It Gets Even More Remarkable!

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What we are suffering from is Muslim fatigue. We're tired of you murdering en masse. We are tired of you savagely hunting down children to slaughter. We are tired of your propaganda. We are tired of your hatred, your lies and your mouth.
Who is "We" you freakin retard. ..... :lol::lol:

We are humanity. We are the ones that see the bloody desks of the little children you Muslims slaughter row after row. We are the ones who watch the Muslims burn people alive. We are the ones who understand what you mean when you say gathering the Jews together will make it easier in the future. We know what you are referring to. Just because you haven't the guts to slaughter the Jews, doesn't mean you don't have a murderous heart, and a lack of moral conscience.

So you tell us in your own words. Gathering the Jews in one place will make it easier to do what Sunni? How do you satisfy your lust for blood? Do you dream of setting little Jewish children on fire? Do you wish you had the guts to do it yourself?
Easier to do what Sunni? Throw them a welcome home party? Piss on your inhumanity to man. Stop the innuendo and give us details of easier......
So you tell us in your own words. Gathering the Jews in one place will make it easier to do what Sunni? How do you satisfy your lust for blood? Do you dream of setting little Jewish children on fire? Do you wish you had the guts to do it yourself?
Easier to do what Sunni? Throw them a welcome home party? Piss on your inhumanity to man. Stop the innuendo and give us details of easier......
You do realize that your christian Bible predicts the gathering of the world's Jews to take place in Israel during the End Times?

As a self proclaimed Christian.......I assumed that you would know that....... :cool:
I always get a laugh when Holohoax believers show pictures of bread baking ovens.

And then claim they are cremation ovens. ...... :cool:

Have you ever been in a modern crematoria and seen what they look like. I worked in one repairing the burners when they burnt out and they were very similar to those depicted. In fact here is one from Vienna


Phoney's making things up again, the image he claims is from Vienns is in fact the Auschwitz preserved crematorium.


Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It seems Phoney has no scruples and will lie about anything to push his fascist agenda, sad.

The ovens are at the Mauthausen camp

The Mauthausen ovens are completely different


I've been to Auschwitz.

And still built to the same basic design to this day. I have worked in a crem repairing and servicing the crematoria. The biggest difference is the forced air blast that is pre heated to increase the temperature, modern methods use less power to achieve the pressures and heat.
Oh Sunni, not only do I know that, I know how many of them you will slaughter. I know which Muslims countries will do the invading, and How God Himself will defeat you. I know that Jerusalem will eternally belong to the Jews. And I know that even your Quran admits that God gave the Jews the land of Israel, and it should remain theirs.
But you deflect. Answer my question. Easier to do what Sunni?
I always get a laugh when Holohoax believers show pictures of bread baking ovens.

And then claim they are cremation ovens. ...... :cool:

Have you ever been in a modern crematoria and seen what they look like. I worked in one repairing the burners when they burnt out and they were very similar to those depicted. In fact here is one from Vienna


Phoney's making things up again, the image he claims is from Vienns is in fact the Auschwitz preserved crematorium.


Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It seems Phoney has no scruples and will lie about anything to push his fascist agenda, sad.

Tell that to this company

Undertakers Plan To Use Excess Energy From Crematorium To Heat Headquarters

Seriously Phoney I don't know which is worse, the stupid, insensitive, moron at the Huffington Post that used a photo of the Auschwitz crematoria ovens in a "green energy" story about Austrian undertakers or the stupid moron who believes that is what a modern crematoruim looks like.


So the only difference is the steel cladding and the automatic charge carriage. Apart from that they are still brick lined tunnels with a series of burners in the walls, floor and roof that blast high temperature flames at the coffin to incinerate the body. Look at your picture and you can see the brick arch roof and walls.
I always get a laugh when Holohoax believers show pictures of bread baking ovens.

And then claim they are cremation ovens. ...... :cool:

Have you ever been in a modern crematoria and seen what they look like. I worked in one repairing the burners when they burnt out and they were very similar to those depicted. In fact here is one from Vienna


Phoney's making things up again, the image he claims is from Vienns is in fact the Auschwitz preserved crematorium.


Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It seems Phoney has no scruples and will lie about anything to push his fascist agenda, sad.

The ovens are at the Mauthausen camp

The Mauthausen ovens are completely different


I've been to Auschwitz.

Crematorium Stock Photos Crematorium Stock Photography Crematorium Stock Images SuperStock

Photographs of the gas chamber at the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria

You've been there and don't comprehend what happened?

the two ovens all cleaned up and on display are museum pieces brought there. There is more to see than the entry way displays.
So you tell us in your own words. Gathering the Jews in one place will make it easier to do what Sunni? How do you satisfy your lust for blood? Do you dream of setting little Jewish children on fire? Do you wish you had the guts to do it yourself?
Easier to do what Sunni? Throw them a welcome home party? Piss on your inhumanity to man. Stop the innuendo and give us details of easier......
You do realize that your christian Bible predicts the gathering of the world's Jews to take place in Israel during the End Times?

As a self proclaimed Christian.......I assumed that you would know that....... :cool:

That is not what you implied so stop deflecting and answer the question
Oh Sunni, not only do I know that, I know how many of them you will slaughter. I know which Muslims countries will do the invading, and How God Himself will defeat you. I know that Jerusalem will eternally belong to the Jews. And I know that even your Quran admits that God gave the Jews the land of Israel, and it should remain theirs.
But you deflect. Answer my question. Easier to do what Sunni?
Since you seem to already know everything.........why are you asking me?? ..... :cool:
I am always amazed at the number of Christian who want to debate me about the Bible.

When they don't even know what their own Bible says.

Irish Ram is a good example of that. ........ :cool:
Were you quoting the Bible when you said it would be easier? I don't recall that Bible passage... Easier to do what?
I will give you a couple of clues since you obviously don't know your Bible.

According to Christian theology all of the Jews must be gathered in Israel.

To make it easier for Jesus to return for the End Times. ...... :cool:
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Were you quoting the Bible when you said it would be easier? I don't recall that Bible passage... Easier to do what?
I will give you a couple of clues since you obviously don't know your Bible.

According to Christian theology all of the Jews must be gathered in Israel.

To make it easier for Jesus to return. ...... :cool:

Not what you said or implied, now be a man and not a muslim coward and tell the board what you meant.
So you want all the Jews in one place for Jesus' sake? You're a peach, Sunni.
And all this time I thought you meant it would be easier for you Muslims to eradicate them like Hitler tried to do during the holocaust.
We muslims also believe in the return of Jesus during the End Times, the Battle of Armageddon, and the defeat of the Antichrist. ...... :cool:
Yeah, I know. You corrupted the King of Kings and turned him into a murdering Muslim. Jesus, the Jewish Rabbi will reign and rule from Jerusalem. And Israel will exist for eternity.
And you have fooled no one. Get rid of the hate you harbor and let the Jews live in peace. God will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them. Your curse is the hatred that consumes you. Hate is an acid that eats away at the vessel it's in. Bless Israel. You'll feel so much better...
Yeah, I know. You corrupted the King of Kings and turned him into a murdering Muslim. Jesus, the Jewish Rabbi will reign and rule from Jerusalem. And Israel will exist for eternity.
And you have fooled no one. Get rid of the hate you harbor and let the Jews live in peace. God will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them. Your curse is the hatred that consumes you. Hate is an acid that eats away at the vessel it's in. Bless Israel. You'll feel so much better...
Reading your seem to be the person who is full of hate. ...... :cool:
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