It is an Odd Feeling to be a Fiscal Conservative These Days


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I believe that our last opportunity to restore the American economic miracle, through aggressive pro-growth policies, has passed and that we are now destined for permanent decline due to ever increasing debt and government regulation. I am not whining, for we still live in a democracy and the people have spoken. Whoever inherits our economic mess in 2016 and beyond will have few options other than trying to slow the decline. As a Baby Boomer, I can say that my generation is the most selfish in American history. Unfortunately, it is our children and grandchildren who will pay the price.
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments. Not during Korea, not during Vietnam, not during the Reagan buildup, not during any point of the existential threat to our nation that was the Cold War, did we spend on defense like this. Not even close.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. Budget is balanced. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.
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Agreed. I blame the American people and the Democrats/Republicans for this mess. Those 545 (?) clowns have ruined this country.
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.

I agree with virtually everything you say here. But I have seen some troubling stats that indicate the life expectancy for lower income people has not increased nearly as much as it has for wealthy. Maybe that's just inevitable, but I think it is worth noting that raising the retirement age doesn't cut equally across all socio-economic classes.
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments. Not during Korea, not during Vietnam, not during the Reagan buildup, not during any point of the existential threat to our nation that was the Cold War, did we spend on defense like this. Not even close.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. Budget is balanced. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.

...and you think this is going to happen anytime soon?
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments. Not during Korea, not during Vietnam, not during the Reagan buildup, not during any point of the existential threat to our nation that was the Cold War, did we spend on defense like this. Not even close.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. Budget is balanced. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.

...and you think this is going to happen anytime soon?

The full implications of the decline must be realized in order for meaningful long term solutions to be implemented and accepted.
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments. Not during Korea, not during Vietnam, not during the Reagan buildup, not during any point of the existential threat to our nation that was the Cold War, did we spend on defense like this. Not even close.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. Budget is balanced. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.

...and you think this is going to happen anytime soon?

The full implications of the decline must be realized in order for meaningful long term solutions to be implemented and accepted.

So the boat has to be completely underwater before you launch the lifeboats?
That's sad.
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.

I agree with virtually everything you say here. But I have seen some troubling stats that indicate the life expectancy for lower income people has not increased nearly as much as it has for wealthy. Maybe that's just inevitable, but I think it is worth noting that raising the retirement age doesn't cut equally across all socio-economic classes.

It never has, never will. But I bet the poor died younger in 1935 than they do today.
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments. Not during Korea, not during Vietnam, not during the Reagan buildup, not during any point of the existential threat to our nation that was the Cold War, did we spend on defense like this. Not even close.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. Budget is balanced. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.

...and you think this is going to happen anytime soon?

With the batch of the most cowardly politicians this country has ever seen in the Capitol today? Hell no!

They will nip and tuck, not do the major surgery required.
1. Cut defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We are not in a world war, and have nowhere near the same military commitments.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Ban tax expenditures. Remove the incentive for special interests to donate campaign cash to our Congressman to slip tax breaks into the tax code for them on a daily basis. Every tax expenditure has to come out of someone else's hide. Ban them, and we can lower tax rates across the board.

Done. That's what real fiscal conservatism looks like.

I agree with virtually everything you say here. But I have seen some troubling stats that indicate the life expectancy for lower income people has not increased nearly as much as it has for wealthy. Maybe that's just inevitable, but I think it is worth noting that raising the retirement age doesn't cut equally across all socio-economic classes.

It never has, never will. But I bet the poor died younger in 1935 than they do today.

I'll bet you are right.
Sucks to be poor - always has, always will.
No politician wants to be the guy who had the stones to put defense cuts on the table before the next terrorist attack and have all the rabid nutjobs blame him for the attack. That's why not even Obama talks about defense cuts.

These are champion cowards we are talking about. Fearmongering fuckups. Or you can just call the chickenhawks "fiscal liberals". I do. It's what they are, after all.

"We need more DEE-FENCE. Because Muslims!"

And just try to raise the retirement age and watch the gray panthers eat you alive. Watch the entitlement minded minions whine.

And take away my tax break? I DON'T THINK SO! Make that guy over there pay higher taxes to pay for my break. And borrow more from China. Or print some more money. That's the easier way to do things around here.
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...and you think this is going to happen anytime soon?

The full implications of the decline must be realized in order for meaningful long term solutions to be implemented and accepted.

So the boat has to be completely underwater before you launch the lifeboats?
That's sad.

Its because fiscal conservatism is a depressing message. You are basically telling people we can't spend money we don't have.

They have to hurt before they will be willing to help.

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