It is certainly true that those who support abortion are monsters...

Breaking News....

The soulless , spineless, feckless T-Rump is playing the anti choice hypocrites like fiddles

Trump begged campaign advisors to hide his record of supporting a woman's right to choose


I would imagine Trumpy has paid for His share of abortions in His day.

That is all you do is imagine. If you encountered a fact, it was cause you to question your own existence.
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Kavanaugh just said yesterday the BC pill is an abortive, you know where this is going. He is going to relieve ins companies not to cover the BC pills, IUD's, anything prevents pregnancy.

That is the way it should be. You want to get laid, don't take money out of my pocket to get your rocks off!

Is this the sword you want to die on. Then men shouldn’t have health insurance pay for their Viagara, or other medical care to restore their limp old dicks. When God says you’re done, no more dick hardeners for you old man.

Guess what? ED is not covered by most insurance because it is not medically necessary.

Epic fail. Try again.
If you think abortion is wrong, don’t have an abortion. It’s that simple.
If you think killing a Jew is wrong, then don't kill a Jew. Otherwise, it's none of your business.

See how that works?
Except a Jew is already a living, breathing person, who has already been born.

But if someone looks at an unborn baby/fetus the same way as someone who has been born, or at least having the same inherent value, then it makes complete sense.

I believe in legal abortion, but I understand that if someone honestly sees abortion as the murder of a person, then saying "if you don't like it, don't do it" just won't cut it. It would be the same as g5000's example, saying if you don't believe in murder, don't do it.

It's why I think arguments about abortion are often some of the most pointless possible. The people involved are often coming from such different perspectives that there can't really be discussion.
Can't they just do what they want anyway?

Not if they can't afford the means not to get pregnant. Do you think women just have abortions like water runs from your faucet. Most women think long and hard before it and you will find its mainly the poorer women who get abortion with no resources, like a mother or grandmother to take care of the child, and by the way what are the wealthy women's excuse for getting an abortion.
Double negative. It's tricky.

Are you even listening to your logic?

If they can't afford the cost of prevention, then they certainly can't afford the cost of the pregnancy or abortion. Maybe, just maybe, they should factor that into their decision making. God forbid, they take accountability and responsibility for their decisions and actions.

And yet men try to lay as many as they can. Maybe the men should think first. I am pro choice up to and including the 24th month and nothing will change my mind on that.
Like I said before it takes two to tango.

But given that men can and do walk away that is just more good reason for women to act responsibly to protect their best interests.

Tell me then why rape and incest allow abortions, you can't make up rules who gets abortions. Maybe we should make men take a pill until married to make them eunuchs.
I'm not the one to explain that to you. I don't believe the child should be punished for the sins of the father.
They probably just think you are fucking retarded. Like most of us do..
When I am in heaven and you are in hell, I will ask God to send me down to give you a drop of water, and God will say no.

So I'm sending you water now. Repent, or be damned.
Really it is the 21st Century...not the Dark Ages...Now bend down low,let me show you what I know
It really depends on how one defines "DARK AGES".
Can't they just do what they want anyway?

Not if they can't afford the means not to get pregnant. Do you think women just have abortions like water runs from your faucet. Most women think long and hard before it and you will find its mainly the poorer women who get abortion with no resources, like a mother or grandmother to take care of the child, and by the way what are the wealthy women's excuse for getting an abortion.
Double negative. It's tricky.

Are you even listening to your logic?

If they can't afford the cost of prevention, then they certainly can't afford the cost of the pregnancy or abortion. Maybe, just maybe, they should factor that into their decision making. God forbid, they take accountability and responsibility for their decisions and actions.

And yet men try to lay as many as they can. Maybe the men should think first. I am pro choice up to and including the 24th month and nothing will change my mind on that.
Like I said before it takes two to tango.

But given that men can and do walk away that is just more good reason for women to act responsibly to protect their best interests.

The women who are getting abortions aren’t party girls looking for a good time. They’re poor women who had sex with their husbands and whose birth control fails.

