It is certainly true that those who support abortion are monsters...

If you think abortion is wrong, don’t have an abortion. It’s that simple.
If you think killing a Jew is wrong, then don't kill a Jew. Otherwise, it's none of your business.

See how that works?
Except a Jew is already a living, breathing person, who has already been born.
An unborn child is just as much a person as the Jew. That's what you don't understand.

Then do you vote for those who would condemn the Jews to death, or do you like their socialist policies too much?
I'm a conservative Republican since birth, dipshit. That's why I hate the "very pro-choice" friend of the Clintons and New York limousine liberal Democrat Donald Trump.
...I said a dead baby is a dead baby, and your justifications and excuses won't wash the blood away.

A pro-abortion person marked my post as "funny."

So, pro-abortion people think dead babies are "funny."

Anyone who thinks a dead baby is funny is damned.

I just gave you a funny.... I guess I'm doomed now....


I once heard of a New Contraception Pill out of America,apparently,a Guy would put it in the heel of his shoe,and it would make him LIMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!just saying

Im not trying to justify abortion. I think it is inhumane to destroy potential human life like that. I just dont want the state wiping my ass for me like you.
Permitting abortion is the state wiping people’s asses for them. People who, despite contraception being the cheapest, most available, and easier to use than anytime in history, still have unprotected sex and are shocked when participating in the act of reproduction produces a baby. And then they ask the government if it’s ok to take a mulligan on it. It’s undeniable human life that we turn our consciousness off too and say, “go ahead and scrape it out, shit happens.” We don’t say that when people get blitzed and then hop behind a wheel and kill someone. Just because you can’t physically see it, that makes it better? It’s letting people who should know better make stupid decisions and erasing the consequences of that decision for them.

What part of this is ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS????

The decision to have a baby is none of your concern. It’s not your life. It’s not your family. You don’t want to be responsible for this child. You don’t want to pay for its health care, housing or education.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one.
It’s my business just like it’d be anyone’s business to say people should be able to choose to euthanize the low functioning mentally retarded or autistic. This isn’t an issue of people injecting themselves into others business, it’s an issue ending human life or not.

Again you are trying to equate the living with the unborn. They’re not the same and you saying they are doesn’t make it so.

Again you are stripping women of their right to self determination and control of very personal decisions affecting their lives, their families and their futures.


Again, you are trying to force your uneducated, unscientific worldview onto others. You want to be ignorant and believe the unborn aren't alive, you have the Constitutional right to do so, just as you have the right to believe the Earth is flat if that's your little red wagon. But you don't get to make the rest of us pretend that your oblivion to facts is worthy of respect.

I’m not asking for your respect. I’m asking that you stay out of decisions that are none of your business and that the government has no stake in.

A fetus has no rights or standing at law. The state has no stake in it rights to the life of that fetus. Only the mother has that right. Therefore the woman’s rights are the only ones that matter unless she herself decides to proceed with the pregnancy and the fetus is viable.

When my birth control failed and I had an unplanned pregnancy, it was at a very bad time in my life. My marriage was hanging by a thread, and I had just received an acceptable letter from a top universities in North America for their MBA program. The baby was due two weeks before classes started. I had the baby. The marriage ended when he was 2, and I never got that MBA.

That was my CHOICE.

Being pro-choice robs no one of their beliefs or their responsibilities. Being pro-choice is doing what you believe is right and letting others do the same.

Whether someone chooses to have a baby or an abortion it is none of YOUR business.
Permitting abortion is the state wiping people’s asses for them. People who, despite contraception being the cheapest, most available, and easier to use than anytime in history, still have unprotected sex and are shocked when participating in the act of reproduction produces a baby. And then they ask the government if it’s ok to take a mulligan on it. It’s undeniable human life that we turn our consciousness off too and say, “go ahead and scrape it out, shit happens.” We don’t say that when people get blitzed and then hop behind a wheel and kill someone. Just because you can’t physically see it, that makes it better? It’s letting people who should know better make stupid decisions and erasing the consequences of that decision for them.

What part of this is ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS????

The decision to have a baby is none of your concern. It’s not your life. It’s not your family. You don’t want to be responsible for this child. You don’t want to pay for its health care, housing or education.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one.
It’s my business just like it’d be anyone’s business to say people should be able to choose to euthanize the low functioning mentally retarded or autistic. This isn’t an issue of people injecting themselves into others business, it’s an issue ending human life or not.

Again you are trying to equate the living with the unborn. They’re not the same and you saying they are doesn’t make it so.

Again you are stripping women of their right to self determination and control of very personal decisions affecting their lives, their families and their futures.


