It has been nearly a year. Would you still vote the same way?

after a year, I think

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I’m glad I voted for President Trump.

After seeing his generosity and kindness towards the average American, I knew he was the right man.

This is a man who understands the problems families often face....

Correct. So far, he has donated his quarterly paychecks so he's doing the job for free. His wife dramatically cut down on the First Lady staff compared to Moooochelle. Even she's saving the taxpayers millions.
How many millions did she cost us by not moving into the White House right away? And how many millions will we taxpayers spend on golf trips, where a lot of that money spent goes to trump businesses and right into trumps pockets? His salary is a paltry sum compared to what they are costing taxpayers and what trump has gained in gold trips alone. I won’t even get started on how his tax plan will save him millions.

For one, you don't even know what his tax plan is. Two, no matter what it is, it will not be the same by the time it goes through the house, Senate, and ends up on his desk if at all.

FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | HuffPost

You’re right. If you saw that interview he did recently, it’s clear trump doesn’t even know what his tax plan is :). He’s an idiot.

And you do realize that the link you posted fact-checking the cost of providing security for Melania in New York was, in fact, in the millions, as I said, right? Way more than trumps “donated” annual salary.
I’m glad I voted for President Trump.

After seeing his generosity and kindness towards the average American, I knew he was the right man.

This is a man who understands the problems families often face....

Correct. So far, he has donated his quarterly paychecks so he's doing the job for free. His wife dramatically cut down on the First Lady staff compared to Moooochelle. Even she's saving the taxpayers millions.
How many millions did she cost us by not moving into the White House right away? And how many millions will we taxpayers spend on golf trips, where a lot of that money spent goes to trump businesses and right into trumps pockets? His salary is a paltry sum compared to what they are costing taxpayers and what trump has gained in gold trips alone. I won’t even get started on how his tax plan will save him millions.

For one, you don't even know what his tax plan is. Two, no matter what it is, it will not be the same by the time it goes through the house, Senate, and ends up on his desk if at all.

FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | HuffPost

You’re right. If you saw that interview he did recently, it’s clear trump doesn’t even know what his tax plan is :). He’s an idiot.

And you do realize that the link you posted fact-checking the cost of providing security for Melania in New York was, in fact, in the millions, as I said, right? Way more than trumps “donated” annual salary.

It cost millions no matter who is in the White House. You on the left try to make it sound that this is an anomaly. The annual cost was estimated at 50 million dollars. She stayed there less than half of a year. The only reason she stayed was because of their son who was still in school. After the school year, they did move to the White House with Donald.

Michelle Obama travel expense update: Your tax dollars at work

And who paid for DumBama's golf trips? Remember Nazi Piglosi and her private jet that she had made just for her while she was speaker? She flew across the country repeatedly. Not only was that a huge expense to taxpayers, but she lent her government plane to her family stocked with treats and alcohol even though she wasn't there. We won't even get into the carbon footprint of flying back and forth from CA to DC constantly.
I’m glad I voted for President Trump.

After seeing his generosity and kindness towards the average American, I knew he was the right man.

This is a man who understands the problems families often face....

Correct. So far, he has donated his quarterly paychecks so he's doing the job for free. His wife dramatically cut down on the First Lady staff compared to Moooochelle. Even she's saving the taxpayers millions.
How many millions did she cost us by not moving into the White House right away? And how many millions will we taxpayers spend on golf trips, where a lot of that money spent goes to trump businesses and right into trumps pockets? His salary is a paltry sum compared to what they are costing taxpayers and what trump has gained in gold trips alone. I won’t even get started on how his tax plan will save him millions.

For one, you don't even know what his tax plan is. Two, no matter what it is, it will not be the same by the time it goes through the house, Senate, and ends up on his desk if at all.

FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | HuffPost

You’re right. If you saw that interview he did recently, it’s clear trump doesn’t even know what his tax plan is :). He’s an idiot.

And you do realize that the link you posted fact-checking the cost of providing security for Melania in New York was, in fact, in the millions, as I said, right? Way more than trumps “donated” annual salary.

It cost millions no matter who is in the White House. You on the left try to make it sound that this is an anomaly. The annual cost was estimated at 50 million dollars. She stayed there less than half of a year. The only reason she stayed was because of their son who was still in school. After the school year, they did move to the White House with Donald.

Michelle Obama travel expense update: Your tax dollars at work

And who paid for DumBama's golf trips? Remember Nazi Piglosi and her private jet that she had made just for her while she was speaker? She flew across the country repeatedly. Not only was that a huge expense to taxpayers, but she lent her government plane to her family stocked with treats and alcohol even though she wasn't there. We won't even get into the carbon footprint of flying back and forth from CA to DC constantly.

Who paid for Obama's golf trips? The same people who are currently paying for Trump to go golfing every weekend, the taxpayer. Only thing is, Obama didn't make any money when he went golfing, but Trump does, because he owns the golf courses he plays on and charges the government for his security detail and entourage that has to stay there with him.

Wanna talk about Steve Mnuchin and his personal trips on government planes?
I’m glad I voted for President Trump.

After seeing his generosity and kindness towards the average American, I knew he was the right man.

This is a man who understands the problems families often face....

Correct. So far, he has donated his quarterly paychecks so he's doing the job for free. His wife dramatically cut down on the First Lady staff compared to Moooochelle. Even she's saving the taxpayers millions.
How many millions did she cost us by not moving into the White House right away? And how many millions will we taxpayers spend on golf trips, where a lot of that money spent goes to trump businesses and right into trumps pockets? His salary is a paltry sum compared to what they are costing taxpayers and what trump has gained in gold trips alone. I won’t even get started on how his tax plan will save him millions.