80% of these women live at or below the poverty line. None have job security if they become pregnant. Over half are married or in a committed relationship. 13% identify as evangelical Christians. More than half have one or more children already.

Only 15% of these women are teenagers and most of those who are teenagers are in their late teens. The vast majority are women in their 20’s.

When you look at the reality that it’s not good time party girls who are getting abortions but young and poor married couples who can’t afford to have more children, the whole abortion debate gets turned on its head.

The abortion rate in the US is being driven by Republican economic policies. Countries with FREE abortions, like Canada, have half the abortion rate of the US because of liberal economic policies.

Republicans talk the talk about opposing abortion, but do nothing to help the poor women lining up to terminate pregnancies they cannot afford, other than call them murderers.

Republican hypocrisy at its best. Punishing and shaming poor women for daring to have sex.
What does that have to do with it is wrong to end a human life?
They probably just think you are fucking retarded. Like most of us do..
When I am in heaven and you are in hell, I will ask God to send me down to give you a drop of water, and God will say no.

So I'm sending you water now. Repent, or be damned.
How much money do you give to your kid raping org, mr. pure spirit?
People like you make me sick. You probably make your god sick, too.
You can't justify your support of abortion by pointing out the sins of others. God's not going to accept that excuse.
Im not trying to justify abortion. I think it is inhumane to destroy potential human life like that. I just dont want the state wiping my ass for me like you.
Permitting abortion is the state wiping people’s asses for them. People who, despite contraception being the cheapest, most available, and easier to use than anytime in history, still have unprotected sex and are shocked when participating in the act of reproduction produces a baby. And then they ask the government if it’s ok to take a mulligan on it. It’s undeniable human life that we turn our consciousness off too and say, “go ahead and scrape it out, shit happens.” We don’t say that when people get blitzed and then hop behind a wheel and kill someone. Just because you can’t physically see it, that makes it better? It’s letting people who should know better make stupid decisions and erasing the consequences of that decision for them.
They probably just think you are fucking retarded. Like most of us do..
When I am in heaven and you are in hell, I will ask God to send me down to give you a drop of water, and God will say no.

So I'm sending you water now. Repent, or be damned.
Really it is the 21st Century...not the Dark Ages...Now bend down low,let me show you what I know
It really depends on how one defines "DARK AGES".
Medieval Times (and some in America today)
...I said a dead baby is a dead baby, and your justifications and excuses won't wash the blood away.

A pro-abortion person marked my post as "funny."

So, pro-abortion people think dead babies are "funny."

Anyone who thinks a dead baby is funny is damned.

I just gave you a funny.... I guess I'm doomed now....


They probably just think you are fucking retarded. Like most of us do..
When I am in heaven and you are in hell, I will ask God to send me down to give you a drop of water, and God will say no.

So I'm sending you water now. Repent, or be damned.
How much money do you give to your kid raping org, mr. pure spirit?
People like you make me sick. You probably make your god sick, too.
You can't justify your support of abortion by pointing out the sins of others. God's not going to accept that excuse.
Im not trying to justify abortion. I think it is inhumane to destroy potential human life like that. I just dont want the state wiping my ass for me like you.
Permitting abortion is the state wiping people’s asses for them. People who, despite contraception being the cheapest, most available, and easier to use than anytime in history, still have unprotected sex and are shocked when participating in the act of reproduction produces a baby. And then they ask the government if it’s ok to take a mulligan on it. It’s undeniable human life that we turn our consciousness off too and say, “go ahead and scrape it out, shit happens.” We don’t say that when people get blitzed and then hop behind a wheel and kill someone. Just because you can’t physically see it, that makes it better? It’s letting people who should know better make stupid decisions and erasing the consequences of that decision for them.
That is quite an unhinged rant that totally misses the point. That point is that the government has no damned business regulating women's reproductive health choices. Invoking drunk driving, which effects the lives of others is a false equivalency logical fallacy.

I will add that many of the people who are anti choice, are also against all or most forms of birth control, and it does not get any stupider than that.
They probably just think you are fucking retarded. Like most of us do..
When I am in heaven and you are in hell, I will ask God to send me down to give you a drop of water, and God will say no.