Again, you are trying to force your uneducated, unscientific worldview onto others. You want to be ignorant and believe the unborn aren't alive, you have the Constitutional right to do so, just as you have the right to believe the Earth is flat if that's your little red wagon. But you don't get to make the rest of us pretend that your oblivion to facts is worthy of respect.

I’m not asking for your respect. I’m asking that you stay out of decisions that are none of your business and that the government has no stake in.

A fetus has no rights or standing at law. The state has no stake in it rights to the life of that fetus. Only the mother has that right. Therefore the woman’s rights are the only ones that matter unless she herself decides to proceed with the pregnancy and the fetus is viable.

When my birth control failed and I had an unplanned pregnancy, it was at a very bad time in my life. My marriage was hanging by a thread, and I had just received an acceptable letter from a top universities in North America for their MBA program. The baby was due two weeks before classes started. I had the baby. The marriage ended when he was 2, and I never got that MBA.

That was my CHOICE.

Being pro-choice robs no one of their beliefs or their responsibilities. Being pro-choice is doing what you believe is right and letting others do the same.

Whether someone chooses to have a baby or an abortion it is none of YOUR business.

For someone who's not asking for my respect, you certainly do seem to spend a lot of time - vainly - trying to convince me you're worthy of it.
100 years from now children will be taught about our era of history when life was so cheap, and they will wonder how we got through the day when babies were being massacred in our own communities. It's like how the world condemned the Germany people after all the Nazi crimes were exposed to the light of day. Germans said, "We didn't know" but no one believed them.
Abortion is older than your god, dufus
since his god created man and woman, it can't be.
100 years from now children will be taught about our era of history when life was so cheap, and they will wonder how we got through the day when babies were being massacred in our own communities. It's like how the world condemned the Germany people after all the Nazi crimes were exposed to the light of day. Germans said, "We didn't know" but no one believed them.
Abortion is older than your god, dufus
since his god created man and woman, it can't be.

I would be fascinated to know how he figures cavemen performed abortions - or why they would want to - but I'm at work right now, and I think laughing my ass off might make people look at me funny.
100 years from now children will be taught about our era of history when life was so cheap, and they will wonder how we got through the day when babies were being massacred in our own communities. It's like how the world condemned the Germany people after all the Nazi crimes were exposed to the light of day. Germans said, "We didn't know" but no one believed them.
Abortion is older than your god, dufus
since his god created man and woman, it can't be.

I would be fascinated to know how he figures cavemen performed abortions - or why they would want to - but I'm at work right now, and I think laughing my ass off might make people look at me funny.
maybe they just killed the woman.
100 years from now children will be taught about our era of history when life was so cheap, and they will wonder how we got through the day when babies were being massacred in our own communities. It's like how the world condemned the Germany people after all the Nazi crimes were exposed to the light of day. Germans said, "We didn't know" but no one believed them.
Abortion is older than your god, dufus
since his god created man and woman, it can't be.

I would be fascinated to know how he figures cavemen performed abortions - or why they would want to - but I'm at work right now, and I think laughing my ass off might make people look at me funny.
maybe they just killed the woman.

Well, yeah, either way one could assume that'd be the result, I guess.
100 years from now children will be taught about our era of history when life was so cheap, and they will wonder how we got through the day when babies were being massacred in our own communities. It's like how the world condemned the Germany people after all the Nazi crimes were exposed to the light of day. Germans said, "We didn't know" but no one believed them.
Abortion is older than your god, dufus
since his god created man and woman, it can't be.

I would be fascinated to know how he figures cavemen performed abortions - or why they would want to - but I'm at work right now, and I think laughing my ass off might make people look at me funny.
maybe they just killed the woman.

Well, yeah, either way one could assume that'd be the result, I guess.
you asked, I gave an answer.
Abortion is older than your god, dufus
since his god created man and woman, it can't be.

I would be fascinated to know how he figures cavemen performed abortions - or why they would want to - but I'm at work right now, and I think laughing my ass off might make people look at me funny.
maybe they just killed the woman.

Well, yeah, either way one could assume that'd be the result, I guess.
you asked, I gave an answer.

Well, actually, I said I would be interested to know what TNHarley thought, since he was the one gabbling about how "abortion is older than God".
since his god created man and woman, it can't be.

I would be fascinated to know how he figures cavemen performed abortions - or why they would want to - but I'm at work right now, and I think laughing my ass off might make people look at me funny.
maybe they just killed the woman.

Well, yeah, either way one could assume that'd be the result, I guess.
you asked, I gave an answer.

