It Gets Even More Remarkable!

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I never suggested putting a group of people in one spot so I can kill them more easily. That's your gig. Prove it's not, by blessing Israel right here, right now, for all the Muslims in the world to see. Bless Israel and it's Jewish inhabitants to show your support, and condemn the Muslim blood lust. And that sig line of yours sends the wrong message. It doesn't show your love for Jews. Replace that with a quote from a Jewish holocaust victim, and prove me wrong about your wanting them all dead.... ;)
So you want all the Jews in one place for Jesus' sake? You're a peach, Sunni.
And all this time I thought you meant it would be easier for you Muslims to eradicate them like Hitler tried to do during the holocaust.
We muslims also believe in the return of Jesus during the End Times, the Battle of Armageddon, and the defeat of the Antichrist. ...... :cool:
From the Euphrates the last army will fight in the final battle upon the return............

Where does the Euphrates come from and end Sunni man...........many put it at 200 million man army..........
You do understand what 200,000 thousand is? 200,000 x 1000

60 million killed in WWII from 200 million is 140 million. Simple math

SunniMan: "ISIS freedom fighter's convoy of new vehicles in Syria heading towards Iraq"

you know what''s "incorrect" --- terrorist apologists/sympathizers like you.... you have no place in America. doesn't matter who: jeb-bob, guiseppe, xing xu, vladimir, patrick, jane, mohammad. Scrawnymole is NOT a tiny minority of this brainwashed/ignorant way of thinking.

Roudy...Toastman ? Who brought up the fact Suckiman dropped his personal quote of: "Patriotic Muslim American."

stupidman, how did you get this way ? (you know you don't have to answer that Croman) -- you're getting more radical. you're becoming a rambler.

do you know that, what you've professed is a serious declaration ? i understand, you don't understand and are too confused about it.

if you're not kidding around, i give you credit for even admitting it (that you revere these EVIL beasts). it's disgusting, depraved, ignorant, but a bold statement.

i just wanna know "when" you're leaving for syria, pussyman ?

i'm sure you get it - but lets be clear about it - someone can't be both....

you can't be a person of peace and love......

....then turn around and describe those who represent "the epitome of "EVII" -- as "Freedom Fighters" (...and how you consider referring to IS as terrorists, seems "rude" to you).

"I just feel that calling them terrorists is rude"

but before he said that - he said this:

"There is no reason for you to turn ugly and have a meltdown."

Brrrrr. Very disturbing Slaughterman - i turned "ugly" -- but IS gets described as "Freedom Fighters."

What's wrong with this picture?


they are YOU scummiman.

(UNLESS you're just kidding around, and trying to get a rise out of people---which is equally pathetic) you're doing now - yammering about the "mythical holocaust." only *a person who really doesn't like jewish people, IMO* -- and a *mental midget* who has nothing better on their *mental-midget-koran-reading-islamic-mind - would bring that up.

you can understand my disgust for you & your UNNERVING comments about: IS ? No ?

I never suggested putting a group of people in one spot so I can kill them more easily. That's your gig. Prove it's not, by blessing Israel right here, right now, for all the Muslims in the world to see. Bless Israel and it's Jewish inhabitants to show your support, and condemn the Muslim blood lust.
There is no such thing as muslim blood lust.

But the jewish "blood libel" on christian people for centuries is very well documented. .... :cool:
What happens when you cut off someone's head Sunni or dismember little children's bodies? Is the blood invisible? It's not the Jews inflicting death all over the world. And you won't convince one person here, that you don't approve of the killing and brutality.
Bless Israel and put me in my place Sunni. I'll wait......
you know what''s "incorrect" --- terrorist apologists/sympathizers like you.... you have no place in America. doesn't matter who: jeb-bob, guiseppe, xing xu, vladimir, patrick, jane, mohammad. Scrawnymole is NOT a tiny minority of this brainwashed/ignorant way of thinking.

Roudy...Toastman ? Who brought up the fact Suckiman dropped his personal quote of: "Patriotic Muslim American."

stupidman, how did you get this way ? (you know you don't have to answer that Croman) -- you're getting more radical. you're becoming a rambler.

do you know that, what you've professed is a serious declaration ? i understand, you don't understand and are too confused about it.

if you're not kidding around, i give you credit for even admitting it (that you revere these EVIL beasts). it's disgusting, depraved, ignorant, but a bold statement.

i just wanna know "when" you're leaving for syria, pussyman ?

i'm sure you get it - but lets be clear about it - someone can't be both....

you can't be a person of peace and love......

....then turn around and describe those who represent "the epitome of "EVII" -- as "Freedom Fighters" (...and how you consider referring to IS as terrorists, seems "rude" to you).

"I just feel that calling them terrorists is rude"

but before he said that - he said this:

"There is no reason for you to turn ugly and have a meltdown."

Brrrrr. Very disturbing Slaughterman - i turned "ugly" -- but IS gets described as "Freedom Fighters."

What's wrong with this picture?


they are YOU scummiman.