So I'm sending you water now. Repent, or be damned.
How much money do you give to your kid raping org, mr. pure spirit?
People like you make me sick. You probably make your god sick, too.
You can't justify your support of abortion by pointing out the sins of others. God's not going to accept that excuse.
Im not trying to justify abortion. I think it is inhumane to destroy potential human life like that. I just dont want the state wiping my ass for me like you.
Permitting abortion is the state wiping people’s asses for them. People who, despite contraception being the cheapest, most available, and easier to use than anytime in history, still have unprotected sex and are shocked when participating in the act of reproduction produces a baby. And then they ask the government if it’s ok to take a mulligan on it. It’s undeniable human life that we turn our consciousness off too and say, “go ahead and scrape it out, shit happens.” We don’t say that when people get blitzed and then hop behind a wheel and kill someone. Just because you can’t physically see it, that makes it better? It’s letting people who should know better make stupid decisions and erasing the consequences of that decision for them.

What part of this is ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS????

The decision to have a baby is none of your concern. It’s not your life. It’s not your family. You don’t want to be responsible for this child. You don’t want to pay for its health care, housing or education.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one.
They probably just think you are fucking retarded. Like most of us do..
When I am in heaven and you are in hell, I will ask God to send me down to give you a drop of water, and God will say no.

So I'm sending you water now. Repent, or be damned.
Really it is the 21st Century...not the Dark Ages...Now bend down low,let me show you what I know
It really depends on how one defines "DARK AGES".
Medieval Times (and some in America today)
Actually the DARK Ages were the result of A church assuming control of the interpretation of the Bible and placing ITSELF the sole interpreter, guardian, and manipulative ruler of SCRIPTURE. That "organization" then labeled the Bible as off-limits to the public at large --- who were not allowed to read or hear it in any language but LATIN!

So the DARK AGES were the end result of GOVERNMENT assuming total control of what people thought and did without question --- and being informed what was CORRECT and ACCEPTABLE in the EYES of the LORD without further investigation.

The Renaissance occurred when the printing press made Bible reading available to the masses who soon realized what they read wasn't what they were being taught!
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When I am in heaven and you are in hell, I will ask God to send me down to give you a drop of water, and God will say no.

So I'm sending you water now. Repent, or be damned.
How much money do you give to your kid raping org, mr. pure spirit?
People like you make me sick. You probably make your god sick, too.
You can't justify your support of abortion by pointing out the sins of others. God's not going to accept that excuse.
Im not trying to justify abortion. I think it is inhumane to destroy potential human life like that. I just dont want the state wiping my ass for me like you.
Permitting abortion is the state wiping people’s asses for them. People who, despite contraception being the cheapest, most available, and easier to use than anytime in history, still have unprotected sex and are shocked when participating in the act of reproduction produces a baby. And then they ask the government if it’s ok to take a mulligan on it. It’s undeniable human life that we turn our consciousness off too and say, “go ahead and scrape it out, shit happens.” We don’t say that when people get blitzed and then hop behind a wheel and kill someone. Just because you can’t physically see it, that makes it better? It’s letting people who should know better make stupid decisions and erasing the consequences of that decision for them.

What part of this is ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS????

The decision to have a baby is none of your concern. It’s not your life. It’s not your family. You don’t want to be responsible for this child. You don’t want to pay for its health care, housing or education.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one.
OK, so deliver or abort the baby YOURSELF and leave healthcare out of your distorted view of personal responsibility. Don't cry for handouts! Don't beg for help! And simply live like any stray dog out in the street as you so choose. But don't expect society to help you on you quest to be a worthless lout and murder the innocent.

By the way, we do pay for the healthcare of babies and children and also provide institutions where loving couples may adopt unwanted babies. All this seems far beyond your selfish sexual preoccupation to comprehend!

Modern medicine has come a long way to saving a babies through C section for example. Sometimes a baby does die and sometimes a mother dies and sometimes both die. However, abortion isn't about saving --- it is about killing.
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