Well, actually, I said I would be interested to know what TNHarley thought, since he was the one gabbling about how "abortion is older than God".
yep, and I stated they most likely killed the women. he's still welcome to answer your post.
There was no such thing as abortions before Roe VS. Wade. Oddly enough, though, there were a hell of a lot, of D & C's!

What in the hell are you gabbling about? I assume you're trying to be clever in some fashion.

You might want to look up the medical definition of what a D & C is, before displaying your ignorance.

You might want to look up the abortion laws prior to Roe v Wade before displaying your ignorance.

There were many places in which abortions could be performed legally, and there was no need to "hide" it as you're trying to imply. Do medical records record the procedure as a dilation and curettage when that's the method used? Yes, they did and do, because it's necessary to be exactly correct and clear in medical records.. Were people using precise medical terminology as a way of disguising abortions prior to Roe v Wade? No, that's ridiculous.

my mother underwent a LEGAL abortion circa 1955. It was recorded on the hospital records as an ABORTION AND TUBAL LIGATION---
The medical authorities had determined that she was in no condition
physically and mentally to have a sixth child. Abortions are not
"LEGALLY" called "dilatation and curettage"-----.......however--it is true
that a very early pregnancy is sometimes (not so legally) called ---
"delayed menses" -----and for that reason in the past ---D & C done-----it was a kind of------cheat
t I want to know from these people who think they have a right to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies is this: How is your personal life affected by a woman, who you don't know and never will, decides to have an abortion? Why do you think you have the right to dictate to her what kind of medical decisions she should be allowed to make? And finally, would you be okay with the government dictating what kind of medical decisions you are allowed to make?
It seems that everyone wants smaller government unless it's governing women's' uteruses.
Paying for bombs that kill babies already born negates arguments against what a woman decides about her birth choices.
Partial birth aka late term abortion is a horrific procedure that would be outlawed in a rational society but it persists because it is done in secret and generally supported by democrats and the media. If it was done routinely to an animal PETA would be protesting in the streets but ironically nobody seems concerned that it happens to humans. If you can imagine a close to full term baby turned around in the womb to cause a breach delivery and stabbed in the back of the head with a frankenstein device and it's brain sucked out while it is alive until it's head shrinks like a cabbage patch doll. Is that an image you want to live with?

You are a liar.

I couldn't get past the lie in the first sentence.

The bush boy signed legislation that outlaws late term abortions back in 2002.

You're whining about something that's been illegal for 16 years.

Try a new lie to justify killing women whose pregnancy has gone wrong. Try a new lie to justify taking reproductive freedom from women. The one you used above is nothing but a lie.

Bush Signs Ban on Partial-Birth Abortions
t I want to know from these people who think they have a right to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies is this: How is your personal life affected by a woman, who you don't know and never will, decides to have an abortion? Why do you think you have the right to dictate to her what kind of medical decisions she should be allowed to make? And finally, would you be okay with the government dictating what kind of medical decisions you are allowed to make?
It seems that everyone wants smaller government unless it's governing women's' uteruses.

Well, let me see if you've got the wattage upstairs to respond to the Socratic method (I personally think Socrates would have given up on academics and become a carpenter if he'd had a student like you, but whatever). How is YOUR personal life affected by a man, who you don't know and never will, deciding to kill his mom for her life insurance policy? Why do you think you have the right to dictate to him what kind of parental-care decisions he should be allowed to make? And finally, are you okay with the government dictating what kind of decisions you are allowed to make about YOUR crotchety old mother with a hefty life insurance policy?
t I want to know from these people who think they have a right to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies is this: How is your personal life affected by a woman, who you don't know and never will, decides to have an abortion? Why do you think you have the right to dictate to her what kind of medical decisions she should be allowed to make? And finally, would you be okay with the government dictating what kind of medical decisions you are allowed to make?
It seems that everyone wants smaller government unless it's governing women's' uteruses.

That is an outdated, debunked argument. You can do what you want with your own body, but you cannot do whatever you want with someone else's body. The abortion debate hinges on when life begins, not bodily autonomy.

If you actually believed what you said, then you would think there is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman one day away from delivery butchering her perfectly healthy baby, for no reason other then she doesn't want to carry the baby anymore. A baby that is no different then a newborn. Do you believe that is OK?
Paying for bombs that kill babies already born negates arguments against what a woman decides about her birth choices.

Yes, the fact that people get killed in one way OBVIOUSLY makes any and all killings perfectly acceptable, and there should be no limits on anything people want to do if anyone, anywhere does something similar.

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