel now.
Can't stand the truth, can you. I'm an American who is sick of the crap we do for Israel.

I'm am truly heartened to know that the love of most Americans for Israel and the Jews sticks in the craw of Nazi scummies.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Some music, perhaps:
I think the proper word is Germans.

So now you are blaming the Germans for your mindless hate? :lmao:

I just think instead of calling them Nazi's it would be more polite to call them Germans.
After all the only Nazis are in Israel now.

I refer to Germans as "Germans" and to Nazi scum as "Nazis."
There's a difference.
Not all or even many Germans are Nazis and not all Nazis are German. Are you also German, NaziGirl?
I always get a laugh when Holohoax believers show pictures of bread baking ovens.

And then claim they are cremation ovens. ...... :cool:

Have you ever been in a modern crematoria and seen what they look like. I worked in one repairing the burners when they burnt out and they were very similar to those depicted. In fact here is one from Vienna


Phoney's making things up again, the image he claims is from Vienns is in fact the Auschwitz preserved crematorium.


Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It seems Phoney has no scruples and will lie about anything to push his fascist agenda, sad.

Tell that to this company

Undertakers Plan To Use Excess Energy From Crematorium To Heat Headquarters
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