(UNLESS you're just kidding around, and trying to get a rise out of people---which is equally pathetic) you're doing now - yammering about the "mythical holocaust." only *a person who really doesn't like jewish people, IMO* -- and a *mental midget* who has nothing better on their *mental-midget-koran-reading-islamic-mind - would bring that up.

you can understand my disgust for you & your UNNERVING comments about: IS ? No ?

Member, why do you continually attack me with insults and slander?

I don't remember ever saying anything derogatory towards you. ...... :cool:
I never suggested putting a group of people in one spot so I can kill them more easily. That's your gig. Prove it's not, by blessing Israel right here, right now, for all the Muslims in the world to see. Bless Israel and it's Jewish inhabitants to show your support, and condemn the Muslim blood lust.
There is no such thing as muslim blood lust.

But the jewish "blood libel" on christian people for centuries is very well documented. .... :cool:

you're rambling on again....

Syriaman: "There is no such thing as muslim blood lust."

On IS: "I just feel that calling them terrorists is rude"
Bless Israel and put me in my place Sunni. I'll wait......
Why would any sane person bless the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist savages who rule it? ..... :dunno:

Because Allah says so. You don't want to anger Allah do you? He calls them blessed people. Why have you turned your back on your God, and the people he gave Israel to?
Because Allah says so. You don't want to anger Allah do you? He calls them blessed people. Why have you turned your back on your God, and the people he gave Israel to?
No, he doesn't say to bless Israel or the Juden in the Quran.

Yes, originally he gave the juden the land.

But they broke the covenant and they were driven off the land.

Now they are nothing special or chosen. ...... :cool:

i just wanna know "when" you're leaving for syria, pussyman ?

you can understand my disgust: IS

"Member, why do you continually attack me with insults and slander? I don't remember ever saying anything derogatory towards you." ...... :cool:

SunniMan: "ISIS freedom fighter's convoy of new vehicles in Syria heading towards Iraq"

'you know what''s "incorrect" --- terrorist apologists/sympathizers like you...'

"I just feel that calling them terrorists is rude"

can't explain it - can you ? (about your jihadi feelings)
We will see, it the least they can do is provide some housing since they have control over it all and stole it from the Pals to begin with tearing their homes down. I doubt this will even happen, just trying to get PR;

Despite fierce opposition from right-wing members of Israel's Knesset, the Jerusalem Local Building and Planning Committee officially passed an initiative advocated by Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, which calls for the construction and development of 2,200 new homes in Arav al-Swahara, an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood.

Will the initiative, however, receive as much airtime as Israel's recent decision to build a settlement in the West Bank?


Regardless, as stated by Barkat, “The planning of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem municipality is a clear expression of Israel’s sovereignty over every part of the city and the unified strength of Jerusalem.”

Which, as per your norm, is a baseless story. Israel has no plans to build anything there and that is my point. While you and some in the international community wring your hands about "the land grab that wasn't" you ignore or dismiss Israel's actual plans to build 2200-2500 new homes for Jerusalem's Arabs.
Update: Plans for new Arab housing gain preliminary approval!

Plans for 2 200 homes in Jerusalem Arab neighborhood gain preliminary approval Jewish Telegraphic Agency

They need to give the land back to the Palestinians an our US Pres. needs to tell Israel that is it. The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quit frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME not to mention we ruined Iraq, a country they did nothing to us. Israel needs to be booted into the sea if they can't act like human beings.

"The arrogance of Israel is sickening and quitE frankly is the reason for the discord in the ME..."

". . .the reason for the discord in the ME.."

I know you're not serious. You see and you know the horrors of it all.

"not to mention we ruined Iraq..."

"I am not ruined, i am same as before."

Can you believe the demented garbage that Penelope posts? What else do you expect from a deluded Jew hating Muslim like herself?
Muslims like Penelope will do anything to blame Muslim atrocities on Israel and America.

Can't stand the truth, can you. I'm an American who is sick of the crap we do for Israel.

Nazi scum, you've never posted anything truthful. Who are you trying to fool ?
Israel has over 300 nuke warheads, and has never used one. Given the circumstances, I'm no so sure I would be so benevolent. Pene has been brainwashed.

They will, in a heartbeat. Why do they have them? Why is that the first thing they got? Why do they not allow the IAEA in to check, the Arab nations want to know.

No they wouldn't you liar. Why do you lie so much about Israel?

On IS: "ISIS freedom fighter's convoy of new vehicles in Syria heading towards Iraq"

"I just feel that calling them terrorists is rude"

"There is no such thing as muslim blood lust."

"Member, why do you continually attack me with insults and slander?"

I apologize for calling you some names. it was ...not nice.

but NOT: JidhadiMan / Terrorist Sympathizer man.

You can't be both. One for peace - one for 'them'

you know what mean ?
Oh Sunni, not only do I know that, I know how many of them you will slaughter. I know which Muslims countries will do the invading, and How God Himself will defeat you. I know that Jerusalem will eternally belong to the Jews. And I know that even your Quran admits that God gave the Jews the land of Israel, and it should remain theirs.
But you deflect. Answer my question. Easier to do what Sunni?
Like I always say, we have to thank Sunni the ISIS supporter for exhibiting the irreversible damage that Islam can do to a human brain.

Now we know what Sunni and his buddies get drunk on.
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