It is better to have dead victims than to fail women who can't pass firefighter test...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And here we have the left and their inability to understand truth, facts and reality, and their willingness to get people killed in order to satisfy their illness, which I have called "Reality Dyslexia."

New York Fire Department Gives Woman Seventh Chance On Running Test

The Fire Academy allowed Tapia to graduate in 2013 even though she muffed the relatively modest requirement to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes. Prospective firefighters unlucky enough to have a phallus normally flunk out if they fail that test.

After clocking in most recently at just over 12 minutes, Tapia was assigned to light duty at FDNY headquarters and then to a Queens firehouse. She never actually worked a shift and seems to have spent most of her time trying to pass the test. But she failed again and again and again and again and again.

How far are they willing to drop standards in order to impose their screwed up view of reality on the world.....this far.....

Nigro has loosened the standards to allow prospective firefighters to graduate from the academy even if they failed a rigorous “functional skills test,” which required them to run an obstacle course while wearing an oxygen tank and completing job-related tasks. Now, good grades can compensate for failing to demonstrate basic firefighting abilities, like running up six flights of stairs and raising a latter.

Gee, that is reassuring. The woman firefighter who arrives at your burning building might not be able to climb up the stairs to rescue you. But she can have an intelligent conversation with residents who managed to escape outside.

Wow....can't wait to see what they have to do to get women into the infantry in the Army and Marines......
If men can't pass the test, standards should not be lower for women

If you change standards then there should be limits of what jobs women can have. Driving the truck, putting equipment in and out. Public education. Duties in the station. Office/radio calls and communication. If they can't carry the hose, use and ax to break a wall or carry a man down stairs, she has no business in the heat of the fire.
It doesn't matter how many chances you give a woman to do a job that requires a man, she's never gonna be able to do it and that's never gonna change. Unfortunately, many people will have to die before our politically correct society finally accepts that simple rule of nature.
And here we have the left and their inability to understand truth, facts and reality, and their willingness to get people killed in order to satisfy their illness, which I have called "Reality Dyslexia."

New York Fire Department Gives Woman Seventh Chance On Running Test

The Fire Academy allowed Tapia to graduate in 2013 even though she muffed the relatively modest requirement to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes. Prospective firefighters unlucky enough to have a phallus normally flunk out if they fail that test.

After clocking in most recently at just over 12 minutes, Tapia was assigned to light duty at FDNY headquarters and then to a Queens firehouse. She never actually worked a shift and seems to have spent most of her time trying to pass the test. But she failed again and again and again and again and again.

How far are they willing to drop standards in order to impose their screwed up view of reality on the world.....this far.....

Nigro has loosened the standards to allow prospective firefighters to graduate from the academy even if they failed a rigorous “functional skills test,” which required them to run an obstacle course while wearing an oxygen tank and completing job-related tasks. Now, good grades can compensate for failing to demonstrate basic firefighting abilities, like running up six flights of stairs and raising a latter.

Gee, that is reassuring. The woman firefighter who arrives at your burning building might not be able to climb up the stairs to rescue you. But she can have an intelligent conversation with residents who managed to escape outside.

Wow....can't wait to see what they have to do to get women into the infantry in the Army and Marines......
Dude cant you see that it is more important to rectify millions of years of discrimination against the distaff community, even if it causes people to die?

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Women are so stupid. They belong in the kitchen. Right cons?
They don't belong in a construction site or a battlefield, and they don't belong anywhere where physical strength is required to save a life.
If men can't pass the test, standards should not be lower for women

If you change standards then there should be limits of what jobs women can have. Driving the truck, putting equipment in and out. Public education. Duties in the station. Office/radio calls and communication. If they can't carry the hose, use and ax to break a wall or carry a man down stairs, she has no business in the heat of the fire.
But if the results are not evenly distributed among statistically neutral gender lines, then that is solid PROOF of bias against the weaker sex....errr I mean the female gender.

Wait, can I say 'female gender' any more or is that banned now too? Isn't fe-male a sexist term also? Why does everything have to relate to the male? Evern womb-man is sexist. Maybe we should start calling females something depicting their physical structure that doesnt refer to the male in any way? Like maybe 'Holes'? Or Vagies?

This PC shit is so fucking confusing.

2ag- don't forget- all that matters to libs is good intentions! not actual results. I mean look at blacks and welfare replacing the black fathers.
Women are so stupid. They belong in the kitchen. Right cons?
They don't belong in a construction site or a battlefield, and they don't belong anywhere where physical strength is required to save a life.

If they have the physical strength you would think you could allow it, but no, that is just the camels nose under the tent, and soon work sites will lose many man hours a day with gals polishing their nails and texting their girl friends about that hot date last night.

Mac wrote: So is it fair to say you support lowering standards for women, then?

Yes or no?


... I also oppose lowering standards so black kids...

... can graduate from high school...

... when they can't even read their diploma.
Ah yes. Feel bad for the fire department.

The police departments of America have been going through this "diversification" push for over a decade now. 'Special' recruits who get unlimited chances to qualify with their guns while others get 1. Special ones who can score a 65% on the weekly tests at the academy and pass....while the standard is 80% or you fail.

But my favorite? The lowered workplace standards. Show up late to roll call regularly? You'll get suspended. can't discipline certain officers....they might sue. So when they roll in 20 minutes late most's ok. When their paperwork is subpar and the grammar in the narratives of their reports reads like a Jay Z rap lyric or a 14 year old girls text messages.....the Captain tells the Sgt "just fix it....we can't do anything about it but there's no way we can send that report to the DA office....just fix it for them". day....those people you made special exceptions for and whose paperwork you constantly had to fix for them because their fucking idiots.....get promoted and become your boss because...hey....we need diversity in command too.
Link to prove males aren't allowed to retake the test.

You ever been through a police or fire academy? Most don't give retests. ....especially on critical topics. But for diversity's becoming common practice.

I could tell you stories. You wouldn't believe them because you don't want to admit it.

Example- My former agency had a shooting qualification test consisting of 60 rounds with a pistol, various stages. You took it at the academy after 2 weeks of firearms training. You were allowed ONE retest. Fail 2x and you pack your crap and go home.

Well....a particular day there we tested a special recruit. She checked off 3 very desirable diversity boxes.

She failed. Twice. Class was released for the day. But not her. She stayed. We went through maybe 1500 rounds of ammo at least. She repeated the course at least 20 times....failed miserably. But by God....they were getting this recruit through. We "needed" more Iike her.

Finally....I saw the range master having to make the range "cold" for a Captain who had a pencil and wanted to walk down range to her target. Saw him poking some holes in it. Brought her target back and said "You passed." And she left the range and continued through the academy. Head range master was irate afterwards and refused to sign her qual sheet. Captain left with it. Someone signed it or forged it I'm sure.

Shit Iike that happens countless times a day all over America's police and fire deportments.

And guess what!!?? Coming soon to the military!!!!!!
If men can't pass the test, standards should not be lower for women

If you change standards then there should be limits of what jobs women can have. Driving the truck, putting equipment in and out. Public education. Duties in the station. Office/radio calls and communication. If they can't carry the hose, use and ax to break a wall or carry a man down stairs, she has no business in the heat of the fire.

The fire won't lessen it's severity because the one fighting it is a female.

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