Abby I like your new posts, you will get the hang of it here.. ( I am a conservative you will hate me) but it's good to see you are taking interest.
Who paid for Obama's golf trips? The same people who are currently paying for Trump to go golfing every weekend, the taxpayer. Only thing is, Obama didn't make any money when he went golfing, but Trump does, because he owns the golf courses he plays on and charges the government for his security detail and entourage that has to stay there with him.

Wanna talk about Steve Mnuchin and his personal trips on government planes?

So did Trump's golf trips cost the taxpayer less or more? Because I would assume since DumBama didn't own anything, the costs would be higher.

What you on the left try to do is make the claim that what Trump does is different than what Democrats do. Sorry, but they all do it, so don't lay this on Trump.
I’m glad I voted for President Trump.

After seeing his generosity and kindness towards the average American, I knew he was the right man.

This is a man who understands the problems families often face....

Correct. So far, he has donated his quarterly paychecks so he's doing the job for free. His wife dramatically cut down on the First Lady staff compared to Moooochelle. Even she's saving the taxpayers millions.
How many millions did she cost us by not moving into the White House right away? And how many millions will we taxpayers spend on golf trips, where a lot of that money spent goes to trump businesses and right into trumps pockets? His salary is a paltry sum compared to what they are costing taxpayers and what trump has gained in gold trips alone. I won’t even get started on how his tax plan will save him millions.

For one, you don't even know what his tax plan is. Two, no matter what it is, it will not be the same by the time it goes through the house, Senate, and ends up on his desk if at all.

FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | HuffPost

You’re right. If you saw that interview he did recently, it’s clear trump doesn’t even know what his tax plan is :). He’s an idiot.

And you do realize that the link you posted fact-checking the cost of providing security for Melania in New York was, in fact, in the millions, as I said, right? Way more than trumps “donated” annual salary.

What a sweet had me at hello :)
Given the same choices yeah I would I wouldn't be any more thrilled about it but I would.
I’m glad I voted for President Trump.

After seeing his generosity and kindness towards the average American, I knew he was the right man.

This is a man who understands the problems families often face....

Ignoramus, Trump is well known in billionaire circles as a scrooge.

His charity was a pass-through sham that he personally donated little to nothing to for a decade now.

Trump and the Truth: His Charitable Giving
'It has been nearly a year. Would you still vote the same way?'

After finding out Mueller, Holder, and Obama knew about and kept secret the Russian crimes of Espionage (spy got close to Hillary by offering her $$), Bribery, Extortion, and Influence-Peddling ($145 Million to Hillary), never told the Committee responsible for vetting the sale of US Uranium to Russia, and facilitated that sale?

After finding out Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC attempted to illegally purchase and use a false report filled with Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent through the Russia-Linked GPS Fusion that just Pleaded the 5th under oath before Congress?

Before seeing further evidence proving Hillary Clinton was / is guilty of the crimes for which she was being investigated during multiple investigations, which should have forced her out of the Race?

After seeing Obama's Illegal and Un-Constitutional 'Legacy' be erased from the books, seeing Obama's record-setting # of Big Govt regulations eliminated, and laws being enforced again?

After seeing job growth, unemployment decline, the # of people on Welfare / food stamps decline while the stock market climbs?

HELL YEAH, I would vote the same. The choice of 'lesser of two evils' is much easier today than it was then.
After the last week I am even more glad that trump won. I still couldn't vote for him, but another week like this I would climb, very circumspectfully and quietly on the Trump train.
Supporters of Hillary's husband chanted "it's the economy, stupid" over and over again. In view of the fact that President Trump's policies put the DOW in consistent record territory and unemployment is low and your 401k's are once more secure, wouldn't you vote again with your wallet or are you still an angry hypocrite?
Supporters of Hillary's husband chanted "it's the economy, stupid" over and over again. In view of the fact that President Trump's policies put the DOW in consistent record territory and unemployment is low and your 401k's are once more secure, wouldn't you vote again with your wallet or are you still an angry hypocrite?
Thank You President Obama from a Grateful Nation

Trump has exceeded my expectations.
Mine too, but in a negative way.

You thought the bill of rights and civil liberty would be a thing of the past by now, then Trump went and dashed all your hopes and dreams.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the constitution. He thinks they are outdated and has said so himself!

Correct. He is constantly crying about gun rights and the electoral collage and........oh wait. Never mind............

Why does he believe the constitution outdated and want it changed then?
The Founding Fodder Gave Us Oats, Not Votes

It is an anti-populist manifesto written behind closed doors by lawyers for the 18th Century 1%. Conceited but worthless political bullies try to force it down our throats.
Supporters of Hillary's husband chanted "it's the economy, stupid" over and over again. In view of the fact that President Trump's policies put the DOW in consistent record territory and unemployment is low and your 401k's are once more secure, wouldn't you vote again with your wallet or are you still an angry hypocrite?
Thank You President Obama from a Grateful Nation


So grateful that we voted for Republican leadership in the house and senate, and took over 2/3 of the governorships in the country. And now the White House. Thank you from a grateful nation.
Trump has exceeded my expectations.
Mine too, but in a negative way.

You thought the bill of rights and civil liberty would be a thing of the past by now, then Trump went and dashed all your hopes and dreams.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the constitution. He thinks they are outdated and has said so himself!

Correct. He is constantly crying about gun rights and the electoral collage and........oh wait. Never mind............

Why does he believe the constitution outdated and want it changed then?

He doesn't.

Trump is a populist who spouted the foolish crap of your party at one time.

Trump has appointed dozens of pro-constitution judges, including Gorsuch, virtually destroying the Maoist democrat plan to destroy the Constitution through treason by the judiciary.

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